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Blizzard News

August 4, 2000
Diablo II Patch 1.03 Now Available
The Diablo II 1.03 patch is now avaliable, click here for more info.

July 18, 2000
Diablo 2 MAC, shipped and on sale!
Now Mac users will be able to play the most anticipated game of the year.

July 12, 2000
Diablo II V.1.02 Patch is released.
This patch fixes several problems related to D2. For more info on the patch click here.

July 5, 2000
Diablo II for the Mac goes gold!
Macintosh gamers, get ready. The Macintosh version of Diablo II, has gone gold.

June 28, 2000
Diablo II Ships Worldwide!
Diablo II finally, after many years of waiting, been shipped worldwide and is expected to be in stores within the next few days.

June 22, 2000
Diablo II Stress Test Draws to a Close
The Diablo II Stress Test will be ending on Monday, June 26th at 8:00 a.m. PT.

June 14, 2000
Diablo Patch 1.08 Now Available
Not much updated, they just added gateways and made it so people can back up their characters on a disk. It also changed some B.net stuff.
Starcraft 64 Now in Stores!
Starcraft64 for the Nintendo64 has shipped and is now available in stores.

June 7, 2000
Diablo II Goes Gold!
Diablo II went Gold! The game, which has initial orders in excess of 1.5 million copies worldwide, will start shipping to retailers worldwide as early as the end of June.

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