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>> ARCHIVE >> 2000
ARCHIVE : 2000 : 2001 : 2002 :

December 31st - 11.01pm: I added a few funky new features to the site early this morning [2amish] - we now have a little poll. The question is currently rating the site - just so I can see what you think of it. I will soon be updating the question to relate to Human Nature more closely. Also, I've added a Mailing List. Simply put your email address in the space below and you'll receive sporadic emails relating to major updates on the site and news on Human Nature. I'm not sure how often the emails will be sent out but I'll try to keep it regular. Now I'm off to party in the New Year - starting early :) Have a blast everyone!!! See ya next year!

December 30th - 11.01pm: Sorry for the lack of updates. Angelfire decided it'd be fun if they deleted a few pages on me so I haven't been updating for a few days incase it happened again. Hope everyone enjoyed their Xmas ans has a great New Year planned - have a great one! Don't eat to much - drink all you want and tel lme everything :)
I've added two new pics to the 'new weekly' pages of the magazine gallery. Also added 70 photos to the new 'live photos' section that I added today. I've only been able to scan the photos from the most recent promo tour [the 2000 section]. The rest will be scanned in over time - it's no small job! I also had planned to ad a clothing section to fun and games 'fashion victim' - a search for Human Nature's clothes and where fans can buy them - but that's what Angelfire decided to delete so it'll have to be re-don - later. That's all for now. I won't be back for a few days so - See you next year!

December 21st - 12.41pm: Well it looks like a survived Adelaide! I was planning a full day of updates today but those pesky department stores are calling for me to finish my Christmas shopping so alas I must be off soon. I have only updated the band news today - I will be back later on though to complete the lyrics pages and maybe add a few new posters to the gallery if my scanner behaves itself!
Later: 7.41pm: Okay I was gonna do a heap of stuff but I guess I'm still 'recovering' from my trip. Or that's the excuse anyway! It's far too hot in here to do any more but I have updated the magazine gallery - 2 new 'exclusive's a new 'juice' and 2 new 'big hit' pics. Also we've won the 'webmasters fave' award from the lovely Jacinta at 'All Star Adoptions' so HUGE hugs and thanks to Jacinta!!!! As I said, too hot for any more so I'll do it later - prob not till after Xmas.

December 12th - 12.07pm: Just an emergency update today. I haven't had a chance to add the rest of the new album lyrics yet - they'll have to wait for another week I'm afraid. I've added a few new CLique members and a general band update. I'm off to Adelaide tonight for the whole week so I won't be able to update for a while. I'll update hugely when I've recovered from my trip though :)

December 8th - 8.56pm: I've done quite a lot of nothing tonight. I've finally scanned and posted up the black and white images as well as the 'cream' images. The new official promo shots have been posted into the individual and group image galleries. I've also altered the layout of the galleries so they look neater. I haven't yet had the time to add the remeaining album lyrics - possibly on the weekend. I have, however, added the lyrics to 'legs' which appears on Andrew Denton's 'MTV Musical Challenge' album. That's it I think. Somw other minor bits here and there but nothing else that needs a mention.

December 4th - 10.12am: I've added a few of the new album lyrics today - Trash, If I Only Had The Heart, When We Were Young - the rest I'll have to put up later 'cos I have no time left today - have to enrol at Uni. Isn't the album fantastic though!! I'll add the rest of the lyrics after HN Madness has left Melbourne on Thursday - sorry for the delay - and I'm going to add a dictionary type thing of all the words and abbreviations used by HN and HN fans so that u can have a better understanding of what's going on!

December 2nd - 9.16am: You might have noticed the new Christmas splash on the index page. It's just a little message from Natural Incentive to all of [everybody say 'awwwwww'] I was gonna leave it till later in the week but with all the HN stuff I have planned for both Melbourne and Adelaide I really won't have time to update much in between. Except the lyrics to the new album which, if I can get the album today *fingers crossed to breaking point* I'll put up today.

November 30th - 1.47pm: I've just added 2 affiliates to the splash (index) page - Marc's site 'HNFM [LIVE]' and my own site index 'The Xalanas Network' Please support the affiliate program by visiting these sites. Also, I've created a fun Christmas splash image that I'll put up on the index page at the end of next week (before I head off to Adelaide on the 12th)

November 30th - 1.25am: Final update today with the site closed! I'm going to try to re-open it now - or tomorrow morning. Angelfire is being a royal pain so I'm having major troubles updating simple pages. It could take a while to change the splash page and a few minor pages. Tonight I've finished the fan central pages - the last ones that needed completing. So the whole site is now decked out in the new look! I added a few details to the 'fun and games' pages and the transcropits. None of the transcripts are completed yet. They'll be done after the Promo Tour's over.

