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>> ARCHIVE >> 2001
ARCHIVE : 2000 : 2001 : 2002 :

December 22nd - 11.59pm: Firstly ...Happy Christmas to everyone!! It's the first time in a while I haven't made a Xmas greeting for the site! But HAPPY CHRISTMAS!! Now, I've updated the news as you can see, also still changing all the pages to the new font for the new look. It's going to be a few more days yet. We'll get there. There's a few more clique members. Welcome. More updates coming soon

December 5th - 11.06pm: You've probably noticed that I've changed the layout. With that picture change I've decided to change the font [writing]. It's giving me some problems computer hates me at the mo and nothing's going right. So it might take me a while to get the site looking 'ship shape' again. It'll definatley [I hope] be ready by new year ...don't look so shocked it's only 4 weeks away!

November 20th - 6.36pm: I've done a mammoth update. I've added the much-needed song lyrics for 'Sign Your Name' and 'Shout'... they're at least 99% correct. I've also added audio samples of the tracks to the lyrics page. There are going to be some new photos in the photos page after Thursday. I've started scanning and i'll get me Rumba pics deveoped on Thursday when I get paid. Transcripts have started going up in the media section too. and it's about time. I've typed out about 7 articles today. More on their way soon. Doesn't the album rock! And anyone going to Sydney Rumba're gonna have a BALL! I wanna go back! Ohh before I forget. I think Andrew's been visiting the site! I was talking briefly about it with him the other day and he seemed to know a bit about it! cool huh! Okay c ya soon. Hope y'all c the guys somewhere and have fun!

November 12th - 11.59am: I've updated the quiz. I know a lot of the songs on the coming CD are missing, that's 'cos the quiz will only allow for 10 options. So i've only included the 'classic' songs :) There's also been a little news update and the ABWY single has been added to the discography.

November 1st - 5.54pm: My exams are finally finished. All written up. At last. Now I should have a little time to update the site. I've done a little news update and added a few members to the clique.

October 26th - 7.07pm: I've done a very speedy update tonight. I've added five new members to the clique and, as youi can see, a little news update. I've finished uni for the semester *yay* and once exams are over I'll be able to do a full update. apologies for the wait.

October 9th - 4.11pm: One word ... WOW!!! Can I have another? ... OMG! :) Did every see HN on Ray last night???? They were AWESOME! The new song ROCKS and the FlARES wow! Okay ... I learned the lyrics to the song at 6am this morning so I could be happily singing it on my way to uni instead of just humming the tune ... The lyrics have been added to the site here. They might not be 100% accurate but that's what I can get from the performance. So, there you go :) NEW SONG YAY! Four thumbs up!

September 28th - 1.52pm: Well, what can i say - it's uni hols so i've been on the puter almost 24/7 updating and redesigning all of my web babies. The previous layout was fine - I liked it - but it didn't fit and the scrolling was annoying ... well, annoying me anyway. I like this one a lot better - I think it's cuter! Can anyone guess what my fave Human Nature picture is right now? I bet you can't haha Okay - I know that the site can get a little boring 'cos not much changes here - i've received a number of emails saying that - but truthfully there isn't much that can be changed! I'm sure a lot more will be happening here when the new album is looming. I also know the photos and transcripts sections are not finished yet - hopefully when I've finished uni ... only 4 weeks left. Thanks again for visiting guys. *hugs*

September 21st - 12.53pm: I've actually done an update! I've added about 12 new Harmonize members. Welcome to the clique people! As usual, there's always something going wrong tho - if your name hasn't been added to the clique and you've joined .. please rejoin. I've been having trouble with my forms - also with the feedback form. So please forgive me if I haven't replied to you. I love the feedback I get from you wonderful ppl! Hey - I checked out the site last nite and the hit counter read '11111' how cool is that! Since then there've been about 15 more visitors - I can't thank you guys enough for your great support of my site! *HUGE Hugs*

September 10th - 3.50pm: There's so much going on! Kinda wierd after so much HN Silence! The Rumba festival is just gonna KICK! I can't wait for that!! And the tour in Feb and a brand new/oldish album! yay! Well, i've had some time to update the links page today. I tried to delete the pages that don't seem current anymore.If you have a link please let me know about it. :)

August 13th - 1.11am: Hey y'all. getting sick of the 'sorrys' aren't ya. Okay well what'y a think of the new look? The pic is from Star Mag UK and isn't in the gallery yet - it's kinda a bit too big to scan! Will work it tho. There's a new splash page coming along too but that'll take a while ... it's a big job. hmmm ... nothing much to report. things have been a little dormant on the HN scene but looks like they might be picking up a little with the goodwill games stuff in brissieland. Let's hope us other-staters get some nature as well. okay well it's just too damn late for my brain to function now so i'll catch up with you guys later....:)

