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Please come in and meet our members...each site is well worth visiting!

Michelle's Place ~Michelle~ A co-founder of FHLS....I love surfing the net and visiting others homepages.I've ran across so many that have made me laugh, and some that have put a tear in my eye...I love poetry, and enjoy others writings very much, and I love dragons, especially those with a personality (hehe). I feel everyone has an inner child just waiting to surface, and many people allow that...I also enjoy the many facets of people that I meet, whether it be here on the net, or off, and hold dear to the intricate threads of what makes each one of us unique.

Dee2's Homepage ~Dee~ Hello ! I am also a co-founder of Friendly Hearts/Loving Souls Webring. Like Michelle, I too, love surffing the net and seeing all the other homepages of all the different likes of my cyber friends. Each one of us are different in our own way. And I love to see how we express ourselves on the net. On my site you will see many different pages. Dedication to my Mother, poems, help me search for info on my biological fahter, links to other great sites (my kids are there too :-} ), to my page of free banners and free graphics. When you visit my site, you will see the kind of person that I am. So please visit me, and sign my guest book.

Debb's Wee Corner of the Web ~Debbie~ Hello! I enjoy surfing the net and listening to music. The first thing I ever put on my page was a picture of Betty Boop, (I'm obsessed.) There are links to my daughter, Veronica's page and my husband, Richard's page. I have a page each of campaigns and webrings I have joined. I have a poem and "Where's The Baby" page, which are both dedicated to my daughter, a Betty Boop page which my daughter dedicated to me. I made a scrapbook of our beloved dog, who we lost in March. I adopted some cyber pets and there is also a links page. I check my guestbook everyday and love it when I find new entries. So please come visit and sign my guest book.

Scarlett's Place ~Jules~ Hi, I'm pretty new at the internet, but catching on fast. I'm very much a people person, and my family and friends are everything to me. I'm taking some comp classes, which are a big interest with me. Come and visit my home on the web, I'm just starting out, but have many things I want to contribute to it, and will be added on soon..and before you leave, please sign my guestbook *S*

DragynPoet's Poetry Corner ~Victoria~ Hello, I am 29 and a few more :) Married 2 years in July to a wonderful man who spoils me rotten : ) I have 2 wonderful, intelligent little girls. Alexandra, age 10 and Cassandra, age 5. Alexandra is in 5th grade and Cassandra is in 1st grade,both are in homeschool. My Hobbies are Crafts, soapmaking, candlemaking, writing poetry,reading everything I can find, the internet- which is my second home, and educating my children. My Poetry achievements: I have been writing poetry for about 20 years, I have been published several times in different publications and anthologies, the most recent to come out in May 1998 entitled "Best Poets of 1998" published by quill books.

Charlys World ~Thorsten~ I'm a student of chemistry at the University of Hannover. My hobbies are computing, the outdoors, go to cinemas, staying out with friends in the nightlife of Hannover, if we have the time. I'm also a soccer fan and a fan of our local Ice Hockey team. My site has alot of usful resorces to help build your homepage. To inlude links and midi files.

My Rose Garden ~Foxee~ Hello, I am 28 years old and live in Missouri. I am married to a wonderful husband with 2 children. My son Shayne is 3 and my daughter Kaitlin is 1 1/2. They keep my quite busy and I love spending quality time with my family. Both my husband and myself work at a Automotive Salvage Yard (no not the same one cause then we would never get any work done....LOL) I am an accountant there and also maintain much of the regular inventory also. I enjoy camping, float trips, spending time with friends and family, and of course the computer. I love to make new friends (in fact that is why I also have a webring called 4ever Friends). I have just recently became really involved with working with graphics and would love for you all to come visit me sometime. I am an outgoing, fun person and enjoy listening if you ever need a shoulder to lean on. There is nothing more important than to have your family and friends and I do believe that there are many Loving Hearts and Souls out there. Stop by to see me sometime and see you all soon : )

