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Sup all, This is HuMa, those of you who don't know me on battle.net probably know me as Alucard. Just for refrence I am the same person. I play Diablo 2 on the USWest Server under the account name {][)K}HuMa

HuMa - Sunday, January 7, 2001. Update

Some pretty major updates/improvements. I changed a lot of coding to make updating areas of the site eaiser. I also added some new sreen shots, and a new poll. Check them out.

HuMa - Friday, January 5, 2001. News
Realm hacking / character rollbacks. A few days ago blizzard announced that Hardcore players and Softcore players are going to have a chance to "rollback" their characters to December19th. This is due to extraordinary circumstances that have affected users. These circumstances range from a simple item being stolen to losing your hardcore character. For more info check out battle.net.

HuMa - Sunday, December 31, 2000. Update
Hey. Just here doing some updates. Not much just getting some pictures uploaded and fixing up code. I'm hoping to get some work done on the Diablo 1 section soon, maybe even finish it up.

HuMa - Sunday, Novemeber 19, 2000. Update
Hey all. I'm back. Sorry I've been away for so long. I've been really busy with school and such, I also wasn't too sure where this site was headed. Now I'm positive. It's going to be a strictly Diablo site. Which means there will be a ton of information focusing on the Diablo series. So far I've done quite a bit on the Diablo 1 section. Bookmark this site and check back often for updates.

HuMa - Monday, August 24, 2000. Update
Hey everyone. I got my new computer, and it's fast as hell. 800MHz 256 RAM Beast. Anyway, I updated some stuff in the Diablo Section and I cleaned up some of my code. I'm hoping to finish up the Diablo1 section soon. Stay Tuned.

HuMa - Monday, August 7, 2000. News
Hey all. No real updates to inform you of, just a quick news announcement. I've noticed that the layout on the left table is going to become really cluttered in the near future, so i'm changing the layout of it. I'm sort of going back to the way it was before. WAY less clutter. The Warcraft 1 and 2 sections will be complete soon.

HuMa - Friday, August 4, 2000. Update
Hey everyone. I did alot of work this update. I did alot of stuff to improve my HTML code on pages with information that's longer than the actual Left menu, it's quite a nice change and makes the site look much better. I also added the Diablo 2 Townsfolk page, and the War2 Info page. I'm still looking for a good host, hopefully I'll find one soon. That's it, later.

HuMa - Tuesday, July 29, 2000. Update
Hello all. I did quite a bit of work today. Firstly I finished the Diablo 1 Quests section, and secondly I finished up the Diablo 1 Shrines sections. Expect me to finish up the Warcraft 2 section once and for all within the next few days and after that do some more work on the Diablo section. That's it catch ya later.

This site is copyrighted. All content on this site is property of either me or Blizzard Entertainment ®.
© 1999-2000 Graham Walker.

- Headline -

      -  Diablo Townsfolk up
      -  Diablo Quests up
      -  Diablo Shrines
      -  Bots section up
      -  B.net Files section started

Diablo 2 Character Poll
Favorite D2 Character?



Image of the week

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