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Submitted by whatevillurks

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Tell me a story one of your grandparents told you.
I'm Norweigen. I was always told that my ancestors used to "rape pillage and plunder" and that they reigned the sea like no other. I guess it must have been true!

  Answer by Swillpig on 5.26.00 5:49 AM
They story of the Claddaugh.

An Irish sailor was coming home. He was to be wed in a week. A ship-full or Norse overtook his vessel and enslaved him. He was very skilled in fishing, but not much else. He performed as a slave very well, even learning skills of trade and craftmanship. He then fashioned a ring. The ring was a heart, held by two loving hands with a crown atop signifying loyalty to the heart that he so yearned for. After nine long years, he was released from slavery to return to his home. He was in disbelief yet SO very happy to find that his wife-to-be had never married. He gave her that ring that he had fashioned...and they were married...lived together and died together.

Now this ring can be seen on many fingers, heart up=heart is occupied, down=heart is unoccupied.

 Answer by Swords on 5.26.00 7:14 AM
This is the story my grandparents told me of how they met. It was before the war in England. They were in a queue to enter a theatre. They didn't know one another at the time but my Grandmother was standing in front of my Grandfather with a friend. My Grandmother had suffered from heart problems all her life, even when younger. On this day, she felt ill and mentioned to her friend that she felt faint. My Grandfather, being the gallant gentleman that he was, leaned forward and said to my Grandmother, "Then faint this way." *LOL* The rest was history, so they say.

 Answer by WViolet on 5.26.00 11:13 AM
My grandparents had a dry sense of humor. One day my grandfather called my grandmother up on the telephone and asked her what she was doing that day. She said nothing special. Then he asked, "Do you want to take the train into town and get married this afternoon?" Not missing a beat she replied, "We might as well." They did and came back married! No one had known anything about it beforehand so there was quite a little shock in our tiny village!

 Answer by light on 5.27.00 11:36 AM
My grandmother LOVED to tell this story about my grandfather's family.
My grandfather's father, my great-grandfather whose name was William, grew up in a small town in May County in Ireland. He had two brothers. The three of them grew up to be real rebel-rousers, causing trouble at every turn. They would frequent the town's pubs and reek havoc. They would get drunk, fight, and generally bully people around. The townspeople had it out for them. One time they got in this really terrrible pub fight. William's oldest brother John, hit someone so hard he killed him. The three stood trial. They ALL had been found guilty and were given a choice to either get hanged or go to Australia which was a penal colony at the time. Of course they choose Australia. However the townspeople thought that even Austrailia didn't deserve all three of them. They decided to send them to the far corners of the earth. John, the oldest ws sent to Australia, the middle son was sent to South America, the Faulklin's we think and William was dropped of in Manitoba, Canada. Eventually William found his was back to Ontario (Almonte) where he met and married my great granmother. The brothers neve saw each other again.
My grandmother used to say this was hard to beleive because when she knew my great grandfather, William, he was nothing like that. He was kind and happy, although he still liked his ale! He would swear this wasn't true, but the family have traced our ancestory and found we have realtives in Australia!

 Answer by Ishtar on 5.27.00 3:25 PM
My Nana told me the story of my surname, which is Doherty and of Irish origin. Apparently, a few generations ago it was O'Doherty. My great-great-great (or whatever) grandfather had a general store, and he wanted to paint the family name on the window. However, it didn't fit properly at the size he wanted, so rather than making the painting smaller he dropped the O. Which I thought sounded stereotypically Irish :)

 Answer by hismel on 5.30.00 8:47 PM
Actually, my great-grandmother told me this when I was 8 or so...I hope it counts! Her last name was Mecklenberg and she came from Denmark in 1891 with her family when she was 3. They traveled from New England to Utah, then to Riverside, CA, by covered wagon. At one point in the family's travels, they were camped along a stream. Her father worked at various jobs along the way to support the 8 children (7 girls and one boy). One day when dad was at work and mother was hanging wash, the children got into daddy's chewing tobacco. As they tasted it and it began to burn their mouths, all eight of them went scurrying loudly to the nearby creek. They dropped to the ground, laying on their bellies with their open mouths in the stream so the water could rinse their mouths. Walking upon the row of his eight children on the creek's bank, he belly-laughed and teased that they'd be certain to never do *that* again!

