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My Friends

Karen Nazario This is Karen Nazario. She is indeed, one of my bestest of best friends! Karen is such a warm and caring person... she can really show people how to keep sane in such a crazy world! She's an aspiring actress curently taking classes at Weist Barron Academy in New York City. I have no doubt in my mind that Karen is going to succeed at whatever she decides to do in life. She's so charming, how could she not succeed?

Theatre Credits: Non Equity

LEND ME A TENOR, Julia,Iona College

AFTER THE FALL, Felice, Iona College


GIANNI SCICCI, Nella, Iona College

ODD COUPLE (Female Version), Vera, Summer Theatre of Iona College

NIGHT OF JANUARY 16th, Nancy, Iona College

MOCK DWI DRIVER, Alcohol Awareness Week, Iona College

Joseph Lawrence Vasile I've known Joseph for five years. He's is definitly my best friend. Through the good and bad times Joseph has been there for me. He's a great buddy. He's loads of fun, and he is a wonderful artist. I've been promoting his work for about 4 years. He's truly like the brother I never had.

Images of an Artist
Joseph Lawrence Vasile
The Bio

He’s being called New York’s hottest and youngest new artist…

At 23, it sounds like a fairy tale straight from central casting, but for Joseph Lawrence Vasile, a Staten Island, NY, native, it’s all very true. From owning his own company, VISIONS: Vivid Imagery, to completing portraits for some of today’s most notable celebrities, Vasile has it all. Barely out of diapers, Vasile began painting as soon as he could talk. His first piece, ‘The Happy Clown,’ was created at the tender age of five. It was immediately followed by several others. Vasile has won a multitude of artistic awards since then adding to an increased self awareness, which he says, "is what makes me who I am, and helps me to focus on what I can do."

Since his debut show at System, a New York City nightclub, and the company launching party at the Roxy, Vasile has begun to experience the reality of a dream he had once thought was impossible. Enrolled in professional art classes at six, Vasile’s mother began to notice a blossoming talent, and actively encouraged him to follow what he so obviously enjoyed. As time passed, this exceptional ability became noticeable to anyone who had the privilege of meeting this young man.

When he turned 13, Vasile was approached by PBS television executives, and invited to participate in an on-air art show demonstrating special art techniques. The show aired on PBS in New York City, and was re-broadcast at the White House for President Bush. In addition to the television appearance, Vasile also had the honor of winning the Ezra Keats medal for an original book illustration which he designed and illustrated. Vasile also won the St. Gauden’s medal and the Virginia Murphy Award and Scholarship for outstanding artistic ability. Both ceremonies were held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, in New York.

Vasile’s accomplishments do not stop there. He was contracted by the NYC Ballet for a production of "Hansel and Gretal," where he designed the props and backdrops. While a student at New York’s Fashion Institute of Technology, Vasile was the scenic artist and art director of the school’s productions of "Smile: The Musical," and "Tereus: The Tragic Tale of Philomelia." Vasile maintained the same position for the Grove Street Playhouse’s production of "Heavenly Days."

Vasile’s exhibits have not only included several nightclubs, but have also been shown at The Lever House, Gateway Gallery, the museum at F.I.T., and Spiral, all located in Manhattan.

Near his home, Vasile has showcased his talents at the Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Borough Hall, the Conference House, and the Staten Island Institute of Arts & Sciences. He has also designed a six-piece series for permanent exhibition at Staten Island’s Bay Club, where the series, "Divine Enigmas," showcases some of today’s hottest celebrities such as Elton John, Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, RuPaul, Annie Lennox, and Bette Middler.

Joseph Lawrence Vasile is the embodiment of the American dream. It is not only the talent which makes Vasile’s work stand out, but it’s the drive and determination which he so excellently possesses, that gives him the ability to strive.

"No matter how many people tell you that you can’t do something, you have to continue, because it’s all up to you," says Vasile, "I always believed that you can do anything you put your mind to, and if you don’t listen to all the negativity you will make it. That’s how I came this far."


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