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I have gotten some really nice comments while making this site. And I'm gonna put all them up here. Comments about my site and about the "stop the girlfriend bashing" part of my site. If you have any comments please emial me or send them to me by filling out the form below. Comments are gathered through emails, and form the different forms around the site. All comments have not been edited they are exactly how the person wrote them. If their are spelling mistakes it's the persons who wrote it's mistake and not mine.


Great site! Finally a site w/ NO rumors! Keep up the great work!
this site is soooooo tight! maybe one day my site will be this cool but for now it is under some construction but it is geting there!=)
I think your site is great, and I definately like the Backstret Seal of Approval idea.. it's just kool! Thanks for you time!! :o) KTBSPA!
Your site is the coolest! Awesome job!!
Wow. Damn you got a lotta links. Good job keep it up.
Well..just submitting my site. And I think that it's great that you care how fast your page loads, I like that. BSB are hot :)
Love your site!
Your site is cool, I like the whole concept of Unlinited BsB Site links. My site is new and I'm still adding things, but it can be visited.
Hey I'd love to be a link on this page. Also I'd love for you and your friends to join my banner exchange. Any site is allowed to enter (except devil-worshipping, porn, or gambling sites {the obvious}) and your banner can be any size (the biggest it can be is around 500x100). To join, go here: AND PLEASE TRY TO POST THIS TO ALL THE NEWSLETTERS YOU BELONG TO!! ~Toni.
Amber and Johanna:
Hi, We thought the idea of having a website with a bunch of links was a really great and orginal idea! You have done a great job with your page, cause we know how hard one is to make! Our page is rumor free and say things that is either strait out of their mouths or have heard on MTV or something like that. It is about Howie, Brian, and Nick. The thing we get most of our compliments is from the section called "The Little Things That Are Cute" Most say it was an original idea, so you should go to that part! :) Bye!
I like your site a lot because it doesn't support rumors, or it doesn't bash the girlfriends!
nice page. thanks for linking me
I love your site!!! its excellent!! i would happy if my link were in this site! Thanx! KTBSPA amy
Dear Taryn, First and foremost I'd like to thank you for dropping by my tribute homepage to the world's hottest group who else but the Backstreet Boys. Many thanks also for giving me two awards namely the gf award thing and the unlimited bsblinks award. With this I sign off and I hope to make many more trips to your homepage.Love it very much!! ps: thanks for signing the guestbook too :0) ps2: how about putting up an ad for bsb fans to sign up for this email service at Always n Forever, Cyn KTBPA*
Your site is awesome! It's got so many *good* links, not like some sites that have 5,000 links but half of them suck or doesn't exist anymore. :) Keep up the good work! Hope you like my page, I've put a lot of work into it and I have no rumors or anything *untrue* about the Boys. I want to keep it real!
Kewl site, love it. So many link, nice graphix, well done!!
Cool site, I think it's great.
I luv your site!
great site!
Ammi and Shelley:
Kick ass site!! Great to see everything in groups instead of one big list. How about a humour page group..there are enough of us around.PLEASE!!!!!
I couldn't find your guestbook so i am singing this: You have a really great page! And the whole link idea is great!! If you would like your links to add auto you can use Free For all Links! Need any help! email me! I would love to help!!! my websites and http://www.gurlpages/com/me1/mandie007/index.html
Great site! Finally a site w/ NO rumors! Keep up the great work!
Kaos Lover:
keep up the good work
sorry i never finished saying thanks so much and i love your site
Kewl site! Oh newayz.... my site only can be viewed with IE! =(
Hey! I really LOVE your site! It's great and I can tell that you've put a lot of hard work into it.
Your site is really cool, and i hope that my site is added on to yours!!
You payge is really good!!! Visit my payge!!!
Amanda Jeannine:
Very cool site, but the pictures for the links take so long to load, but other then that your site rocks!
Hey! I give you a lot of credit! It must be so hard to have all these links on your page! Great job! Keep up the good work!
Your site is very pretty and unique, and I also think it's was very crative of you to come up with a site to advertise other BSB sites. I like your idea, and keep up the good work.
It's really a good site for all BSB fans!cos I can just go here to find the sites I want to visit!so it help me a lot! Thanx for making this site!!
It is interesting and very well designed! Keep up the great work!
It's great!
Your website is very well done and organized! Keep up the good work!
It's a really great site, I'd like to see more colors. :)
I love the artwork!
It's a really gr8 idea! I'll definitely be putting it on my favourite places!!! Keep up the good work. I wish I had your creativity!
Cool page...
Great site :)))))))
your site is da bomb i think that you have done a very good job!
cool site
Umm... I don't know if you want comments about my site, or my comment about yours. Well I'll give you both! I like your site. I think it's a good idea making a links directory. Now I can come here to find other Backstreet Boys pages. Ok, now on my site I have pictures, autographs, animations, biographies, articles and a lot more.
thanx for adding me to your site! tata sweetie Love jackie
Also you guys are doing a GREAT job. I use your website to load up to all my favorite BSB sites. You guys are a real convenience. Thanks Bunches!!!! -Courtney
your site is sooooo awesome! must say u put so much effort into it! it's really good!
Hi!! I like your page, it is a fresh idea!!
Cool page! I like all the supporting stuff!
Renee(Jenny's Mom)
HiYa: Thank you so much for the award for Jenny's BSB Page...I have it up on her site...This is really exciting. Keep up the excellent work on your site...I noticed you changed it around since our last visit...much easier on the eyes and to navigate through. Take Care!!! Peace!! Renee Castellon (Jenny's Mom) =)
it's relly good and it looks like it took a relly long time and a lot og hard work to me!!!