November 26th - 1.06am: Wowee today's been busy. I've added the new layout to the entire lyrics and discography sections and the image gallery. I tried to do the same to the transcripts but with Angelfire playing up like you wouldn't believe, what I've done so far has taken 3 times as long as is should have. So the transcripts and fan central pages will have to wait. I should fortunately be able to have the page upu and running before Friday which is the goal!

November 16th - 11.44am: Transformed a few more pages - The entire 'general' section and bits of the 'interactive' section are now completed. Only about 500 more pages to go :) hehe Also updated the band news with new instore dates. That's all I'm doing for now - I might come back later tonight for more.

November 14th: I've temporarily closed the site so I can get the new layout underway. I've abandoned the frames for a funky-ish table format. Not to sure how long it'll last yet but we'll give it a go over summer. Only the profile pages and one or two other have been changed. The others will be updated throughout the week and the site should be open by the weekend.

November 8th: Today I've updated a few links and re-added 'TE about Phil B'. Also added the preliminary promo dates to the bandnews. That's about it.
Later: Okay I'm back. I've redesigned a new look for Natural Incentive. You can take a look at it here and plz let me know what you think!! Also, there's a HN poster in Big Hit - I've added it to the images. It's also become the feature image for the new layout! Pretty good work for a first day huh :)

November 6th - 5.00pm: Everybody got their copy of He Don't Love You??? How FANTASTIC is this single! "Angel of my Heart' is just the most adorable song! Speaking of which, I have just added the lyrics for 'AOMH' to the lyrics page - so far as I can tell they are correct. May need a 'tweak' hear and there. Enjoy! Will be back to full-blown updates in just over a week! (after Uni exams)

November 3rd- 1.45pm: Just a quickie today. Added the new Smash Hits page. It's another 'Neighbours' piccie page.

November 1st - 1.40pm: Okay, I'm not meant to be here but I've just made an ad-type pic for HN on Neighbours with the announced dates on it. I made two - a coloured one and a green one. They're both the same but, for the moment, I'm posting the green one 'cos I think it looks a little less chaotic. Here's both the pics anyway if you want a squiz:

November 1st - 12.02am: Welcome to November :) I'm not putting this update on the main page because I'm not meant to be updating. Meant to be studying. But, in the grand tradition that is my brain, I can't study. So I've updated. I've added 4 new pics to the magazine articles - the back of the HDLY exclusive, a fairly new-ish SmashHits pic and the Neighbours pics from TVHits. Also added 1/2 the Rove Live transcript. The rest is coming soon, as are the 5 AMV transcripts. That's it I think. It should be tidied up after exams- after the 15th.

October 30th - 12.48pm: Done quite a bit today. I've updated the band news. Also added the promo poster for HDLY to the images (in the 'exclusive' section of magazine posters) Only the front of the page is there because the back won't scan properly. I'll try it again later. The 'Naughty By Nature' section has not yet been added to 'fun and games' as promised 'cos I ran out of time. I'll work on that later too. The discography for HDLY has been added. The track listing is up but no pic avalable yet. A few other miscellaenous things have been updated and fixed as well. I won't be online for the next 2 weeks - until the 15th of November - becasuse I have Uni exams starting on the 6th of Nov. So, don't forget to pick up your copy of HDLY on Monday and I'll see you all after the 15th!!

October 23rd - 11.37am: It's been almost ten days since my last confession .. ah .. update :) Sorry. I've updated the band news and added a new section to the 'fun and games' called 'Naughty by Nature' it's a collection of somewhat contraversial lyrics HN have included in some of their 'angelic' songs. I'm also thinking of desinging a new frameless layout for the site. Let me know if you have an opinion on what I should do. I think the green will stay but the design will change.

October 14th - 8.22pm: I think this is almost the earliest I've ever finished an update! haha. Well there's a whole new image gallery today. I've scanned a heap of magazine posters (I am missing some of the newer ones though) and added them to a new 'magazine posters' section of the image gallery. Also, theres a new section in the 'fun and games' called 'sound alikes'. Not much else updated - been listening to 'He Don't Love You' too much :)

October 13th - 10.15pm: BIG update today! 'He Don't Love You' was premiered on TTFM and FoxFM (in Melb) and as a result of these wonderful happenings I've been able to add the lyrics to the song in the 'lyrics' section, and, as a bonus, I've also added a transcript of the interview Andrew did with Andy G (TTFM) to introduce the song (in the Media section) 'cos it was so cute! Also, I've done a MAJOR update of the news/goss so don't forget to read right through it in case you miss something! There's A LOT happening this week! sleepless - personal I haven't been able to fix up the images that aren't working yet because Angelfire's being very temperamental. I'll give it a go later. Promise! We've also hit the 1500 visitors mark so THANKS everyone for stopping by!! Oh, if you're interested, I have a new personal site if you wanna know more about me. It's called Sleepless and you can go to it by click on the name.

