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As you can see, the page is undergoing some changes. Hopefully it will be a little easier to navigate with the frame at the left. Please be patient while I figure out what I'm doing. ^_^


Artwork and More!

The Anime Review
Anime Reviews by the self-made critic


Update History

10/23/2009 Ha! I bet you thought I wasn't around anymore... well I am, and so are most of my cels. Cel collectors are pretty much a dead breed. CGI continues its reign and I mourn the death of cel collecting... in a way. I am happy because dang, that hobby cost me an awful lot of money, but I miss it some. An artistic aesthetic loving part of me reveled in it, and I am sad that has passed. I'm enjoying some of the new anime but I think I'll always love my old favorites too, which feel a little more special because of the artifacts they left behind. Truly, I feel cels are art, and we have lost something more than paint and acetate with their passing.

1/28/2005 Well glory be, it's been almost a year... sold one of the SP cels below and the Utena TV cel (pics are still up...will get them down someday...) In the meantime- It's a Lina invasion! Polylina from Galaxy Fraulein Yuna in the miscellaneous section and Lina in Slayers.

3/15/2004 NEW SECTION! 2 lovely Shamanic Princess cels uploaded, and my first Utena TV cel.

1/24/2004 First update of 2004- need to do some housecleaning, but first, put up a lovely Anthy from the Utena movie.

11/14/2003 Finally, updated those two Ah My Goddess cels of Urd, from the movie.

10/26/2003 Happy Time Change everyone! A little more sleep and a lot of confusion... I have some new cels (bought in september- yes, I'm behind) to put up- also added some dvd's for sale- may have to throw some junk on ebay.

8/5/2003 It's been a while- lovely new Nakago added to Fushigi Yuugi. Thinking about a new car for the hubby though, so that could mean some major cel pruning...

6/11/2003 New cel in Ah my Goddess section, and updates in Cels for Sale.

6/3/2003 Finally catching up. :) Updated Ayashi No Ceres, Saber Marionette, and Sketches.

5/26/2003 I'm still so behind! New section- Ah My Goddess - also New AnC cel, and 2 new cel previews.

4/28/2003 Yow, I need to do some scanning! 2 new cel previews...

4/22/2003 2 new drawings by me, the return of an old Fushigi Yuugi cel, and updates to the stuff for sale. More cel updates soon. ^_^

3/10/2003 BIG UPDATE! 2 Fushigi Yuugi cels, 1 new Yuuhi cel, 1 new Yohko cel.

12/13/2002 New Yohko cel up, also new Kagami. Mmmm....

11/22/2002 Update! New beautiful Tamahome opening cel added. *swoons* Thanks so much Kelly!

NEW! Listed some anime tapes and dvds for sale. New cels coming soon! Previews up in AnC and FY sections!

10/5/2002 UPDATE! Uploaded new cels from a few series- enjoy!

8/9/2002 UPDATE! It was a pain, but I finally scanned and uploaded and coded...Viola, FY, Misc, and Utena sections updated. Enjoy!

7/31/2002 Whew, I really need to start scanning- more reviews up of some Ayashi no Ceres cels. Also put up a wishlist, although I won't be able to afford anything on it for a long time...

6/14/2002 Utena movie cel preview up.

6/11/2002 Yay! we got the house! We're all moved I have to hook up the scanner so I can put up a couple more cels. In the mean time you can preview the new Perfect Blue and Fushigi Yuugi cels!

4/23/2002 Finally got the new Fushigi Yuugi opening cel scanned, added my url to a couple of pics ever since the "ebay incident". :P

4/16/2002 Still trying to get the house- gallery is shrinking, but at least I made it look a little nicer. ^_^

3/30/2002 Updated the page- took down sold cels, put up new ones, Fushigi Yuugi and Saber Marionette J and R.

3/20/2002 Cels up for sale! This time I am buying new cels, and they count. Shame on me. :P

3/7/2002 Well, I managed to go a month without buying a cel- I'm not counting this one because I actually already bought it, but the IPMO was lost in the mail and I had to pay for it again. :P New Soi cel preview up again. :D

2/8/2002 New section/cel posted-Asuka in her plugsuit! Check it out! ^_^

1/24/2002 Put up a preview of a cool new Fushigi Yuugi cel, also added two new sketches to the artwork section. Enjoy!

1/16/2002 The first update of the year! Another section gone- no more lovely Ayashi no Ceres cels. I loved the art but the series just wasn't as endearing to me as the ones I'm choosing to keep cels from. I did my taxes tonight and it pretty much crushed my dream of owning a home, at least this year.
On the bright side, couple of nice cels will be coming soon, including the mystery cel some have heard me murmuring about. For now, a nice Fushigi Yuugi cel I got from Jinx, I hope she is doing well. ^_^

12/30/2001 Well, the Card Captor Sakura section is gone, and the new Tasuki, but I put up 2 new Utena movie cels, and I'm hoping to add a new section soon. I'm going to have to put the miscellaneous section back up for those single cels...I'm too lazy to code it today though. ^_^
I also put up some new cosplay pics I dug up from around the web- I forgot where some are from, so if you took one of em tell me and I'll give you credit.

11/25/2001 Fushigi Yugi Tasuki OAV cel up, Galaxy Fraulein Yuna Opening cel up. ^_^

11/3/2001 Fushigi Yugi opening cel of Miaka up.

9/27/2001 I have 2 or 3 cels to scan and upload, but a virus ate our harddrive. So...untill my hubby gets that fixed, no new pics for a while. :P

8/29/2001 Utena cel uploaded, fixed the link for the signed Yohko cel.

8/17/2001 Preview of Utena cel, New dvd added for sale.

7/31/2001 New cels uploaded! Iczelion, Princess Rougue, Galaxy Fraulein Yuna, Devil Hunter Yohko (signed cel).

7/19/2001 I put up some pictures of my costumes and the new Yuuhi cel. My hubby fixed our internet connection, so I shoud be able to upload scans of the new cels when they arrive. Sadly, since he reinstalled windows I also want to put up a scan of the Yohko cel signed by Hisashi Abe, character designer. ^_^ He was very nice, I got my picture taken with him in my Yohko costume, and a cel signed.

7/16/2001 Reorganization in progress! Added a misc page and 2 more previews in there. Shayla will be moving to the miscellaneous page, and maybe Cherry and Yuuhi, although I have my eye on some SMJ and AnC cels... so we'll have to wait and see. ^_^

7/14/2001 My Yuuhi cel arrived today! It's awesome! However, our internet connection is not working right now, so with the help of a friend's computer I was able to add a page with pics of my award winning Asuka costume. ^_^

I think I'll start leaving an update history- kinda like a journal. ^_^
Finally, an update- preview of my first Ayashi no Ceres cel in the FY section.

Just when you think you have everything you want, your car dies. So suddenly you realize you want a new car. Away go the cels... But, I still have about half of them left, and they are becoming more organized. No more Ryoko cels though *cry*. We did get a new car, I'll have to put a scan of that up. ^_^ It's a green Honda Civic. (hmm...since my first car was Ryoko and it died, maybe this one is Ryoko Resurrected?) groan...

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