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September 14, 2002

Kagetora Saved by Ukira

Rumours of a prominent Dragon character death were true but the target was Mirumoto Ukira
instead of Hitomi Kagetora. Possibly because of his continued importance to the story, Kagetora
was spared a meaningless death. The rumours started with the Broken Blades card Dirty Fighting
in which Kagetora said "Let us end this, Crane," Kagetota spat." Last month it was thought that
he would lose to the unknown Crane in the picture. With the story "Excellence", the one line quote
may have a different significance - Kagetora may be avenging Ukira's death by Daidoji Enai.

Stay tuned for new developments as they become available.

August 17, 2002

Redemption for Junnosuke

Junnosuke's story is told in the "Wind of Honor" by Ree Soesbee. The book is mostly
about Toturi Tsudao but Junnosuke is also prominantly featured.

"Wind of Honor" isn't widely available yet but if you want to read some of the discussions
about Junnosuke on the Dragon mailing list and don't want to zig-zag through multiple posts,
click on this spoiler page.

Is Kagetora Being Set Up by the Crane?

Recent rumours concerning Hitomi Kagetora have surfaced on the Crane Mailing list. It appears
that one of the prizes for Season of the Crane was to have an opposing Daimyo killed. This was
not a concern to the Dragon at that time because we were not at war with the Crane.

In Broken Blades, it appears that we will be opposing the Crane so Kagetora's days may be
numbered. If he is to be the target for the writers, let's hope that he goes out with honor.

August 3, 2002

Clever Marketing or Fortuitous Coincidence?

Alderac will release a set this Fall named A Thousand Years of Darkness, where Fu Leng is
absolute Lord and ruler of Rokugan. The premise of the set was "What if Fu Leng won the
Day of Thunder?" In a cunning display of creativity and marketing, Alderac has brought new
attention to this upcoming set by potentially allowing the current story to merge with the
Gold and Diamond legal cards in A Thousand Years of Darkness. How? Read on ....

Although the story written for A Thousand Years of Darkness was completed months ago,
the cards themselves have the potential of being incorporated into the Diamond environment
using the results of this year's Gencon winner. If one of the Major Clans wins Gencon, then
the alternate reality of A Thousand Years of Darkness remains just that, an alternate reality.

Suppose the Shadowlands were to win Gencon again this year? Then the potential is there
for some of the tournament quality cards in A Thousand Years of Darkness to become true
in this reality and be reprinted in Diamond edition. Is this train of thought true or just idle
speculation? Time will tell....


Rumours Pre-2002  ||  Rumours Summer 2002



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Legends of the Five Rings CCG is copyright of the Five Rings Publishing Group and Wizards of the Coast.
Artwork is copyright by various artists who illustrated for Alderac Entertainment Group.

Other names, stories and ideas are copyright MountainView. Dragon logo by R. Stier.