October 9th - 12.55pm: Once again I haven't had much time for a very thourough update. I've been working on my other sites - a personal one and an Angel one. I have updated the band updates though. I should be able to add the lyrics for 'He Don't Love You' soon :) And I'll try to get my hands on some Neighbours pics and possibly organise screen caps - might be hard though

October 2nd - 12.18am: Sorry for the long absance again. My muse has been aluding me so my inspiration has dropped. Did everyone see HN at the closing???? I've updated the 'news' sec. And FINALLY add the 'look alikes' to the 'fun and games'. There aren't many there but it's a growing list! Sorry it's taken so long! I've also finally gotten the space I need from Angelfire although it seems a move to eFanGuide might be on the cards. I'm still not sure whether I want to move the whole site yet - we're still in negotiations. I'll try to keep the updates more next time! I don't know if anyone noticed but I've also removed the Olympic Mascot 'NI' had to see us through the games. He's shown below but he won't be back :(

September 23rd - 4.14pm: I haven't exactly updated today. I have. however, emailed Angelfire to prompt them about the needed disk space. So it hopefully shouldn't bee too long now! Natural Incentive has also been selected to exclusively represent Human Nature at! It means every page will have an ad banner on it and another access addy for the site will be I'll be making those changes shortly. Thanks to eFanGuide for the honour! :)

September 21st - 8.24pm: Wow sorry I've been away for so long! Almost a whole week! I've been working on Buffy sites. Nothing much to update except to say HN did an AMAZING job at the Opening and to remove the special pic I had on the main page. I've also done a small update of the band updates but so far that's it!

September 15th - 4.38pm: I can't believe the Olympics are here already! GOOD LUCK HN!!!!! We'll all be watching :) Good luck also to everyone else in the ceremony!! I've added a special Openeing Ceremony plaque to the main page. It's a little corny but it's celabratory and that's the point right!!! Also updated the band news.

September 14th - 9.24am: 'Natural Incentive' was 'Celebrity Site Of The Day' yesterday! How exciting!!!! I've also just done a very quick update of the band news. Added some Olympics stuff. Everybody get your VCR's working for the opening tomorrow! GO HN!!!!
Later: Okay we have a new guestbook now. The old one was just storing the messages and not posting them so I've changed it. Thanks to all the people who signed it though! The site has also won it's 4th award so BIG thanks to CyberTeddy's Top 500 Sites. It's such a sute award! STILL waiting on space from Angelfire so I'll start bugging them soon! Oh, and HN were just on FoxFm with Jacki O' and they played some of their new song and sang 'Waltzing Matilda' SOOO can't wait for tomoz night :)

September 10th - 4.57pm: I'm meant to be doing homework so just a quickie today :) I've played around with the image gallery a little today, made all the images the same size. I've uploaded some of the missing Phil pics but Angelfire won't display them so I'll have to fiddle with it when I'm not needed by homework! I've also heard that the ARIA's are not gonna happen - no tickets for sale so I'm very unhappy bout that :( Well, off to the dreaded land of homework I go .....

September 7th - 10.13pm: Natural Incentive has just heard word that we've been selected as 'Celebrity Site Of The Day' all very exciting! Unfortuanately the chat transcript from last night cannot be added yet as I still haven't received disk space from Angelfire. There's been a small 'HN News' update too but nothing significant enough for the updates to go 'front page'.

September 6th - 10.38pm: The FC Phil chat was GREAT! I wanna say thanks to Marc for organising it! It was fun! I've added some of the notable points Phil made during the chat to the 'Media Articles' page. The transcropt will be up soon. I've also updated the news page - lots of news today! Still waiting for the disk space from Angelfire so still no new images but they'll come soon.

September 4th - 11.45pm: Natural Incentive has been added to Celebrity Link today. Just look in the 'H' section for Human Nature. I've added the link to the membership page. I've also requested some space from Angelfire today and I'm afraid that I can't do many more updates without that space. There are still a few images missing from the gallery as well as some image thumbnails missing from some of the guy's galleries. I've also added the 'Fan Club' page. It's not much but it's there. The only page left now is the fun and games but I'm gonna need some time with that one so please be patient! Updates may be scarce for a few days - I have assignments and other sites that need attention.