Nothing, totally gr8!!

Your site is great!! Keep up the good work!!

This is the first Backstreet Boys/Carter links site that I've ever visited. Keep up the good work :o) KTBSPA!

You have a great idea- having a page with tons of BSB links!!

awesome site!! you really put a lot of work in it!!

i luv it specialy the suport stuff. keep the good work up hun *hug* take care hugz anna

Great site.

I think it is great that people make bsb link webpages so that we can visit different kinds of awesome links from all over the world!

you've done a great job with this's easy to get what you want

I really like your site it's amazing how many links you have!!!!

Smiley Kid
i luv link sites they rock!

This site is a must 4 all Backstreet Boyz fans

Ally & Mia
This ia a really great site...i dont have something for you to improve on but just keep up the good work! KTBPA!

Keep up the awesome work! :)

This is a great idea - kind of like a all-BSB search engine!!

Should put links in alphabetical order.

it's great !!! don't forget ~~KTBSPA~~, ok? see ya

Julia and Jessica
It looks really professional and it's easy to get around. I don't think there's anything that needs to be changed, it's great!

Juliane Gulla
I think it's way cool that you have all these link sand stuff! And I lvoe the layout of the page, it looks cool! I'm gonna takes some more time to check it out after I hit the submit button:-)

Julie & JuLiE
hey your site is really awesome and a great idea, i come here to look for all kinds of sites and it's really convienient and it has a clean layout and it's easy to follow! those things are important, so keep up the good work!

This site is cool and it was a good idea to create it! keep up the good work, doin great! and always! KTTPA! (keep the Tyke pride alive!)

I love your site the only thing you are missing is some music. I think it is great that someone took the time to find some BSB sites and make a page that is nothing but BSB links. Keep up the good work!!!!!!!

This is a really cool, well done site. Keep up the good work!

It's a great idea that someone should make a website where BSB fans have their websites link to. Your site is also very creative and has a lot of interesting stuff up. Keep up the good work!

Your page is really awesome...i love all the pictures and the adopt a backstreet boy!

Great site - first place I go for links!

Very cool, loved it

I like how its big and all my site is kinda small and how do you get all those hits? ive been up for a year and i don't have as many as you have

I LOVE your site. It's the ultimate kick. Kepp up the good work! :)

Very very nice, convienient and nicely made!!!!!! We need more sites like this!

Your site look cool, very details and a lot of function for us to use and most important thing is it is a BSB site

Your site is awesome!It's so kewl!Please visit mine!Keep up the awesome work!


