Science Activity
How Temperature Affects Chocolate
Purpose: Temperature
affects most substances. We eat certain foods raw, but others must
be cooked in some way. Cooking changes the foods, usually by heat.
For example, as a piece of white bread is heated in a toaster, its
surface becomes darker and crispy and its color changes to brown.
Does chocolate change when the temperature increases or decreases?
The following activity will help you find out.
Equipment for each group: Plain
candy bar (1.55 oz. bar works well), one cup with ice, two snack size sealable
plastic bags, paper plate or paper towel, student recording sheet.
Give out supplies to each group.
Break chocolate bar into three pieces. The pieces should
be close in size, but do not have to be equal in size.
Put one piece in each plastic bag and seal. Squeeze
out most of the air before sealing.
Set the third piece of chocolate aside on the paper plate.
Put one bag in the cup of ice for a minimum of five minutes.
Hold the other bag between your clasped hands for a minimum
of five minutes.
Take the plastic bag out of the ice. Remove chocolate
from the bag. Place chocolate on paper plate or paper towel.
Observe the chocolate piece for any physical changes.
Break the piece of chocolate. Does it have the same texture
as the original piece of chocolate?
Take the bag that was held in your hand and observe this
piece for physical change.
How did the temperature affect this piece of chocolate?
Does this piece have the same texture as the control piece
of chocolate?