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ARCHIVE : 2000 : 2001 : 2002 :

July 3rd - 3.12pm: I've managed a pretty good update today. In the process still of converting the pages to the new look! But I'm now about 1/2 way there. The discography page has been re-formatted so its hopefully easier to use, and the links have been sorted. Still some bugs to sort out arond the place. And there's a new section on the National Tours on the way too. Enjoy.

June 9th - 12.30pm: I know I always say this ...but I'm sorry about the lack of updates lately. lots of factors ...exams, car crash, boredom blah blah blah. I've added a few ppl to the clique. that's it for now ..but examas are over soon. so more posts then.

April 18th - 1.30pm: I do apologise for the lag in updates. Uni's started back again and is rather time consuming. I will be working on getting the rest of the site updated to the new look over the next week. It shouldn't take long.

March 31st - 12.30pm: Everyone remember to change they're clocks? And watch for the Easter Bunny? Well, I've updated a lot of pages today ...the gallery and transcripts have all been converted. There's still a number of pages, primarily the lyrics and discography that haven't been updated ...that's a big job. I've added my Rumba and Here and Now Tour pics to the gallery. Go take a look :) HAPPY EASTER

March 27th - 1.00pm: Fine-tuned the msg board, guestbook and feedback pages. Also added the new look to a few other pages. The re-make has attacked about half the site so far. Should only be chaos around here for a few more days. Let me know what you think of the return to tabled layouts instead of the frames I had before. I like the colours in this one ...something a bit cheerful for winter. Anyway, got to get to uni. Enjoy.

March 25th - 1.02pm: Updated the news finally. Also added 5 new members to the clique and a few new links. As promised, a new layout is coming. Still in the design process but it's a killer ;)

March 8th - 5.04pm: I've only managed a basic news update today. A brand new layout is on the way after the concerts in Melbourne and Adelaide. It's gonna be a knock-out!

February 3rd - 5.26pm:
Updated news.
New concert dates added to pop-up on index page
Also ... if anyone has sent feedback/joined the click/emailed me at and not received a reply, plz try again. my account was cleared again. sorry for inconcvenience.

January 16th - 4.44pm: I've managed a full update today. Just about everything is up to date. The news has been updated much going on because the guys are on a break. There are some new clique members as well. Not much to update lately. But as soon as the guy's are back in the swing it'll be buzzing round here again!