For times of Anger

  • Only fools get angry quickly and hold a grudge .Ecclesiastes7:9

  • If you forgive others for the wrongs they do to you , your Father in heaven will forgive you . But if you don't forgive others , your Father will not forgive your sins.Mathew 6: 14-15

  • Dear friends don't try to get even . Let God take revenge . In the sciptures the Lord says ,, I am the one to take revenge and pay them back .Romans 12:19

  • It's smart to be patient , but it's stupid to loose your temper.Proverbs 14 :29

  • Don't be angry or furious , Anger can lead to sin . Don't go to bed angry and don't give the devil a chancePsalm 37 : 8

  • Stop being bitter and angry and mad at others . Don't yell at one another and curse each other or ever be rude . Instead , be kind and merciful , and forgive others , just as God forgave you because of Christ .Ephesians 4:31-32
    For times of loneliness 7 verses
    For times of Fear 11 verses
    For times of Anger 7 verses
    For times of Frustration 7 verses
    For times of Guilt 9 verses
    For times of Rebellion 6 verses
    For times of Suffering 9 verses
    For times of Discouragement 8 verses
    For times of Depression 4 verses
    For times of Trouble 9 verses
    For times of Needs 7 verses
    Promises for your Personal Needs
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