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Eldar Futhark Runes


Runes are an ancient alphabet with many uses. Most Witches seem to use the Eldar Futhark runes, which are believed to be of Nordic origin. Each rune can be used not only for a letter or phonetic sound, but each has a specific translation and many meanings and uses. What follows is the 24 runes and their phonetic use, their actual translation, their meanings, and their magickal uses. Please note that some Pagans choose to include a 25th rune, the blank rune known as Wyrd. There is much debate as to whether our ancestors actually used or recognized this rune, but I have chosen to include it at the end of the list.

FEHU: Phonetically ‘f’; Wealth.
Meanings: Prosperity; money; wealth; moveable assets; concern with financial and physical needs.
Magickal Uses: Money; business; promotions; finding jobs.

URUZ: Phonetically ‘u’; Strength.
Meanings: Passion; instinct; wildness; sexuality; fertility; unconscious mind.
Magickal Uses:Strengthen the will; increase sexual potency and energy.

THURISAZ: Phonetically ‘th’; Force.
Meanings: Hardship; discipline; knowledge; introspection; focus.
Magickal Uses: Aid study and meditation; self-discipline; overcome a bad situation.

ANSUZ: Phonetically short ‘a’; Ancestral Gods.
Meanings: Authority figure; leader; balance of mind and body; justice; physical talents.
Magickal Uses: Wise decisions; leadership; aid divination and magick..

RADIO: Phonetically ‘r’; Journey.
Meanings: Journey; quest; change; destiny; life lessons.
Magickal Uses: Protection for travelers; ease or bring about a change..

KENAZ: Phonetically soft ‘c’; Torch,.
Meanings: Wisdom; insight; solution; enlightenment; inspiration; creativity.
Magickal Uses: Creative inspiration; aid in study; fertility; dispelling anxiety and fear.

GEBO: Phonetically soft ‘g’; Gift.
Meanings: Gift; offering; generosity; relationship; love; partnership.
Magickal Uses: Find or strengthen relationship; marriage; fertility; mark gift or offering.

WUNJO: Phonetically ‘w’ or ‘v’; Glory.
Meanings:Success; attain goals; reward; joy; bliss.
Magickal Uses: Complete a task; promote harmony and fellowship; strengthen bonds.

HAGALAZ: Phonetically ‘h’; Hail.
Meanings:Sudden loss; ordeal;disaster; destruction; karmic lesson.
Magickal Uses:Removal of unwanted influences; breaking desctructive patterns.

NABIZ: Phonetically ‘n’; Need.
Meanings:Poverty; hardship; responsibility; discontent; obstacle; frustration.
Magickal Uses: Representing a need to be filled.

ISA: Phonetically ‘i’; Ice.
Meanings: Inactivity; stagnation; patience; reflection; withdrawal; rest.
Magickal Uses: Stop a process; represent primal forms.

JERA: Phonetically ‘y’; Harvest.
Meanings: Change; motion; productivity; year or life cycle; rewards.
Magickal Uses: Bring change; fertility; growth.

EIHWAZ: Phonetically ‘ei’; Yew.
Meanings: Change; initiations; confrontation of fears; turning point; endurance; death.
Magickal Uses: Bring profound change; ease a life trasition.

PERB: Phonetically ‘p’; Secrets.
Meanings: Chance; fertility; new beginning; sexuality; mystery; magick; prophecy.
Magickal Uses: Ease childbirth; aid divination and magick; enhance psychic abilities.

ALGIZ: Phonetically ‘x’ or ;z;’; Protection.
Meanings:Defense; assistance; instinct; mentor; ethical dilemma.
Magickal Uses: Connection with the Gods; protection.

SUWULO: Phonetically ‘s’; Sun.
Meanings: Success; positive energy; increase; health; power.
Magickal Uses: Energy; strength; healing; growth.

TEIWAZ: Phonetically ‘t’; Try.
Meanings: Duty; justice; self-sacrifice; honor; conquest; competition.
Magickal Uses:Protection; victory; strength; healing a wound; to bring justice.

BERKANA: Phonetically ‘b’; Birch.
Meanings: Fertility; health; new beginnings; growth; plenty.
Magickal Uses:Acheiving conception; making a fresh start; healing.

DHWAZ: Phonetically short ‘e’; Horse.
Meanings: Transportation; motion; assistance; power; loyalty.
Magickal Uses: Aiding in communication; send a spell; spiritual journey.

MANNAZ: Phonetically ‘m’; Man/Human.
Meanings: Self; family; community; self-discovery; social concerns.
Magickal Uses: Represent a person or group; establish relationships.

LAGUZ: Phonetically ‘l’; Water.
Meanings: Emotions; fears; unconscious mind; hidden things; revelation; intuition.
Magickal Uses: Enhance psychic ability; confront fears; stabilize mental or emotional distress.

INGUZ: Phonetically ‘ng’; Fertility.
Meanings:Work; productivity; bounty; grounded; connection with the land.
Magickal Uses: Fertility; farming; growth; health; balance.

OAGAZ: Phonetically ‘d’; Day.
Meanings: Happiness; success; activity; fulfilling lifestyle; satisfaction.
Magickal Uses: To bring a positive outcome; awareness of surroundings.

OPIL: Phonetically ‘o’; Prosperity.
Meanings: Property; land; inheritance; home; permanence; legacy; possession.
Magickal Uses:Acquire property; prosperity; complete project; strengthen family ties.

WYRD: The Blank Rune; The Norns (the three Goddesses or Fates of Teutonic mythology.)
Meanings: Fate; secret; change.
Magickal Uses:Fated events; inevitable events; a choice causing life-altering event; something kept secret 'for your own good'.

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