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The Band...


Rach: Alright, I am here with Jersey Calling and they are...

Sean: Sean
Randy: Randy
Phil: Philip
Josh: Billie Joe Armstrong ... Josh

Rach: Yes, alright, and our first question is: what is your favorite part of being in a local band?

Sean: Uhh ... going to taco bell afterwards.
Randy: I like playing shows like this. It's a lot of fun.
Phil: I like showing off my chops.
Josh: Not showering.

Rach: Yes, not showering, and what do you think is the worst part?

Sean: Josh not showering.
Randy: Same.
Phil: Same.
Josh: Peanuts? I dunno.

Rach: What would you say is your all-time favorite cd and why?

Sean: Come back to me.
Phil: I got one: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magik because every song is a classic.
Rach: good call.
Josh: Mine isn't exactly, like, a classic like that, but um, like mine changes week to week. I'd say this week it would be Alkaline Trio - From Here to Infirmary.
Sean: I think mine's Greetings from Asubry Park, NJ by Bruce Springsteen. I'm serious.
Randy: I like Burn Kate's Big Rock Show.
Sean: I hate you.
Randy: I heart them.

Rach: Okay, what's your favorite food?

Sean: Pizza.
Randy: I like Reeses, but I'm on a diet now and I can't eat them. It's my own diet, you know, nobody put me on it. It's sort of like, I don't even care how I look, I just wanna, you know, not run out of breath when I'm jumping around and stuff because that sucks.
Phil: I'm actually a big salad fan right now. That's my favorite right now.
Josh: Beer and Sean Breslin's mother.

Rach: If you could go on a date with one popstar who would it be?

Sean: Oh man, Shakira all the way.
Randy: Sean Breslin all the way.
Phil: Sean Breslin's mother.
Josh: Pink.

Rach: What is your least favorite question to be asked in an interview?

Sean: It used to be "How did you guys get your name?" but now, um, I think that one.
Randy: What do you hate about being in Jersey Calling, cuz like, there's nothing really that I hate about it.
Phil: I hate when people ask me about my age cuz I'm the oldest person at any show ever.
Josh: I hate it when people ask me personal questions, like what color are my nipples, but you guys haven't asked that so thank you.

Rach: No, I plan not to ask about the color of your nipples.
Josh: They're pink.

Rach: Haha, okay, which are better - mixtapes or mixed cds?

Sean: Mixtapes.
Randy: I'm gonna have to go with cds.
Phil: Definately mixtapes.
Josh: 8 tracks!

Rach: Do you think that cheerleading is a sport?
[the music playing in the next room got quite loud at this time, so what I said was not really heard by anyone but Sean.]

Sean: Cheerleading is definately not a sport.
Randy: What he said.
Phil: Yeah both of them.
Josh: ... Could you repeat the question?
Rach: Is cheerleading a sport?
Josh: ... Yeah ...
[Everyone laughs]
Sean: A spectator sport, right?
Josh: Yeah

Rach: Do you guys have, like, a lot of crazed fans, and if so what's the most ridiculous thing someone's ever done?

Sean: One time we were driving away from a show we weren't even paying and some girl put her butt up against my windshield. [points to Josh] You were there!
Randy: Crazed fans ... huh? The after parties are always crazy so yeah.
Phil: There was some crazy kid from Dirty Larry who tried to put a sticker on my bass drum. I ended up letting him, but he's still crazy.
Josh: There's this one girl Kristen Wilcox that keeps stalking us and it's Rob Wilcox from Dirty Larry's sister and I don't know why she's stalking us and I hope Rob reads this ... and I hope he cries himself to sleep.

Rach: Now here's a question that I might ask and it's one that everyone loves to hear - boxers, briefs, thongs, or no underwear?

Sean: Any left over Burn Kate thongs. [as a reference, they were mysteriously found in the woods by Hopkinds Pond behind HMHS ... strange ... ]
Randy: In a perfect society I'd say no underwear, but I wear boxers so I can take my pants off whenever I feel like it.
Phil: Yeah, big men definately wear boxers.
Josh: I've been wearing this one pair of boxers for like a month now and they won't come off my body and I think they've fused to my body hair.

Rach: Well I guess that answers the question what item of clothing do you wear most ...

Josh: oh, no no no ...

Rach: No? okay then what item of clothing do you wear the most?

Sean: My Two Days... Italian Stallion shirt cuz it's the best shirt ever.
Randy Uhhh ... I dunno ... a belt.
Phil: Uh, I wear my shirt that I got from Mars MMusic when I used to work there. I wear that like every day.
Josh: Panty Hose.

Rach: Panty Hose ... alright if you could sing a song into someone's answering machine, whose would it be and what would you sing?
Sean: Umm ... This is going to be gay and corny but I don't care, I'd sing Can't Help Falling In Love With You by Elvis into my girlfriend's.
Josh: You're so gay.
Sean: I know.
Phil: I'd sing Closer by Nine Inch Nails to this really hot chick at school.
Josh: I'd sing this to you: And I'm gonna hold you close, and I'm gonna love you forever baby ... and ... and we're gonna have ... children and a hamster.
Rach: Thank you ... I'm ... I'm flattered.
Randy: I'd sing Is the Answer in the Question by MxPx to my girlfriend Jojo.

Rach: If one pre-existing song could be written about you, what would it be?

Phil: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.
Josh: Highway to Hell.
Randy: It's Raining Men.
Sean: Drinking Binge.

Rach: Okay, since you guys are a punk band and around here there's a lot of ska, do you think that affects you as musicians or do you think that it affects your shows?

Sean: I think kids that like ska and punk usually get along really well and usually, like, I dunno I just think they work really well together.
Randy: I think there's a lot of ska kids and a lot of punk kids, you know, so the shows, all the bands are friends, you know what I mean, like we all play shows together, we know eachother, we're probably covering Dirty Larry's CD and we're not even a ska band.
Phil: As far as, like, the genres of music when you get the meat of the matter, good music is good music and that's what I pride myself on, is good music.
Josh: I personally am influenced by ska a lot, in my song writing, and like Less Than Jake I really like a lot, and I think Dirty Larry is one of the best ska bands out there, seriously, they're really good and we are covering two of their songs on a split that we're gonna do with them this summer so it's pretty cool.

Rach: Very cool. What is your favorite venue that you've played so far and why?

Sean: Wait, as Jersey Calling?
Rach: Just in general cuz Jersey Calling hasn't been around for too too long.
Sean: Just do it as Jersey Calling ... um ... sure tonight was fun!
Randy: Yeah I think tonight was prolly the best show yet.
Rach: Why would you say that?
Randy: Um, best crowd. The crowd was good, lotta dancing, lotta jumping and screaming lyrics.
Josh: Crowdsurfing!
Randy: Yeah crowdsurfing and I went in the pit with my bass and it was fun and I ripped, yo I ripped some kid's patch off the back of his shirt with my bass, and I'm so sorry.
Josh: Tonight, definately, great show tonight.

Rach: Awesome. Alright guys, well that's all the questions I have for tonight. Thanks so much for coming out.

Sean: Thank you!!
Josh: No ... thank you.
Phil Thank you.