July 31st - 3.59pm: Hey guys. I know, I know, slask as right? well Angelfire have decided to screw me over AGAIN and have changed the login process so I've been trying to deal with that as well as starting back at Uni. So updates will become more regular soon. I've done a very basic news update - I don't have much info myself yet. And I've added a few newbies to the clique. See y'all soon :)

July 10th - 3.30pm: Guys ..I'm sorry. I know - no updates for sooo long. I have excuses up to my eyeballs. Firstly, exams [don't go there], then holiday - I didn't go but was dog-sitting so literally no time for nettin'. Then this week I've had some kind of hellish flu-type thing so ain't been up to much at all. Today's just a catch-up and news reel. But I PROMISE [I know you don't belive my promises anymore] that I'll finish the layout transformation soon!

June 16th - 3.06pm: Hey guys - sorry I haven't updated for a while. I'm in the middle of tretcherous exam study so it'll still be a few weeks until another serious update. Did you all see the new clip ... can I just say - WOW!!! I've added a new poll question and news but that's all I have time for! Sorry. Will be back online and in full swing pretty soon. In the meantime ... God luck to everyone with exams looming and/or underway!!

June 3rd - 12.19pm: Welcome to winter :) Okay, I haven't completed the page transformation yet. I'm afraid that may have to wait until exams are done. Only a few weeks. I have edited the bio profiles a little and added a new girlfriend poster to the mags gallery. Updates may be sparse in the next few weeks.

May 28th - 4.42pm: Been tranforming a bit more of the site. The discography's done, as is the gallery. All that's left is the lyrics from Earth Angel down and the transcripts. Thanks for your feedback on the new look too :) Will be back later tonight to finish the lyrics.

May 27th - 9.58pm: Out with the old and in with the new. It's gonna be choas around here for about a week or so. I'm changin the layout of the site. If you want to see what the site will look like please click here. Any pages you notice turning grey in the meantime are simply changing over to the new look. I do apologise for any inconvenience but I thought I do thise while HN are out of the country and not likely to cause a furer of updates :) Lemme know what you think!
Later: 1.48am : I've upgraded over 1/2 of the site to the new layout - so that's going to be the one you see now. The pages still in the old design are: The Lyrics, Discography, Transcripts and Gallery. I kow they're the most visited but they're also the largest so they'll have to wait a while.

May 18th -2.59pm: Not an update - more like a warning. My IP has crashed therefore I cannot view the net from home anymore. The problem is being looked into but it means that apart from uni and the local library [where I am now] updates may be slow for about a week until I get completely mental and MAKE someone fix the problem :)

May 13th - 3.44pm: I've recorded and downloaded 54 songs that you can now listen to. To avoid major copyight infringement, I've only posted 15-20 seconds of each available song - usually the chorus. To listen to the samples, go to the lyrics page. I'm running out of disk space again so I'll have to request som more soon. With the guys heading to the UK on Wednesday, there won't be mush HN news for a while so maybe some updates can make their way in. Don't forget the DCB clip is to be filmed on Monday and Tuesday too :) It's due for release in July - is all that mentioned above? Oh, yes, if you live in Brisbane, don't forget to register for NatureFest too! That's all for now :)

May 10th - 11.22am: Haven't updated much for a while so I apologise for that. I do have a few new posters that will go up once scanned. For those after them, no i don't have my logies pics back yet - soon though. Promise. I've done a quick news update today as well as added a few new harmonize members and a link. The links pages is going to get a serious overhaul pretty soon.

May 1st - 2.13pm: Wow - first pm update for a while :) I've added a few photos from the Just Jeans Fashion Parade a few weeks ago in Melbourne and also some others from last Saturday at Crown before the logies. Voting for the ONYAs is meant to start today but the forms aren't up yet. And Human Nature are supporting SClub not Ronan. What a fun-packed day :) I know I know you're wondering where the REAL updates are and they're coming eventually. Just wait a while. I have to fix a few of the arty pages and the FC page. As well as one or two others but I'm afraid they'll have to wait a bit.

April 13th - 12.41am: Happy Easter everyone! It seems we're back to the short and quick updates for a while. Just found out HN are doing an instore in Melbourne so totally hyped! ARGH. I've only updated the news today but more is coming after the HN insotre! haha Also, we're up for an ONYA! Award! Voting starts May 1 so please help us out!

April 6th - 4.28pm: Well I've been scanning all day again and it's paid off. I've added over 45 images to the galleries. 36 new and very old mazazine scans as well as about 15 new official pics to the guys' and group galleries. All these new images now mean there are a total over over 450 images available for you to view here at Natural Incentive! Hows THAT for a figure!! Also, you may have noticed that I've posted the tour dats for the Ronan Keating UK tour - so HN will be away for the entire month of May. I will be typing out a few more transcripts soon too. I know there's not many there but time is not my friend recently. Enjoy the pics!