I like your question. I hope you'll keep it open awhile so you get a huge collection of stories!

 Answer by amyshea on 5.31.00 12:28 AM
I always thought my Gramps was so straight-laced and proper. I was amazed when he told me this story!! He told it to me when I was a new mom, nursing my son.

He and his friends used to run around the neighborhood. Wild boys, going wherever they wanted. One yard was a good cut-through yard to a certain hangout spot. But one day, the lady of the yard caught the boys cutting through. They his behind a hedge, and the lady (who was a nursing mother) whipped up her shirt and squirted milk at my granddad and his friends!!!! He was almost 80 when he told me this story, and his admiration for that lady (and the humor) was quite apparent in his telling!

What are the lessons or morals you are teaching your child/ren at an early age?
What I'm trying to ask is we may not be able to impart unto our children ALL our values, ...I'm asking about the ones that are really important, in your opinion, to learn at a very young age?

 Answer by coney on 3.31.00 5:03 PM
be responsible for what you do and how you feel. if you make a mess, clean it up, cheerfully.

everyone makes mistakes, and therfore should both be generous with the mistakes of others and made amends.

contribute, everyone has a talent, no matter how small, and every bit counts.

solve problems with compassion and empathy, sometimes the solution that feels best is better than the one that works best.

focus pays, don't waste your own time. play, work and rest with gusto.

things are not as important as people, if your best friend breaks your toy, forget it.

eat what is good for you, be good to your body, it affects who you are.

 Answer by savia on 3.31.00 5:19 PM
it matters little what you say, but what you do they will imitate.

be honest. return the overage in change at the store. don't cheat. don't lie to them or around them.

be caring. let them see you consistently be kind. and hug them when they need it. simple things, but what a lasing impression.

be dependable. do what you tell them you will do. if you say "stop that or we are going home" and they don't stop, go home. whatever you commit to, do.

apologise. if you are wrong, admit it. they will learn integrity and humility.

and if practice a religion, practice it faithfully. if you are ill you might skip church, but otherwise go. if you want something to be important to them, let them see it is important to you.
also important is to not give them everything they want. life is hard, we have to make choices between one desire and another. we should teach that from infancy on, but that rarely happens. by not fulfilling their every whim, they learn to be selective in their desires, which will result in a happier adult! simply because the fewer wants you have eatting away at your soul, the easier it is to be content with what you have.

 Answer by Pahel50 on 3.31.00 5:46 PM
1) Accept responsibility for what you have done, good or bad. If you want a pat on the back when you get it right, be prepared for a kick in the pants when you don't.

2) Treat EVERYONE in the same way you want to be treated.

3) No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes, learn from them and get on with your life.

4) You do not have a personal servant -- everyone can learn to do things for themselves.

5) CAN'T is a 4 letter word that will not be tolerated in this household -- keep trying.

6) Life is not fair. Get used to it. Someone is always going to have more than you do. Accept that and you'll be much happier.

7) We all have to do things in life we don't want to. Get used to that, too.

8) Money is NOT everything. If you are happy in what you are doing, you can learn to live with less. It's easier with more money, but it can be done just as well with less.

9) Love is more important than anyTHING.

10) Learn to read -- books are our friends; they take us places, they fire our imaginations; they allow us to see and feel things we'd never see without them.

11) Think

12) Use your creativity and your God-given talents to benefit as many as possible.

What are some things you've done with photography that worked out really well?
I'm looking for things like filter combinations; usage of really high speed film or a specialty type--maybe infrared. Some effect you achieved in the darkroom, etc.

Are there any sites that have inspired you to try different things (time lapse or the like) that worked out.

Do you develop your own film? Print it? Shoot black & white or colour or both?

Do you use a 35mm camera or some other format?