September 5th - 3.57pm: Doing pretty well with the updates so far! There might be a short absense ahead - I have some Uni assignments due next week that really do need attention. Today I've been playing around with the image galleries so they don't match quite yet. Also there's a few pics missing 'cos Angelfire need to give me more rom before I can upload them. I'm applying for space tonight. We have a little Olympic Mascot to see 'NI' through the Games! So lets hope he brings us some good luck! :) We have yet another clique member. And last night we also won Nikky's fab HNLand Award! Thanks Nikky! Other than that nothing much that's new just a few small tamperings :)

September 3rd: Quite a bit achieved today. We have another clique member. Welcome! I've added to and completed the discography. Also, there's one media article posted. More will be on the way but I need more space from Angelfire first :) Every page is now up and running except 'fun and games' and the 'fanclub' pages which are coming shortly.

August 31st: A whole heap of updates done today! I've had to close the CD Competition. There just seemed to be no interest in it from anyone. The few entries I did receieve have been displayed in the 'fan art' section. I've also added the lyrics for 'Auld Lang Syne', 'Everytime You Cry' and 'Imagine' with a little help from East. The Postcards are up and running finally and I've created a new layout/design for the webring. 'NI' has won it's first award - HN World has dubbed us 'Site Of The Month' for September! Thanks to Marc for that. More minor updates have been made to the HN News and the Clique. Also, check out the message Andrew left on the Message Board on Sunday!!!

August 29th: I've added a fair bit today. There are 20 desktop wallpapers available on the 'Fan Art' page. I've also added a large band update to 'HN News'. I've run out of time to add the remaining few singles to the discography but it's on it;s way. The only pages not yet available are the 'Media Articles' and the 'Fun and Games' but those too are coming.

August 24th: I promise that full updates are on the way - maybe even later tody. I've added Part Two of "Hunted" into the fanfiction archive. We also have 4 new Clique members and some new news.
Later: Well, as promised, big updates have occured! I've just finished all the lyrics (except 'Imagine' and 'Everytime Youi Cry'). And I've added all of the albums to the discography. Three of the singles are up but the rest will have to wait till next time.

August 16th: The competition pages have become their own entity. Click the link on the main page to see what's new with the CD Design comp and how to send your entries in. I've also added Andrew's Biography.Fuller site updates will be happening on the weekend - PROMISE!

August 7th: Added the 'Xalanas Network' buttons. Check out the network and take a look at my other sites! The graphics are pretty cool :) Also updated the news section. I promise I'm gonna do a major info-add very soon. Just have to get the network and SDU running properly then it's an info overhaul for Natural Incentive followed by a major update of Silent Sunset :)

August 5th: We have a new GUESTBOOK!!! Please sign it - I'd luv to know who's visiting the site! That's all that's happened so far today - on Kirri's request I may be back later to finish 'Hunted' and add some more fic.

August 3rd: I've finally added the 'webmistress' info today. There's also 2 more clique members (Lauren and Diana welcome!) and another Andrew site's been added to the links page. I'm not doing anything else till the weekend 'cos it's too beautiful a day to be inside!

August 1st: Just a tiny update today - not much time. I added a few more sites to the links as well as adding some online clubs to the links page. I've added a new member to the clique and put my clique memebrship button up on the home page. That's it! Back tomoz!

July 31st: Well there's two new fanfic's to read - one by Cindy and the other's my own. I've also updated the links page and added a message board. I did a little investigating for some great quizzes and games that I can add but haven't found much yet. I might return later tonight for some more updates.
Later: Okay well, as promised I'M BACK! I've designed and opened the clique - PLEASE JOIN! Also, the chat room's back up and running for your use. And Mike's profile is kinda up too. Nothing else just yet.

July 29th: Not too many noticeable updates. A few new link buttons added to the 'link here' page. Also pic links added to the bio page and I've also added a 'closed' sign to to say 'At Home With HN' has closed with a follow-on link to this addy.

July 27th: Just a tiny update today. I've added the 'Link Here' page with 2 types of text links and a banner that matches nicely with the theme of the page. Just wanna say thanks to the peeps ('tobys-sexy', 'HN Fanatic', Cindy, 'Sexy Star' and Kat) who visited the site yesterday and gave me nothing but rave reviews! Thanks guys!! You've helped my ego a little ;)

July 26th: New left and right frames today. Courtesy of the new Nature Strip! (surboard pic) I've also changed all the font from Ariel 2 to Verdana 1. it looks a little neater. I'll be adding some more pages as well.

July 24th: I've done a bit today. Played around with the links, discography and a few other bits and pieces of pages. I think the rest is going to have to wait for an all-nighter on the weekend. I haven't got the focus right now.

July 23rd: Well today's been BUSY! I've designed and established a pretty groovy layout and colour scheme that I *finally* think I'm going to stick with for a while!!! The only section properly working so far is the 'fan fiction' page. There's one story by myself and 2 great ones from Kirri. I have Uni starting again tomorrow but I'll try to get some more done SOON!!