It is really good and very well organized


Anna Lid:
More colors??

Caroline De Winter:
Great lay-out and much on it!

I luv the pictures (duh!) ;) and you've got a lot of kewl links!!

Sarah McElvoy:
I think this is a really good idea for all BSB site owners!!

Michelle Robinson:
Your site is very good. I really like it. Keep up all the good work.

It is well organised and have more sites than any other directory I have ever been to. Keep up the great work! :-)

Melly Lobach:
This is a very nice set up! Not only does it have links, but it has nice graphics, and pictures too! I'm gonna check them out once I'm done signing up! :-)

its really neat!!!!

Beth Smyer:
I think that it is very creative. and that it is done very well.

Patti Mclean:
i love the picture on the main page!! how did you do that?

Love the layout. Easy navigations. A bit too red for my eyes but its great

Cecilia Flores:
Man, I'm the dummy who didn't send in her complete email address. Sorry! But I do like your page and appreciate the link. Take care.

Sara Silverthorn:
It was very well done

Lauren Schottlaender:
Hi, I really like your site. Is it made really well. keep up the good work, and KTBSPA!

Chica Babe:
Great idea! lots of links!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darlene Aimola:
I think this page is really kewl! I love the pictures!

Alicia C:
Very cool and organized, luv it!

Viviana Rodriguez:
I think that what you are doing is great. It's cool to have a site that has a lot of links on one same subject, and what better subject than BSB?? right?? Well, thanks for your time. Take care and God Bless!!!

Scarlet Miranda Ricárdez:
I think you've done a great job!! Congrats!

Kelly Riley:
I thought your site was great. I check once a week for updates to new links and I'm sure that you have the most around. That's why I want my page on here. I'm sure lots of people come. Thanks for considering me.

Jacqueline Leung:
this site is so cool, it's got everything a bsb fan would want.

Lindsay Berreth:
You have tons of good links listed here1 Keep up the good work, and KTBPA!

Your site is VERY good!!!!!

Elizabeth Devine:
Your site is one of the best links page on the web!!

Karmen Bizant:
the links are terrific and the pics as well to bad they take so much time to load :( but otherwise they are excelent

Alana & Sarah:
Love everything about it! Keep up the good work, and update often!

Your site is so awesome!!!

You've got tons of stuff, I keep comin' back for more! So keep up the good work!

Castani n cheryl:
My site is a bsb gf site is that ok? I liked your site alot its is really useful.

Ashley M.:
Great site. The Unlimited Links is awesome. Great images and graphics as well.

Lauren Manno:
its so awesome!

CJ Dorough-Fatone:
It's a really cute site and i's a great idea to have this links section where everyone can put their link in!

Monica Richardson:
I dunno what to day!! I love it. You do and awesome job with it and it is very easy to get around!! I love the pics and everything one it!!

Lizzie Carter:
U RULE! Hey, u must put lotsa time into dis beauty but it looks well worth it

I think it's really good, because my site was getting barely any traffic so I went to a lot of you Nick and group links and asked them to add my link.

What I've seen of it is great. The ONLY bad thing is sometimes I can't read the font (it just looks kinda squooshed together). Other than that it's PERFECT.

Patricia De Leersnijder:
I love your site, it's so cool !!! Keep up the good work and fill out the link form on my site and I'll put up your link on my site !!!

Michelle and Kim:
IT's by far one of the most comprehensive BSB index sites EVER. I love it, and I use it ALL The time

I like ur site, it's a great site to go to to find cool BSB sites besides using a search engine.

ur site iz awsome i luv it it haz great info and awsome links

Jojo Lang:
Hi Really like you site but...I hate it that I can't right click and put it in my favorite file. The only way to do that is to right click and here it doesnt' work. I understand that you want to prevent people from copying it but it makes it really difficult to come back to you site. Thanks for the rest of it though! Jojo