April 3rd - 7.51pm: Boy does it feel good to have Angelfire back to normal! They had decided to screw up my disc space and took it away from me. Thanks btw to the little Angelfire man who so kindly gave me the space back :) It worked - see!! :) Today I've managed a MAJOR news reel - so much happened today that was newsworthy! Also touched up a few nagging pages - added Amy's page to the links, also a few more fashion items in the 'fun and games' page. More updates ove rthe easter break.

March 24th - 12.15am: Whatdya think of the little dancing men below? Just couldn't resist they're just so cute! Anyway, there'll be some new pics posted in the gallery as soon as I can get a hold of the photos taken at the Just Jeans Fashion Parade during Melbourne's Fashion Week last Thursday. I'll slowly be adding the remining photos as well - again, apologies for the missing categories! I'll be updating majorly [I hope] in the april holidays unless uni decides to lump me with another mountain of assignments

March 19th - 10.53pm: No biggies this week - I've just updated the news page after embarrassingly noticing that I had a few appearance dates horribly wrong. It's tragically annoying that we have no dates/appearance confirmations for Melbourne and also Sydney and Queensland but the best-of-the-best [that's the msg board fans - find out anything, they do!] are on the case and anything I can find out will be posted here so stop fretting and start hoping that they'll be viewable :)

March 10th - 1.37pm: I've had a busy morning - I've added 22 new posters to the magazine archive of the gallery. The images are older posters added to Barbie, Dolly, Fresh, Smash Hits, TV Hits, Star and the Exclusive archives. There are still more to come but they'll come later. That's all the updates for today - possibly more next weekend.

March 9th - 10.48pm: There hasn't been much to update recently. I've replaced the 'wwwy' cover in the dicography with a larger version - easier to see now. Also, I've updated the news. That's it really. Will be adding more scanned mag pics shortly but no time today.

March 5th - 10.48pm: The cover of the brand new single 'When We Were Young' was located by SImone today and she's kindly donated it to Natural Incentive, so you can check out the new-look single and track listing in the discography. That's all the updates for today. Don't forget that the release of WWWY has been postponed for 2 weeks - which may mean PROMO TOUR! *fingers crossed*

March 4th - 12.54am: I've only updated the news today - would've been done earlier but Angelfire's been deleting things again so I've avoided updates for a few days. Uni starts back on Monday so updates should become a little more regular once I've dropped back into the 'study' routine. All that's left to say is - spend the weekend searching for pennies to pay for the 6 copies of When We Were Young you're all going to buy on Monday morning *waves hypnotists' watch at you all* hehe okay - enough from me. See y'all soon.

February 22nd - 1.04am: Well, had a big night of 'loose-ends' tonight. I've added severl new members to the clique, cleaned out the links page - if your link was there and has been mistakenly removed or, if it wasn't there and you'd like it to be, please lemme know! Also added a few new clothing items and prices to the fashion victim page. The most exciting update is the addition of the K-zone shoot [behind the scenes of WWWY] to the magazine gallery!! So go check that one out if you haven't seen it already! Okay that's it for today. News updates should be along tomorrow. See ya then :)

February 18th - 1.42am: WAAAA-HEYY!!! Andrew's been a-visitin' again!! Wooo-Hoo! The loverly feller left a little msg on the message board on Valentine's Day filling us in on what HN will be up to over the next few weeks - I suggest u go to the msg board to check it out - or you can simply look above :) I'm too tired right now to be bothered doing too much right now. But I have managed a little over haul of the news so you can keep updated :) Just wanna say thanks to everyone who's said great things about my site! The ego really has landed! hahaa and I ain't talking Robbie WIlliams here! Also, anyone who's reading this - I'm not a complete nutter - just an exhausted one :) hehehe K - more updates coming soon!

February 8th - 4.21pm: I've been able to coax my scanner into a little deal - I've managed to scan 1/2 of my photos - but only 1/2. The scanner was allowed a small break after that! [only 'cos it stuffed up again but shhhh] So the galleries for 1/2 of the live photos are complete. The galleries with '0' photos have not yet been scanned and uploaded so they're still on the way. i've also done a small edit of the webmistress bio and the disclaimer/thanks page. And a few touch-ups to the profiles page too. That's all for now :)
later - 7.15pm Okay, I thought it was time for a complete change of scenery so I've changed the layout yet again :) Same basic format but I've changed the images on the top and bottom to a collage of photos from the Frankston Beach FoxFm Concert that was held on Jan 21st. Hope you like :) I've also added a new link button with all four guys on it - people have been complaining that they couldn't decide which guy to use when linking back here :) I'm also about to change the question for the quiz. After 505 votes the fave members are like this: Andrew with 181 votes, Michael with 187 votes, Phil with 54, Toby with 65 and 18 of you list all of them as your fave. Now for a new Question ... what's your fave album????

