Ooo, Logs!

You know you love to read 'em (or at least, -I- do ; ). I've finally decided to compile a page of my logs...*gasp* ...and what a long, strange trip it's been! Lis has, in my horrible metaphor of the snowball-effect around cubicles, become something I'd never expected. Whether you've known her from that crazy Fourth Clutch Search - or earlier! - or you're just starting to fear her, these logs are, hopefully, still as fun to read as they were to RP.

You might notice a lot of these start with Candidacy/Weyrlinghood. Well, that's because I finally got into the whole logging craziness thing around then. So, in case you were wondering... that's why. :D So, in a mostly-chronological order, here are the logs!

Sorry for those of you using IE. I didn't realize that the font is all gigantic. I'll be fixing that, someday. Maybe. If I knew how.

And on a small, side note: These logs are not all happy, fluffy pink bunny, Disney-approved circumstances. So just use your judgement while perusing. :>

Liseria: Apprentice and Candidate Lis: 'Innocent' Weyrling Busty Lis: Mother and Beyond! Lis: A Weyrmated Woman, Reformed? Kids!

There's been... a few. Here they are, grouped nicely for your convenience. New! All new!


They've gotten so prolific, they deserve their own section. ;)