For times of Discouragement

  • Keep on being brave ! It will bring you great rewards . Learn how to be patient , so that you will please God and be given what He has promised.Hebrews 10:35-36

  • Jesus told him :"You can be sure that anyones who gives up homes or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or land for me and for the good news will bw rewarded.
    In this world they will be given a hundred times as many houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and pieces of land , though they will also be mistreaded . and in the world to come , they will have eternal life."
    Mark 10 : 29-30

  • Just as parents are kind to their children , the Lord is kind to all who worship Him , because He knows we are made of dust .Psalm 103: 13-14

  • We often suffer , but are never crushed . Even when we don't know what to do , we never give up . In times of trouble , God is with us , and when we are knocked down , we get up again.Corinthians 4 : 8-92

  • In everything we have more than a victory because of Christ who loves us . I am sure thay nothing can separate us from from God's love - Not life or death , not angels or spirits , not the present or the future , and not the powers above or the powers below . Nothing in all creation can separate us form God's love for us In Christ Jesus our Lord !Romans 8:37-39

  • God's home is now with his people . He will live with them , and they will be his own . Yes God will make his home among his people . He will wipe all tears from their eyes , and there will be no more death , suffering , crying, or pain . These things of the past are gone for ever .
    Revelation 21:3-4

  • Don't worry about anything , but pray about everything . With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and request to God . Then because you belong to Christ Jesus , God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand . And this peace will control the way you think and feel.Phillipians 4 :6-7

  • Jesus said to his disciples , "Don't be worried ! Have faith in God and have faith in me ."John 14:1
    For times of loneliness 7 verses
    For times of Fear 11 verses
    For times of Anger 7 verses
    For times of Frustration 7 verses
    For times of Guilt 9 verses
    For times of Rebellion 6 verses
    For times of Suffering 9 verses
    For times of Discouragement 8 verses
    For times of Depression 4 verses
    For times of Trouble 9 verses
    For times of Needs 7 verses
    Promises for your Personal Needs
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