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HuMa - Tuesday, July 26, 2000. Layout Change.
Hey all. WOW... The first thing you'll notice when you enter is the new side bar. It'll make the site far more easy to navigate, and it'll also make the side way easier to update. Besides the new layout I also scrapped all the warez/crackz/serialz junk, if you're looking for that stuff look somewhere else. I've turned this site into a strictly gaming site. Thanks to my buddy Dark Warlord for the tips on the SSI, I realllllllly appreciate it. Go check out his site, Xenogears.org

HuMa - Friday, July 21, 2000. Update.
Hello everyone. I updated the WAR2 Stratagy section and the WAR2 maps section. Expect me to finish up the stratagy section soon.
Also, I really need a host. Angelfire sucks they give you barely any webspace and they're slow. So if you know a good host please E-mail me @ X_slayer_X@hotmail.com. It's much appreciated. I applied for hosting over at DiabloII.net but I'm not sure if they're going to accept me or not...lets just keep our fingers crossed. Later.

HuMa - Saturday, July 15, 2000. Update.
Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Not much done, just moved some shit into the archives.

I finally have Diablo II. The game rules (of course), and I suggest you buy it if you're into blizzard games, which i'm sure most of you are if you're at my site. The only problem with the game is the servers which are down a hell of alot, but at least there's no hacks!

Also, i'm probably getting a new PC in the next couple of weeks so i'll be able to update the site a HELL of alot more. I can't do anything with this PoS. I got nothing else to say, so laters. P.S. my B.net account name is {][)K}HuMa, look me up if you're on.

HuMa - Tuesday, July 4, 2000. Update.
Happy Independance day to all those Americans. Diablo II is finally out in stores, so expect me to be working on that section soon...but first I need to finish up the War2 secton. I didn't get Diablo II yet :( my computer is to shitty to run it, I'm getting a new PC soon though. The Blizzard News section is up...no real big deal it's just news from their site. WindHovers Top40 seems to be down and has been for the past week. You might get an error saying that IE cannot locate the site, just ignore it. Also there's an X on the left table near the bottom. This isn't a broken picture it's just Winhovers Icon. If their site isn't up within the next month i'm just going to take it down and expect that the site has been shut down. In other news, www.holyrealm.com isn't going to be used anymore (unless I tell you sometime in the future that it will be used again) due to some Namezero conflicts that I've had. So replace www.holyrealm.com with www.holyrealm.cjb.net. That's it for now. Remember to sign the GuestBook, click the adds, and post a message on the board. Until next time.

HuMa - Monday, June 22, 2000. Update.
Hello all. Bots section is up! There's 5 or 6 good bots there check it out. I also added some old news into the archives, added some cgi to the contact page, and I'm starting to work on the War2 stratagy section. Remember to vote, check out the message board, and sign the guestbook. Latez.

HuMa - Monday, June 19, 2000. Update.
Hey. I'm out of school finally so i'll have some time to update. Today I added the guestbook link, and worked on the War2 Stratagies section, which is no where near completion. It should be done by tomorrow though. Please vote, post a message on the board, and sign my guestbook.

HuMa - Wendsday, June 7, 2000. Update.
Hey all. I updated alot of behind the scenes crap over the past few weeks. Mainly just small design changes, layout changes, and fixed some annoying bugs. I'll be uploading more progs and finishing up the WaR2 Section. I won't be able to update for awhile due to Final Exams, everything at school's been kicked into high gear. You may not hear from me for 1 or 2 weeks. Remember to vote and click my ads :)

HuMa - Saturday, May 27, 2000. Update.
Hello. I updated the Progs and the B.net Files sections. There's not alot of files in there yet, but there soon will be.

Remember to vote for me and click on my ads :)

HuMa - Tuesday, May 23, 2000. Update.
Sup people. I got a new URL, it's http://www.holyrealm.com. I also updated alot of behind the source kind of crap. I edited alot of the source code and added some small things to it. You'll notice that I added a few ads please click on them so I can afford to get a better server. Also down at the bottom is a referral ad for dimeclicks, they're really good, if you put their ad on your site you get 17¢ a click.

HuMa - Sunday, May 14, 2000. Update.
Yo. I've updated quite a few small things and added some JS to the site. I've also started to work on the WarCraft2 section. The only thing that's up in there is the cheats section. I think I got every cheat in the game, but i'm not 100% sure. Remember to vote for me.

HuMa - Tuesday, May 9, 2000. Update.
Hey everyone. I've been getting down to work and i've completed the Serials and Cool people sections. The serials section is mainly compiled of about 10 .zip files with around 1500-20000 serials on them. If you're looking for a serial you'll likely find it there. I also created the Cool people section, which is mainly just a list of people who I think are cool on B.net. That's about it, remember to vote for me using both buttons located on the left table side bar. Thanks.

HuMa - Saturday, May 6, 2000. Update.
Sup all. Massive changes, you'll probably notice them as soon as you enter. The first thing you probably noticed was the new banner which I created using Adobe Photoshop. I also changed around a few things. I set myself up with a CJB account, and for those of you who don't know it, it's http://shadrealm.cjb.net. I also finished up the Clans and Lamers section's. By the time you're reading this the Cool People section should be done, or at least started. Anyways, that's about it. I'm out.

HuMa - Tuesday, May 2, 2000. Update.
HuMa here. I've finally got my ass in gear and finished off the main layout. I think it looks pretty good. I also finished off the channels page, so if you got any chans you want me to put up just tell me and i'll stick em on. I also added a voting thing. Take a second out of your busy day to give me a vote :).

HuMa - Monday, May 1, 2000. Update.
Sup all. The overall layout is complete and I'll start construction of the links tomorrow. That is if I don't have to much homework. I also need to start an adertising campaign. If you have any Screen Shot's or Filez you'd like me to add just give a hollar.

HuMa - Sunday, April 30, 2000. Update.
Hey everyone. I finally got my Battle.net Site up and running again. The new layout looks cool. None of the links work as of now, I'll start working on them tomorrow. I'll probably start with something easy like the links section and work from there. If you wanna be in my links section E-mail me @ x_slayer_x@hotmail.com same if you want to become affiliates.

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