February 6th - 1.20am: Just a small update of the bandnews today. I'm afraid my annoying scanner is still out of commision so further pictures will have to wait. More articles for the new transcripts page are on their way though.

January 31st - 12.30am: I feel all refreshed - I've actually managed a successful BIG update! I've changed the splash imageagain I'm afraid. Felt I was in the need for something alittle more technical and spiffy - so now NI has a splash that not only allows you to enter the site, but also has a link to the official site, affiliate buttons and links to all my other website [both HN and nonHN]. Also, I've finally approached the failing transcripts page and replaced the absent radio and tv interview transcripts with hardcopy press interviews - magazines and newspapers. Not many there right now but they're coming. Also, I've created a new look for the clique that will be re-vamped soon. I'm thinking of changing the images in the main layout too but that'll have to wait a bit 'cos it'll be an immense job! Might wait for a new photo shoot or until I get some new useable photos. Speaking of which, next week I'll hopefully be updating the photos archive! That's all for today *phew*

January 30th - 1.09am: Angelfire have been enjoying deleting my pages again and because I don't want to risk losing anything important I won't be able to update for a few days. Also, my 15 y/old brother is returning to school next week [YAY] and after that I get my computer back. He's spent his holidays by sitting at the computer from 7am to 11pm EVERY DAY! [Thats MY job] :) But after next Monday I will have the computer back for a few days of real updates. None of the namby pamby stuff I've been doing. Sorry I couldn't update better today but I've alread lost 4 pages I don't wanna risk any more.

January 24th - 11.07am: Okay I didn't get back on yesterday 'cos my bro's still on hols and hijacked the ocmputer. I haven't been able to scan any pics either 'cos my scanners being a aughty nancy :) I have however added a new section to 'fun and games' called 'what's in a name'. Also I've fixed up a few non-upgraded pages. I'm looking to start up a forum-type message board. Not yet sure if it will coincide with the layout of this site or if I will create it a a separate enitiy but it will simply be a high-class message board where you can find out ANYTHING and EVERYTHING about the guys. I'm having registration probs at the moment so it'll take a few days.

January 23rd - 12.09pm: I've only begun the updates for the day. I'm going out but will return to continue. I've archived the splash images [title page images] and they can be accessed through the updates and band news pages - in the archive menu on those pages. I've also sent out a secong mailing list issue. More updates are on the way later today.

January 19th - 10.44pm: I feel terrible for not updating but I can explain - we've had English relatives over this week - one of whom has cancer and both of whom are old. So I've been doing the family thing all week - touring round Melbourne with the Grandparents and great aunts in tow. My family can be so bloody English at times! Haha Anyways, I haven't been online since the 10th let alone updated anything at all. After the Franston Beach thingy on Sunday I'll attempt a huge day-long update to get everything going smoothly. It looks as though without some help the 'transcripts' page may be dead in the water and I'll have to kick my scanner into gear to put up more of the live pics. But it should all be finished by New Year. hahaha

January 10th - 3.49pm: I've added a few new members to the clique. Also sent out the first of hopefully many emails from the Mailing List. Thanks everyone who's joined!! Not much else majorly updated. I'll have to find the time to finish the transcripts and the live photos. A lot of my time is now being dedicated to creating a new Andrew site and a new Toby site. They'll both be opening soon.
Later - 11.46pm: As promised I've been able to salvage some of the deleted info and complete the 'Fashion Victim' page in the Fun and Games section. Now you too can dress like HN! :)
Later Still - 1.38am: I'm still going - I've just created and added a new 'green and pink' splash to the title page that I like to call my 'shameless self promotion' splash :) It has a quote from andrew that says 'this site rocks'. I think it's a stayer :) But then, I thought all the others were too :)

January 7th - 1.35am: I'm afraid, once again, there hasn't been much to update. HN news is at a low point after New Year and everything else is in ship ahape order! I've added a new image to the 'smash hits' gallery - there will soon be a few newies to the 'misc.' page but I haven't scanned 'em yet :) Also, thanks to all who've signed up for my mailing list - I'll be starting correspondance on that soon.
later: I've just created and added a new splash picture. I was sick of the old-new one. Hope u like. [was created at 4am so don't expect much] :)

January 3rd - 1.00am: Welcome to 2001! Again, not much to update. I've archived the band news and updates for 2000 - leaves more space for this year. That's about it. I have a few new images that need scanning before I can put them into the gallery.