Their is a hustle as the hoplites form ranks. The Phalanx consists of a line of men, spears to the front, with up to 8 men behind forming ranks. Usually, you younger, less expierienced lads would form some of the rear ranks, but today, the older guys seem to be glad to huddle in the back. You find yourself in the front rank. Before you, in all their splendor and glory, are the Spartans. Up til now they have been calmly talking and combing their long hair. A shout from their commander and they soon put on their helmets, and pick up shields and spears. They have blood red shields with the Spartan Symbol on it.

Perhaps today wasn't such a good day to get up after all.

Someone is yelling something on your side of the field. It is hard to see and hear with the helmet on. Already it is getting hot. You feel the sweat trickling down the center of your chest and small of your back. The line is moving!

Get going! The order to advance has been given. The entire phalanx is moving forward. The Spartans have begun to advance to. Their is only the sound of stomping feet, with a cloud of dust beginning to form.

Ouch! Damn old guy behind you has slipped and his spear poked you in the arm. He steadies himself and mumbles an apology. "Better the Arm than the Butt."

Any moment now. The sweat is streaking down your forhead, and stinging your eyes.

A shout, suddenly the whole Phalanx is shouting the War Cry! You too! "Eleleleoooooo!!!" and both sides race forward.

You run, picking up the pace with the other men. Yelling as loud as you can, running with the weight of the shield held chest high, and the spear held in the underarm position like a horsemans lance.

don't stumble now or you'll be trampled to death. If you drank wine before coming out to the battle, or had some Eygptian lessons in love, then Roll 1D6. On a 6 you stumble and fall to be trampled to death by your Phalanx buddies.

You and the Spartans are nearing eachother at the run, yelling as loud as you can.

Aahh! Damn it, that man in the back has stumbled and as he fell his spear sliced across your thigh! There may be nothing left of you by the time you reach the Spartans!

Dust is beginning to clog the sky, but that is not all! Streaks of brown can be seen like a starburst descending from above! Arrows and Javelins! Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! to lift your shield would throw you off balance and make you fall, you can only run through the shower of darts. Thump! Many hit the ground, some find their way into an arm or leg or a shoulder of a man who yelps but keeps on running. Here and their a Missile hits a head and a body slumps hard to the ground. A man beside you suddenly yells and blood has splattered against the left side of your shield. He has been hit in the top of the head and the point has popped through the bottom of his jaw. In his death the man lurches forward and falls at your feet. Quick jump or you'll stumble!!! Roll 1d6 on a 6 you will fall! Look out! another shower of missiles from above. Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump! Roll 1d6! If a 1- 4 you are okay, if a 5 or if a 6 you may have some problems.

You can see clearly the line of Spartans and the man you will soon be facing. Both of you are running. Aim your Spear now, and hope the momentum of your charge will carry it straight through the man! Aim for his head or his Groin! Keep your shield high! He's aiming for you too!


A thousand men slam into one another. hundreds of spears CRACK as they splinter under the impact. Many find their mark and sink through a man's armour and shield.

Roll 1d6 and consult below.

You aimed for the HEAD

You aimed for the GROIN

You may check for your attack first, but all actions are simultaneous, so even if you kill the guy, you must still check to see what if any damage he did to you. After your attack, always check your ATTACKERS ACTIONS