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The new year is fast approaching... Are you ready to change your life?

Well if so, here are a few ways that are sure to help you to become healthier, happier, and more in touch with yourself in the new year.

First there is Meditation. Mantra meditation, also known as Transcendental Meditation, has become one of the most popular forms of relaxation therapies among many of today’s most well-known celebrities. Madonna and Oprah Winfrey are singing it’s praises, and so will you. The practice has been shown to enhance moods, improve the body's resistance to disease as well as make you more aware of your inner-self or soul.

According to Winfrey, in her show entitled "Gratitude Day," which aired originally April 14, 1997, by doing these daily exercises, you will lead a path to a more abundant, more positive, more fulfilling life.

Here’s What to Do:
  1. Choose the mantra you want to use
  2. Practice saying it out loud so you can hear it
  3. Pick a place to do your mantra exercises. (ie. Somewhere where you are most comfortable like in the bath, at the park, or lying in bed.)
  4. You might want to use incense or candles to enhance the mood. You can even use your favorite source of inspirational music. Sounds of the rainforest or ocean might be a good idea.
  5. Then repeat your Mantra, over and over (you can start with 10-15 minutes a day, and increase the amount of time as you feel more comfortable with the mantra.)
  6. Now just listen to the words and relax. Let the sound enter your ears and do the work.

Choosing a mantra is an important part of planning your daily meditation. It can be simple or it can be difficult. It’s up to you... Because YOU choose the mantra it can be anything. As long as your mantra is a positive reinforcement of yourself or what you may want to achieve you are on the right track. Some examples of mantras that people have used in the past are, "GRACE," "Oh, glorious jesus come open my heart," "Om Shanti," a mantra meaning peace, or "Absolute truth, I worship you." Finding a good mantra for yourself will show you the power of the mind and soul. Once you begin to repeat the words you are communicating directly with the soul. Try it for a couple of weeks, and try to notice changes in your behavior. You might even want to keep a journal of your daily practices. Do you feel more calm and at peace with yourself, or are you still on edge?

Sometimes it’s as simple as believing. If you believe in the mantra, you can almost guarantee a positive response. Sound is a very powerful tool in healing. Many hospitals around the world have used music therapy, or "sound," to get patients to respond to treatment, when more traditional therapies have failed. In many cases, coma patients have even awaken to the sounds of loved-ones. Sound can heal the soul. Cancer survivors around the world have made testimonials to the power of meditation.

Then thank yourself. Think about what you have, and what you have accomplished in your lifetime. Even if you are not rich, and you don’t have that "pair of shoes" or "dress" that you want so bad, think about simple things. Count them. Pick three things a day to be thankful for, and write them down. Write down why you are thankful for them, and number each page. Don’t focus on what you don’t have because if you do that you will never be happy. You’ll only want more, and you will never have enough. Quite often those who are happiest are those who are most comfortable with what they have. "If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough," Meister Eckhart, Mystical theologian.

And remember, you don’t have to be religious, or practice any specific kind of religion to take part in these exercises, you just have to want to change. You have to want a better, more fulfilling life. If you truly want these thinks, you will become empowered. You will see a change, and you will feel it in your body, mind, and soul.

You might want to check out these readings:
In Print:
Mantra and Meditation: Superconscious Meditation, Vol. 2 , Pandit Usharbudh Arya, Himalayan Institute, October 1982.

Perfect Questions Perfect Answers: The Power of Mantra Meditation, A. C. Bhaktivedanta, September, 1997.

Or on the web:

Also Check out the "Oprah" web site for her series on "Changing your Life":

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