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Alexandra: How was it different working on this album then it was on the Burn Kate ones?


Sean: I think on this album we were much more serious and focused on the music...not to say we didn't have a good time, but I think we just knew what we needed to get done and just did it

Sean: ?


Alexandra: Do think because you put more effort into it rather than drinking garlic sauce?


Alexandra: sorry had to write, I’m very slow (laughs)


Sean: it's all good....do I actually have to answer that?


Sean: (laughs)


Alexandra: (laughs) well you don’t have to.., but what would I tell the fans?


Sean: I just think we went in with more of a work attitude than a fooling around attitude, so we made better music instead of doing other things, like...drinking garlic sauce;-)


Sean: sauce


Alexandra: (laughs)


Alexandra: Do you think the album was more personal?


Sean: In some respects. For me it was because I was more involved over the past year or so in writing and arranging the songs.


Alexandra: What's your favorite part of working on an album?


Sean: Probably hearing the song come together bit by bit...at first it's just drums, then drums and bass, then drums, bass, and guitars...it's cool to hear it come into shape


Alexandra: Least favorite part?


Sean: Making the cover art


Alexandra: Do you normally have some one draw/scratch/spit the cover art or do you do it yourselves because the Burn Kate- big rock show was hot


Sean: It depends...for Big Rock Show we had a definite idea of what we wanted before the album was even recorded. For the JC album we had no clue, so Josh just asked my girlfriend to do some drawings/paintings for us, and that's what we ended up with.


Alexandra: Alright, Lauren Kirk told me you hate this question but answer it anyways, how did Jersey Calling get its name?


Sean: It's a tribute to The Clash's "London Calling"


Alexandra: that’s pretty cool


Alexandra: is London Calling your favorite song by the clash?


Sean: not really, we just thought it was catchy


Alexandra: do you even like the clash?


Sean: very much, but I think their earlier stuff was much better than London Calling


Alexandra: good, otherwise I would have stopped the interview to open a can of whoop ass on you, (laughs) just kidding


Sean: (laughs)...thanks


Alexandra: What’s the craziest thing a fan has ever done?


Sean: to me?


Alexandra: to you or the band... or you could answer both


Alexandra: it’s all good


Sean: ummm...one girl totally ignored her curfew to come over to our house after a show and her parents reported her missing to the cops...that was a fun night


Alexandra: I feel sorry for the girl... ah well


Alexandra: Since this is for the Colls school newspaper, which band is better, Dirty Larry or No Regrets?


Sean: Is it cool if I choose not to answer this one? Because no matter what I say, I'll end up getting punched in the face


Alexandra: (laughs) good answer


Sean: in all seriousness, they're both really great bands that have a lot of talent, and they're always fun to play with


Alexandra: the correct one though was neither because they both are rockin'


Sean: true


Alexandra: cool, no I wont get punched, I’m best friends with Zach Crites lil sister Aja, and he said no regrets had to be 'rocking' or it was my fault (laughs)


Sean: (laughs), awesome


Alexandra: What was your 'axe(s)' of choice on this album?


Sean: I bought this no-name brand guitar when I went to Colorado this December...it's a dark purple thing with a cool snake inlay on it...it's all I ever play now. Very 80's hair metal


Alexandra: kickass


Alexandra: What bands influenced this album mostly?


Alexandra: or was it totally all the bands own influence?


Sean: ummm...probably Alkaline Trio, the Ramones, the Clash, Green Day, Rancid, and a little bit of Kenny G...


Alexandra: cool cool


Alexandra: Favorite Ramones song?

Alexandra: don’t worry, there are only like five questions left


Sean: Daytime Dilemma (Dangers of Love) off the Too Tough to Die album


Alexandra: While in Jersey calling/Burn Kate/ other bands, have you discovered any hidden talents or stuff you didn’t know about yourself?


Sean: Not really. I never really had an issue with stage fright, so that was never a problem. I guess I've just had a lot of fun, that's all


Alexandra: What’s your favorite jersey calling or Burn Kate song to play live?


Sean: JC- Long Hard Road...BK- either Never Follow a Pretty Girl or Suburbia


Alexandra: Who wrote the lyrics to suburbia? Because in the beginning of the year I heard that one of the guys from Son of Alf wrote it that rumor has stopped, but it’s kept me wondering


Sean: josh did


Alexandra: so no Son of Alf?


Sean: no, who are they?


Alexandra: are you serious?


Sean: yeah


Alexandra: https://www.angelfire.com/myband2/sonofalf/


Alexandra: anyways...


Alexandra: last on the record question


Sean: kewl


Alexandra: Boxers, briefs, thong, or nothing?


Sean: right now...boxers....


Alexandra: and that’s it for the interview questions, but I have one more I'm just wondering; question, how did you meet Peter Divine? He talks about you all the time and I haven't asked him so I figured I’d ask you


Sean: oh....I used to work at 3 Beans coffee, and his band played there all the time, he's a great guy


Alexandra: oh that’s cool, he is pretty cool he teaches me guitar…


Alexandra: shit I almost forgot the big question, any advice for aspiring guitarists?


Sean: I know its cliché, but PRACTICE

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