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Well this is the Pen Pal section. Note that it is not big at all yet. If you would like to be put on this list you can fill out the form below, or you can get a pen pal from e-mailing a person who sounds interesting to you below. There are no rules to the Pen Pal section. I kinda doubt that this section will be big, but you all wanted one, so put it up. It’s up to all of you to make it big. So fill out the form below and lets get this page started.

Name: Carrie Perez
Gender: Female
Age: 11
Location: Arizona
Grade: 6
Comments about yourself: I'm really nice and fun to talk to. I love BSB...esp. Nick. I went to their concert.
What type of Pen Pal are you looking for: unsaid
Name: Nic
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Location: Germany
Grade: 11
Comments about yourself: I am a HUGE BSB fN SINCE !))& FROM Germany and I can`t stop loving those five fantastic boy....They mean the world to me!!!
What type of Pen Pal are you looking for: I`m looking 4 new BSB fans from all over the world but plz. around my age....Write as soon as you can!!!Answer all 100%!!!!
Name: Shayna Rogers
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Location: Oregon
Grade: 7
Comments about yourself: i love the bsb!!!! me and my friend are there #1 fans.
What type of Pen Pal are you looking for: unsaid.
Name: Elizabeth Devine
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Location: Massachusetts
Grade: unsaid.
Comments about yourself: unsaid.
What type of Pen Pal are you looking for: unsaid.
Name: Samantha
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Location: Chesterfield Twp., Mi
Grade: 9
Comments about yourself: I'm a total Nick Carter lover. I love to read it on the net. If your not in to that email me anyway. I would still love to be your penpal. I also have about 5 other panpals. I love to meet people from all arownd the world. I would love to here from you.
What type of Pen Pal are you looking for: I'm looking for a penpal that's nice and talkative. If your a Nick fanfiction reader email me.
Name: Mandy
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Location: Florida
Grade: 8
Comments about yourself: uh...I love Nick? *LoL*, just kidding. I like talking to everyone, and I hate Dawson's Creek, and people who type LiKe really irks me. That's all!
Name: Kim
Gender: female
Age: 14
Location: Maine
Grade: 8
Comments about yourself: Well..... i'm a great person to talk to. i love getting e-mails from people all around the world. i love the backstreet boys my favorite is nick carter is u can see by my e-mail address. So if u want to talk to me drop me a line
Name: Evelyn
Gender: female
Age: 12
Location: Los Angeles,Ca
Grade: 7
Comments about yourself: Ilove the Backstreet Boys.My favorite is Nick.He is so Hot !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love to be on the net and read about BSB.I would like to have you as a pen-pal so please e-mail me i dont care how old you are or where your from.I just want to know people all over the world.Oh Yeah and I love Wrestling too.
Name: Rashidah
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Grade: 7
Comments about yourself: I'm a nice person. I LOVE the BSB especially AJ!! I have tons of penpals already but I hope to get more so, please e-mail me to be my penpal, so Bye! KTBSPA!!
Name: Alesia
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Location: Pennsylvania
Grade: 11
Comments about yourself: I love the backstreet boys with all my heart.. and my all time fave is AJ i love him SOOO much.. so i am looking for pen pals to write.. so please email me ..
Name: kellie
Gender: female
Age: 14
Location: orlando
Grade: 9
Comments about yourself: I WANNA MARRIE NICK!!!1 I LOVE BSB SOOO MUCH. I MET THEM TWICE ONCE JUST LAST WEEK IN NYC. PLEASE ANYONE E-MAIL ME OR MY INSANT MESSAGE IS hockeychick17429. i love u nick carter!!!!!!! bsb IS 4EVA!!!!!! o ya my other isnatbnt message is NicksGurl
Name: Kristin
Gender: female
Age: 13
Location: N.C.
Grade: 8
Comments about yourself: ah....I love the Backstreet Boyz', my favorite boy is AJ Mclean! I luv MTV, but i hate Carson Daly! Thats all !!!!!!
Name: michelle
Gender: female
Age: 11
Location: canada
Grade: 5
Comments about yourself: I love the backstreet boys they are really cool, but I like Brian the most he is such a hottie!!!
Name: Maribel
Gender: female
Age: 18
Location: California
Grade: 1st yr of college
Comments about yourself: Ive been a BsB fan for over four years. I like talking and meeting other BsB fans on the net. My fav BSB is Howie, but i love and respect all the members. Email me if you wanna become pen pals! Hope to hear from you soon!
Name: Camila
Gender: female
Age: 15
Location: Sao Paulo, Brazil
Comments about yourself: Well, I'm a shy person, but I LOVE to make new friends, specially Backstreet Friends!!! And I LOVE AJ McLean!!!!
Name: Patricia
Gender: female
Age: 15
Location: ontario
Grade: 10
Comments about yourself: Well i am just bored and want a pen pal so email me sometime
Name: Ashley
Gender: female
Age: 16
Location: Alabama
Grade: 11
Comments about yourself: I love meeting BSB fans, helping people...ah...and BSB! lol* But for real, please email me all you BSB fans :-)
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What is your Gender?
What is your Age?
What is your Location?
What is your Grade?
Comments about yourself: Stunning, fast, FREE!    
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