For times of Need

  • You Lord , are my shepherd . I will never be in need .Psalm 23 :1

  • God rescues the needy from the words of the wicked and the fist of the mighty . The poor are filled with hope , and injustice is silenced.Job 5 : 15 -16

  • Fig trees may no longer bloom , or vineyards produce grapes ; olives trees may be fruitless , and harvest times a failure ; sheep pens may be empty , and the cattle stalls vacant - but I will still celebrate because the Lord God saves me .Habakkuk 3:17-18

  • I will protect you from anything that makes you unclean . Your fields will overflow with grain , and no one will starve . Your trees will be filled with fruit , and crops will grow in your fields , so that you will never again feel ashamed for not having enough food .Ezekiel 36 : 29-30

  • I the Lord , am the one who sends storms clouds and showers of rain to make fields produce. So when the crops need rain , you should pray to me .Zechariah 10:1

  • God lifts the poor and needy form dust and ashes , and He lets them take part in ruling HIs people . Psalm 113: 7-8

  • My dear friends , pay attention . God has given a lot of faith to the poor people in this world . He has also promised them a share in His kingdom that He will give to everyone who loves Him .
    James 2:5

    For times of loneliness 7 verses
    For times of Fear 11 verses
    For times of Anger 7 verses
    For times of Frustration 7 verses
    For times of Guilt 9 verses
    For times of Rebellion 6 verses
    For times of Suffering 9 verses
    For times of Discouragement 8 verses
    For times of Depression 4 verses
    For times of Trouble 9 verses
    For times of Needs 7 verses
    Promises for your Personal Needs
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