GF Comments

I totally agree with you!!We need to respect their girlfriends.They won4t be disappointed if we have boyfriends as well! They have to think of their own,instead of always the fans. Lots of love,Misty,and keep up the good work!!! KTBPA!!!!!!!!!!!
The Best!! A part that any TRUE FAN would love!!
I totally agree with you, although I wouldn't mind being in one of thier Places,I don't bash them. If the boys like them, I like them.
i think its great. bsb and their G/F's desirve respect.
Good idea!! If BSB are happy, everyone should be happy!! Also, this is a kewl font!
I accept myself that I'm very very shock to know Nick have a girlfriend.sometimes I cry for rumours that I'm heard. You're right.I should happy when I see Nick happy although happiness is made by his girlfriend.
i think it's great that you put up this part of your site, as you said, the bsb's girlfriends are the luckiest girls in the world, and the bsb love them, so it's wrong to hate them just because they're dating a bsb.
Hey! I totally agree with you! If they make the guys happy and the guys being happy means tht they want to make millions of other people happy by singing, then I say that we should just leave them alone. I would also like to say that I'm just starting this site, so not everything is linked to it. But the I Support page should be linked tomorrow!
this is a goo part i love bsb but they need g/f to keep them happy
Blue Violet:
Just that i respect that you respect them, you find so many bashers today it's stupid...
i like the concept..its nice to have a whole site just to find links... keep it up...
It's so great! I agree, we have to support the bsb and their girlfriends!! :)
I think it is wonderful you are doing this. The backstreet Boys are humans and if the want a girlfriend, they should have one. They said it was lonely on the road and the need someone to share that type of feelings with. I thank you for putting this on your site, and I pray you will keep dooing it
I have seen stuff like this popping up in BSB sites all over the net. I just wanted to let ya know I think it's pretty cool that those of us who understand they must have their own lives can spread the word. :0)
Well, I must admit that when I first heard about Nick's girlfriend I was devastated and mad with jealousy. I felt like going on the net and slagging her off big-time too, not that I did. But I guess I was being stupid, and although it doesn't really get any easier to accept, reading this and the many other websites about Nick and Mandy have helped me to realise that I should really just be happy for them and hope that it all works out. Thanks for trying to make something positive and nice out of all this, when so many people just get angry and bitch and call them names. You really are a true Backstreet Boys fan and I an definitely one too. I truly love and respect Nick and indeed all the guys, so that means that I must do the same for the people that they care for. Thanks for the real good advice. Email me sometime maybe. I'll no doubt be visiting your site again soon! Ciao for now! Lyn xxxx
This is a great idea and I totally agree
i think that u r absolutle right. its sickening the way that people always have a section bout the girlfriends just to upset the fans and as for the fans they shouldnt get upset over that cause the bsb do have a life and they deserve a right to live it just like anyone of us out there. and as for the boys!! well what ever makes u guys happy keep doin it.
you are damn right!!!these "fans" need to chill out on that hatin !!!it's not like they are ever going to go with one of them so let them be happy with they girlfrinds.personally,i think aj and amanda are a very cute couple and aj is my favorite bsb.
Good idea.
Sheila Ann
I think it's a great Idea i dont understand why so many fans hate their girlfriend all i can say is as long as they are happy i'm happy for them. Sheila Ann
Yes, I think you have the greatest site about the boys in the web. And i totally agree with you about their girlfriends. Please, please stop the girlfriend bashing. They're only human you know.

I love this! I have been lookin 4 a banner like this for a long time! I totally upport their g/f's! I really don't care if they have g/fs as long as they make good music and are happy! THANX!!!

I like it. It's great that someone can actually support the fact that yes, the BSB are going to have girlfriends.

Julie & JuLiE
hey this is great i support the girlfriends too! my fingers are getting tired from all the typing or i would make this longer.. lol.
I think that everyoen should support their girlfriends. Cause they are only human. I think the people who don't like their girlfriends are people who wish that they were their girlfriend and they are just jealous. I want to let you know that i read Aj's ex book and I have to say she is not bashing him she is just telling everyone how much they were in love. Well i just I have made my point so i will go. If you want to talk to me about this or anything about the Backstreet Boys feel free to email me.

i luv it i think that every1 should support bsb g/f

I think it's great

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