Any cool ideas you'd suggest in shooting or printing?

 an excellent answer... by Tailgunner on 7.29.00 12:53 AM

I haven't done any darkroom work for several years. I had both a color, and a black and white darkroom set up in my house. The following tips, that I've tried were done with fairly modest equipment, because I'm not a professional photographer, and I had to keep my costs down.

One day, several years ago, I saw some unusual black and white forest pictures, they had a peculiar enchanted look about them; they were framed and for sale. Well, I found out that the photographer would take these Coast Range photos at night. That's right, he would go out after dark, set up his tripod, and make exposures that were several minutes long. When he printed the pictures, they looked like they had been taken during the day. But, there were fogs and mists in places in the pictures that gave them a nearly surrealistic effect, and unusual patterns and shadows. They were very nice.

Another time, I saw a photographer taking pictures across a busy street, with many cars going by. I asked him how he was going to get any good pictures with all the cars speeding by. He was using a tripod, and making multiple exposures. For instance, if the picture would normally be a hundredth of a second, he would take ten exposures at a thousandth of a second, without moving the camera. That way, the cars would not show up in his pictures, because they didn't stay in one place long enough. Ten multiple exposures at a thousandth of a second each exposed the buildings across the street the equivalent of a hundredth of a second, but not the passing cars.

When taking pictures of little kids, I like to use a prop of some kind. Often, I will have them squirting something, or drinking, from a garden hose. Or, maybe I will have them stand on some item. It does not have to be elaborate, even an old bucket will do. Little girls like to dress up. So sometimes I would get my daughters some clothes from a flea market, and let the fun begin. Also, one liked to have her picture taken in her Girl Scout uniform, and the other in her Camp Fire Girl outfit. Kids seem to look better if you stoop down to their level when you take the pictures, instead of shooting down at them.

You can make some nice portraits of people from a distance, using a telephoto lens. A regular lens invades their space and makes them uneasy. If you're using fine grain film, you can take a picture from a long way away, and then crop and enlarge it to a portrait.

When touring with my motorcycle, I use a 35 mm Minolta body, with a 28mm to 70mm Tamron Zoom Macro lens. It rides cushioned in my tank bag, and is easy to reach. There is much versatility with that lens. Once I stopped at a relatives house, nearly 1500 miles from my home. He had some old time family pictures, in black and white. I set those pictures on the sidewalk, zoomed in close with my Tamron lens, and took a picture of a picture. They came out great. In fact they looked bigger and better than the originals.

For portraits, I haven't found anything to equal my old 105mm Pentax lens. That is a truly superb lens, and does nice things for people. Another good camera for portraits, is an old, 120 film, twin lens Rolleiflex, with an 80mm lens. Some photographers don't like the square format though. But, you get excellent results with the larger negative.

One time I was up on Mt. Hood, out of Portland, Oregon, on my motorcycle. I positioned the bike so that I could see the mountain snow peak in the rear view mirror. Then I took a picture of the bike with the moutain plainly visible in the mirror, with the lodge behind the bike. The effect was nice.

I always like to use a polarizing filter when I'm taking pictures where there is a lot of reflections, like in glass, or water. To me, the pictures look much nicer without so much reflection. If you're taking pictures through glass, like at a museum, the polarizing filter works well. Be careful with flash where there is glass, because it often obliterates a good picture, by reflecting back.

Nice 3d stereo pictures can be taken with a standard 35mm camera, too. You make two different exposures of the same scene, but move the camera over several inches to the side to simulate stereo separation, or binocular vision like with your eyes. There are stereo tripods to do this effectively. Of course, that method only works on still subjects.

I used to make some beautiful color slides of common objects that would startle people with their beauty. For instance, I would take a close-up macro slide of a common thistle head, the puffy white thing with the seeds that float in the air. When you project it so it is 4 feet wide, you will see an elaborate geometrical design, like a Geodesic Dome. People "OOOO' over that one. Other things are equally attractive when viewed from a different perspective.

Well, I hope this gives you some fresh ideas. I had a lot of fun trying these things. Good Luck.

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