Marcel's Homepage ~Marcel~ I was born on the 19th of August 1967 in the city Freiburg inBreisgau, which is in the very south-west of Germany not too far from the French and the Swiss borders. Freiburg is the "Capital" of the so called BLACKFOREST. There I went to a "Freie Waldorschule"- a Rudolf Steiner school. At this school, I already liked to watch plants and animals like birds and I took care of some special falcons in the "AG-Wanderfalkenschutz" together with Mr. Dr. Rudolph Luehl, a biology-teacher. I served in a senior-citizen-home helping old people ("Zivildienst"). Then I started studying BIOLOGY at the University of Freiburg. After I finished the first part of my studies there, I looked for another university, at which I could study ecology. After visiting the busy Bonn and the pretty Bayreuth, I decided to go to the University of Vienna in Austria: Here I can study in a beautiful city , close to the Alps and beside the Danube-river and not far from Italy, Hungaria, the Slowakian and the Czech Republik and not very far from Poland. These days I am preparing myself for postgraduate studies: Theme of the research: "Waterplants of the lake Neusiedler See". Beside this, I am designing homepages. Just in the moment, I am designing a non - commercial homepage for (an ecological non - profit - organisation) CIPRA, Commission Internationale pour la Protection des Alpes (International Comission for the Protection of the Alps). Any hints, how to make it (even) better, are welcome. My graduation (Master`s degree) has been on 26th of January 1998 in the University of Vienna!:)) Now, I invite you to visit my homepage, where you can find wonderful pictures and cultural and ecological contents." Heartly greetings,Marcel

Ramirose's Nameless Homepage ~Ramirose~ Hi. I am a college student at Eastern Oregon University studying history. I love to compute, read, cook, listen to and play music when I have time. I am also constantly in the process of trying to figure out men. :) I like to ski, watch football and write in my diary which I have done everyday for more than four years. My page has three parts - one about beef, one is the homepage for my church and the other about Pisces, my sign.

White Horse's Domain ~Karl~ Born in Kansas; Traveled 40 of 50 states; lived in 12-13; Lived mostly in California; Clerical education & background; Gave it all up to fullfill a childhood dream & became a cowboy (DID IT TOO!). Most recently father of the White Horse Peace Trail and just taken responsibility of Earth Circle. Developing Custom Web Design Business; seeking my Spiritual Path through Native American Heritage & studying Holistic/Herbal remedies.

Vicki's Place ~Vicki~ I love the computer...Am I an addict...I guess you could say that...I work with them everyday and come home from work and get on the one at home. I love crafts, collecting angels and Tom Clark gnomes, love getting e-mail and meeting new friends on the web. Right now I am trying to learn the ins and outs of PSP4 and PSP5. Making your own graphics is fun.

My Tribute to Juan ~Smom~ I am a 24 year old at-home-mother of two boys, ages 4 and 2. I am a newlywed as of February 2, 1998. We just moved back home to Louisiana from New Jersey, where we spent three cold years *G*. My work is on the internet, I am slowly learning to make backgrounds and images, I also work in GeoCities as the Liaison in HotSprings and CL in Heartland. I am a survivor of abuse, which you will learn if you visit my site. And I am living proof that you can survive, you can walk away and look back and say, "HEY, I AM A SURVIVOR!!!"

General Industrialisms, UnInc. Home Page ~Russell~ Without divulging too much info about myself, (I love mystery! LOL), I love filmmaking... anything to do with it. Cinematography, music scoring, directing, producing, writing, special effects, among other things. I also love 3D computer animation. Don't know how to do it yet but when I get the funding, I'll be making some of the coolest computer animated films you've ever seen! I'm learning HTML and am planning on starting a web design /3D model design business. I hope things work out well. I entered the PXL THIS film festival in 1993 and had one of my movies shown there. 'Kennesaw Mountain' was that film.

Angels and Other Positive Things! ~Susanna~ Hi, I am 39, a single mother of two teenagers. My son Christopher is 17 and my daughter Coby is 14. I work in an accounting office and have for many years. I live in British Columbia, Canada. I started collecting angels when my mother died 6 years ago. She was the living example for me of 'friendly hearts and loving souls'. I look forward to visiting all the other sites as time permits. We can all use more that is positive in our lives.

Mary's World ~Mary~ I am married with 2 sons, ages 10 and 7, and live in central South Dakota. I am a Special Education teacher at the secondary level currently, but have worked with all ages. My passions include my computer (imagine that LOL), working on my sites and making wegpage graphics. I like to read, spend time with my family and watch movies. I like Rock and Roll music and love to sit by the river. Mary's Free Graphics ~Mary~

Felicia's Pages of Romance ~Felicia~ I am a 26 year old hopeless romantic!!!! I am single, no children, I love my friends, I love the outdoors, I like to try new things and always hope that they end up being fun. I love most things outdoorsy (not sure if that is a word LOL), love making new friends (you can never have to many), and generally I like to think of myself as a nice person :) Ohhh and I am not a very good speller, though I love to write (I think that is what they invented spell checks and editors for hehehehe)

Jamie Brayden-Music from the Heart ~Jamie~ I'm a vocalist/entertainer from the Phoenix, AZ area. We moved here from So. Calif. 4 years ago. I live with my fiance Tommy, 2 cats, 2 dogs, 2 chickens, a blue crown conure(small parrot) and an Arabian horse. (only Tommy, the conure, the cats and I live INSIDE the house) :o> I have a 28 yr. old son, 25 yr. old daughter and a 4 year old granddaughter who is my "clonebaby". She's just like her Jam-ma! I love lending an ear to those who are in need of a friend, singing with Tommy, being with my granddaughter, going to Sedona, AZ AND the new Arizona Diamondbacks baseball team!

