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This section of the site is to help support the girlfriends. All fans must remember that the Backstreet Boys are here to sing. And they are good at it.They do not awe you anything because you are one of their fans. So no one should problems with there girlfriends. Because don't we want the Backstreet Boys to be happy? Well, I'm sorry follow fans but their happy with their girlfriends. They love their girlfriends and I believe their girlfriends bring out the best in the boys so please lets stop the hating the girlfriends and start liking them becasue they make the boys we like happy.
Personally I'm getting sick of seeing stuff about their girlfriends all over web. People with sections one their sites all about their girlfriends. I just have one thing to say about that and I say that it's sick. These are grown men who have lives to and were displaying their private lives for everyone to see. We wouldn't like it if there was stuff about us and the person were going out with all over the web ao why are we doing it to the BSB? So I made a few graphics for people to put on thier sites. You can only put the graphics on your site if you have NO pages about the girlfriends on your site. Please do not put the graphic up if you have a page about the girlfriends. If you do put one of the graphics up please fill out this form and you will recieve a special award for your site for being a real fan. Plus I will put your link up on this page so everyone can see who is a true BSB fan.
To The girlfriends of BSB, if you ever read this I just want you to know that you are the luckiest girls in the world. Please keep treating the Backstreet Boys well and enjoy every moment you spend with them becasue I would love (and tons of other girls) to be in your place for just a moment. You are the Backstreet Girls (sorry I couldn't help myself ;Þ) and I want you to know that I, respect you in all your decisions. Good luck to you in the future and I sure hope that you enjoy this section of my page. I do believe that you are good people, and if you were lucky enough to win the heart of a BSB you must be a good person and I hope from this section of my site fans who don't realize that start to.
Here are the graphics and the HTML for each.
<a href="">
<img src=""
ALT="Click here to help stop the girlfriend bashing!"></a>
<a href="">
<img src=""
ALT="Click here to help stop the girlfriend bashing!"></a>
<a href="">
<img src=""
ALT="Click here to help stop the girlfriend bashing!"></a>
<a href="">
<img src=""
ALT="Click here to help stop the girlfriend bashing!"></a>
<a href="">
<img src=""
ALT="Click here to help stop the girlfriend bashing!"></a>
<a href="">
<img src=""
ALT="Click here to help stop the girlfriend bashing!"></a>
<a href="">
<img src=""
ALT="Click here to help stop the girlfriend bashing!"></a>

Please Fill Out This Form

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Your email address: (e.g.:

What is the name of your site?
What is the URL of your site?
Any comments about this part of my site? Stunning, fast, FREE!
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These are the sites that put up the graphic.
A Howie Dorough Dream Site
Da BSB Cyber Central
Backstreet Boys_The Site
Brian's Land
The Train Stops HERE
The Backstreet Place
Backstreetbird Believe
backstreet Boys Universe.
The Beef Barn
BSB Fanatics BSB World
The Kentucky Angel
Love 4 Sweet D
A Whole New World With Kevin Richardson
TVCats' Celebration of the Backstreet Boys
Nuttin' but AJ
The Backstreet Boys Fan Page
BSB's Ultimate Fan Page
My Hand Dumbass
Backstreet Hangout
Backstreet Boys 4-Ever!!!
