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Personal Growth Coaching, Workshop & Retreat Topics

DAKINI LOVE, Int'l. offers Personal Growth Workshops, Retreats, Coaching, Consultations and more for the Emerging Goddess and Awakening Warrior -- (415) 339 - 8131
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Alternative Healing & Intuitive Development
Alternative Healing Modalities
Ancient Mysteries For Modern Life
Aromatherapy For Health & Beauty
Body Awareness & Spiritual Development
Intuitive Development
Massage & Energy Work
Pampering The Body, Mind, Heart & Soul
Personal Growth
Radiance & Rejuvenation
Rejuvenating The Body
Yoga, Breathing & Meditation

Dream Work & Journaling
Emotional Healing & Spiritual Development
In A High-Tech World
Empowering The True Self
Empowerment Training For Authentic Living
Energy Clearing & Intuitive Development
Healing The Hurt as a Path to Rational Living
Heart – Healing The Past For Joy & Intimacy
How To Communicate From The Heart
Mental Health and Suppressed Emotions
Personal Growth & Integration Coaching
Self, Family & Community: Creating A Balance
Using The Voice for Emotional Development
What is Emotional Maturity?

Ancient Mysteries For Modern Life
Bliss – Rapture, Ecstasy And Other States Of Being
Body Awareness & Spiritual Development
Community Action To Save Your Soul
Four Elements, Four Seasons: Soul Integration
Intuitive Development
Meditation Made Easy
Mind – Vision Quest For Clarity
Music To Liberate The Soul
Reclaiming the Sacred & Our Spiritual Healing
Right Livelihood & The New Millennium
Shamanic Journeying
Soul – Reclaiming The Sacred In A Hi-Tech World
Tantra For Everyday Life
Ten-Fold Path Of Fulfillment
The Value Of Spiritual Ritual
Wisdom – Reality & Compassion
Yoga As A Spiritual Path

Creating a Sanctuary for Yourself
Creating Your Own Goddess Temple
Eliminating Clutter
Essential Feng Shui
Feng Shui Elegance
Feng Shui For Architects & Home Builders
Feng Shui For Business Owners
Feng Shui For Home Buyers
Feng Shui For Home Offices
Feng Shui For Home Sellers
Feng Shui For Love, Health & Success
Feng Shui For Lovers
Feng Shui For Parents
Feng Shui For Success at the Office
Feng Shui For Your Garden
Feng Shui Life Coaching
Feng Shui Life Management Skills
House Blessings & Space Cleansing
The Three Schools Of Feng Shui

Coaching Series Program
Empowerment Training For Authentic Living
Feng Shui Life Management Skills
Image Consulting & Development
Inspiration & Motivation
Long Term Planning
New Millennium Networking
Presentation Skills
Put Your Best Foot Forward
Ride The Tiger : Get on Track & Stay on Track
Right Livelihood & The New Millennium
Strategic Troubleshooting
Stress Management
Ten-Fold Path Of Fulfillmemt

Re-humanizing in a Hi-tech Culture
Relaxation Techniques For Graceful Living
Self, Family & Community: Creating A Balance
Self-Care & Personal Growth
Setting Limits To Get More Involved
Ten-Fold Path Of Fulfillmemt
Throne Of Power
Time Management
Time To Heal
Wisdom – Reality & Compassion
Yoga as a Path Home

Community Action To Save Your Soul
Community Building
Discovering & Living Your Purpose In Life
RIDE THE TIGER Life Coaching
Right Livelihood & The New Millennium
Team Building
Teamwork Makes You Feel Good
Tools for Self-Discovery
Walking Your Talk & Community Building

Dating Coaching
Emotional Maturity & Successful Relationships
Healing Your Wounded Feminine & Masculine
Intimacy & Love
Path To The Beloved - Relationships As A Spiritual Practice
Relationship Issues in the 21st Century
Sacred Sexuality & True Tantra
The Dating Coach Answers Your Questions
The Goddess/Warrior Paradigm

Aromatherapy For Health & Beauty
Bliss – Rapture, Ecstasy And Other States Of Being
Creating Your Own Goddess Temple
Dancing with the Warrior
Emerging Goddess
Healing Your Wounded Feminine
Healing Your Wounded Masculine
Intuitive Development
Pampering The Body, Mind, Heart & Soul
Reclaim Your Radiance With Rejuvenation
Sacred Dance Meditation
Sacred Poetry
Self-Care & Personal Growth
Shamanic Journeying
The Goddess Within : Journey with the Divine
The Goddess/Warrior Paradigm
Voice Work

Awakening The Warrior
Defining Your Purpose and Owning Your Power
Attracting Your Goddess: Honoring the Feminine
Get On Track…and Stay On!
Relaxing With Feelings…Yours and Everyone Else’s
Sex is Not Love
Undoing the Hurts of Sexism

Astrology for Self-Understanding
Creativity & Empowerment
Dance Meditation
Developing A Personal Mythology
Dream Work & Journaling
Intuitive Development
Silent Meditation
Unleashing Creativity
Vision Quest
What Is Psychic Healing & Emotional Development?
Yoga as a Path Home

Astrological Life Maps
Astrology as a Tool for Personal Growth
Astrology For Career
Astrology For Love
Astrology For Parents
Astrology For Relocation
Essential Astrology
Four Elements, Four Seasons: Soul Integration
Life Map Readings

Art & Personal Growth
Creative Empowerment
Developing A Personal Mythology
Dream Work & Journaling
Intuitive Development
Liberating Your Creative Self
Music To Liberate The Soul
Reclaiming Your Power As An Artist
Voice Work

c 2002 Teresa Foxworthy / All rights reserved.

Artwork compiled by willowwhisper...


The Path to the Beloved Workshops
Feng Shui Consultations
TEN FOLD PATH TO FULFILLMENT Personal Integration Coaching
The Emerging Goddess Journey
Chakra Oils
Spiritual Healing
Emotional Release & Empowerment Training
Workshops and Classes
Mission Statement
Radiant Beauty
20 Ways to Be a Goddess
Conscious Relationship Coaching
Calendar of Events
RIDE THE TIGER Life Coaching for Goal Achievement
The Awakening Warrior
Astrological Readings
Life Coaching
Fragrant Gardens, Int'l.
Organic Essential Oils
Mystic Dakini
