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This interview took place outside Brenners Brew in Bridgeton, NJ on January 31st 2003. This interview contains lots of profanity and sexual comments. If you don't like those things then don't read.

Anne:What's your name and what do you play in the band?
Josh: My name is Anne and I'm the proprietor of Strong Convictions Music Magazine. Hi my name is Josh Kates and I play guitar crappily and I sing. Sean: My name's Sean and I play guitar.
Randy: Randy and I play bass.
Phil: My name's Phil and I'm the dumber, I mean drummer.

Anne: Okay, how'd you guys get your name?
Josh: London Calling by the Clash.
Randy: Josh slapped me on the ass and said Jersey Calling baby!
Josh: Yea that happened too.

Anne: Um..Ok. What are most of your songs about?
Josh: Beer.
Randy: Beer.
Phil: My huge member.
Josh: It could be anal sex with goats.
Randy: Yea it could be worse.
Sean: They're about the fragile strain of humanity in our modern times.

Anne: Ok..since you guys have only played four shows so far..what's your favorite place to play?
Josh: Weddings.
Randy: Funerals.
Sean: I dont have any-
Randy: Anywhere where the crowd is good.

Anne: Any hidden talents?
Sean: Josh and I butt fuck for hours on end.
Josh: That's not a talent.
Randy: With a bionic penis.
Josh: There ya go!
Anne: Wait..who has the bionic penis?
Josh: Sean kicked Anne's ass.
Anne: No he didn't. I kicked his.
Sean: I drink some times.
Phil: I saw my ass in the mirror once, that's talent.
Josh: The whole thing?
Phil: Dude I saw it.
Josh: Did you see the cornhole?
Randy: They won't let you take Tequila out of Mexico cause it has a worm in it. Did you know that? (*side note* And the relevance of that statement to the question is?)
Josh: Can you print cornhole? (this was originally for my highschool paper)
Anne: Probably not.
Phil: What about asshole?
Anne: It's a highschool newspaper!
Josh: I've got a good one...fucking cunt.
Randy: There's lots of cops here, and I always know when they're coming.
Josh: Randy has ESP and I have buttfuck vision.

Anne: Alright. If you were kidnapped, put in a room, stripped naked, had your balls stapled to a table and then the room was set on fire, what would you do? Rip and run or burn?
Josh: Well...
Sean: I'd take the fucking table with me.
Josh: I'd start singing Cumbya.
Randy: I'd try and spit on the fire.

Anne: Any favorite local bands?
Josh: Dirty Larry, I hate Dissident.
Randy: I love Dissident.
Anne: You don't count.
Randy: I like Death By Monkeys and First Step To Failure.
Josh: Gotta be Burn Kate.

Anne: What bands influenced you guys growning up?
Josh: Uh...Madonna. Any kind of polka music.
Sean: Elvis
Phil: Yo-Yo Ma
Randy: Green Day is a good band.
Josh: I like Alkaline Trio.
Randy: I like Less Than Jake.
Sean: ELVIS!!

Anne: You've got bands like Good Charlotte and Sum*41 on MTV do you think they deserve it?
Randy: I think if they've worked hard enough for it, ya know. Like if it's your first album and you get put out on a major label, you have no fucking right to any of that. You should go out and be touring. You should be trying and be promoting yourself, you don't need anyone else to do it for you.
Josh: I wasn't allowed to say this in the last interview cause Jim wouldn't let me but...FUCK DRIVE THRU RECORDS AND ALL OF THEIR BANDS.
Josh: I love you Rich. Did I mention I'm a 16 year old virgin boy.
Randy: I like all the bands they used to have. Stop signing shitty bands.
Phil: I like when they had Yo! MTV Raps on MTV.
Sean: In response to the question about the bands and shit, I also think people should support local bands instead of the bands making it big on MTV because there's a lot of better bands playing in little coffee shops in Bridgeton, NJ like First Step to Failure.

Anne: What do you guys think of the whole new "EMO" scene thats coming out?
Josh: Simple Plan sampled Blink 182...how do you sample another punk band when you're a punk band? How do you do that?
Anne: So what do you guys think of bands like Thursday-
Josh: Suck.
Anne: and Taking Back Sunday?
Josh: All of em suck.
(Randy actually likes Taking Back Sunday)
Phil: I have a question...who's Thursday and Taking Back Sunday?
Sean: My favorite emo band is Two Days...
Josh: Yea Two Days... is good, they're an emo band and they're good.
Anne: So you guys like anything like Taking Back Sunday...
Josh: I'm not a big fan of Taking Back Sunday. Sometimes they have good lyrics.
Sean: I like some of the emo bands, but I hate the guys voices cause they sound like little girls.

Anne: Ok. Last question. Finally. Say anything you want. Plug your band, plug other local bands. SAY ANYTHING.
Randy: www.jerseycalling.com
Anne: Okay everyone go around and plug a local band.
Josh: Dirty Larry. www.njdirtylarry.com KRISTEN WILCOX! Sean: I don't know any local bands.
Randy: BURN KATE! http://www.burnkaterock.com
Sean: Death By Monkeys. deathbymonkeys.cjb.net
Phil: Dream Theatre!

*End of very fucked up interview*

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