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The Band...


Phil's version- Here's the skinny. Josh asked me to play on the new album after Burn Kate broke up. I said that I would and that I would still get to produce this album. We were all agreed on this. After the first practice at my house, I was very excited. We then practiced at Randy's house that night, and it became apparent that I belonged in this band. We had finished half of the music in one day's work. This is hard enough for any band to do in a few weeks yet alone one day. On the car ride home from the first night's rehearsal Josh asked if I wanted to be with the band full time, and I agreed. He said, "Yay!" and that was the end of that. Sean had yet to see what we had done in one day's work. Sean saw the next day what we had worked on and I think nearly pissed himself. This is the start of something HUGE!
Sean's version- One time Josh and I were hanging out at our place drinking beers and stuff, and Randy came in with this little flask and said, "Hey man, you gotta try this!" So I did, and the last thing I remembered was a horrible burning sensation in my thoat. When I came to, I was duct-taped to the floor in Randy's basement, with my guitar strapped to my back. Josh was standing behind me with a bull-whip shouting "Play, dammit! Play!." So yeah, that's how I got in the band. Jerks.
Josh's version- After the fall of my previous band, Burn Kate, Sean and I were looking for a new band to play under the name Jersey Calling. I had to look no further than my email address, which was flooded with letters of consolation for BK's death, and one email from Randy, asking if we needed a bass player for Jersey Calling. Emailing him back was probably the best idea I've ever had, as he's helped us out so much with songwriting, guitar repairs, and getting this website up and running. Randy is pretty much our backbone for shit like that cuz he's not a lazy alcoholic. Rock on Randy! Phil always has been a good friend of me and Sean, and when we finally got down to practicing with him, he decided he should be a permanent part of the band. (Thank God, drummers are impossible to find, let alone one with Phil's talent). So now we have a full lineup, and JC is ready to rock out with our less-than-endowed cocks out. See ya at the shows!!!
Randy's version- Josh and Sean were in a band that probably most of you reading this already know called "Burn Kate." They fucking rocked. Due to whatever story Josh posted on the front page of their site... the band broke up. I play (still, yes) in a band called DiSSiDenT. We did a whole shitload of shows with those guys and got pretty tight. When the band broke up I wrote Josh an email asking him about a future direction in music, and thus: Jersey Calling. The real question was, where are we going to find a drummer? They had to look no farther than their buddy Phil who is simply amazing and has been playing for something like 13 years. At first, he was just going to play on the forthcoming record, but after just one practice with us he decided that he wanted in full time. Go Phil! Anyway now we have 4 set members and we're going to rock you so hard your grandmom's panties fall off. See you at the shows!