FoxyRed-N-Sassyj ~Lola~ Hello my name is Lola or on mirc and icq I am known as FoxyRed. I was born 10/25/39 gee that is old.. I live in a small town in Texas, 40 miles north of Dallas. I have four children, oldest Jodi, age 40, then Frankie would be 37, he died from aids (born 7/2/60 died april 29/93). Then there is Lynn who is 37, and last there is Carla born 3/10/63 died 1/31/87 from a freak viral. And I have 7 grandkids, ranging from ages 20-8. My pages are mostly memorials, and bereavement, poetry and good causes like aids memorials...please go see them you will learn more about me..

Linda's Orchid Page ~Linda~ I love Orchids and animals.. I have a beautiful Orchid page and a fun Personal page. I am known as THE ORCHID LADY on the Net.

Sally The Kindred Spirit ~Sally Guitard~ I'm 21 years old and live in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. I go to Dalhousie University and am taking an Honors Degree in Psychology! I coach tennis and love to downhill ski. I also play some serious basketball and play the piano now for many years! My passions include Anne of Green Gables, my family and friends! Feel free to write me or visit my homepage and I look forward to hearing from a number of you all very soon! Take care and I hope this message finds you in good spirits!!

Angel ~Katheran~ Texasn through and through...My pages are here to bring you thought and hope that you will always stay in touch with who you really are and the important things in life. This we help see you through all times: your family, your life and health and theirs, being thankful for what I have and able to see a thousand colors in a sunrise as a gift, the smell of rain, the song of a bird or the dance of spring roadside flowers as a lesson in hope....Have you stopped to observe lately? I have and I am comforted in times of trouble. Try seeing these things, they are with us everyday yet many do not recall the last time the stopped to watch. I am a working mom with a huge commute. My childen run me like a taxi service...but they are but children once!

MisGuyDid Home Page ~Cathy~ I'm 47 yrs old. I'm currently working on our families genealogy. I work full time and spent all my spare time on the computer. I have 3 children and have been married 28 yrs. I love reading and collecting books.

Dawnie's Little Corner of the World ~Dawn~ I'm a 31 yr old mom to Anthony, who'll soon be 2. I live in Rhode Island with the love of my life, Jimmy. We run our own web design business from home, allowing me to stay at home with Anthony. I love the net, and enjoy visiting other mom's pages.

The Porter House ~Diane P.~ I am a single mother and grandmother. My children are all grown and out on their own. I live with my two dogs, Tractor and Yote. I babysit three of my grandchildren about twice a week and take care of my mother.

Blue Ridge Meadows ~Lisa~ I have a number of interests both on the net and off. I love to make webpages, visit other homepages and make new friends onthe net.I spend most of my time at home and on the computer due to MS.My husband and I celebrated our 10 th anniversary in August of 1998. We live in a small rural town in Viriginia.I collect Luclille Ball and Bob Hope Memorabilia, Barbie Dolls and teddy bears.

Barking Spiders (and other Such Stuff), Poetry for Children ~Catherine (CJ)~ Born and raised in Coshocton, Ohio, now living in New Hampshire, I'm a busy wife and the mother of three daughters, Carrie O'Brien (25), Bethany McHugh (23), and Heather Welch (21), and a new grandma of grandsons, Liam McHugh and Will Welch, Jr.! I love writing both non-fiction and fiction, and poetry of all styles, i.e., humorous, love, gentle erotica and of course my favorite, children's poetry. When writing, I draw on my life's experiences which have been many. I have been a Vietnam War widow, divorcee, flight attendant, owner of my own small business, executive secretary, senior records clerk for the detective division of a Police Department, and I have sold radio advertising and insurance. My daughters continually tease me about what I want to do when I growup (laughing).Until April of this year, I mainly wrote for my own therapy and enjoyment, like most poets, tucking away little scraps of paper with thoughts and ideas on them 'just in case'. I love looking at everyday things and finding the humor and beauty hiding there. Then in April I went online, posting some poems at various websites, joining in the fun, and learning at several forum boards, where I have made a lot of wonderful friends. Since then, I have gotten progressively more hungry to see my work in 'print' and toward the end of June, I began sending poetry out to editors/publishers. (Please wish me luck). My interests: Internet hobbiest, travel, playing the stock market, jet skiing, snorkeling, the Caribbean, and, of course ~~ writing.

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