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A Little Info on Spell and Circle Casting

A Little Info on Spell and Circle Casting

Spell writing is very personal. Each witch can tailor a spell to his/her needs. It can ryhme or have ingredients, it can be directed to a God or Goddess or not. I have found that for every Witch you meet, you will find a different way of writing spells. I am going to share my personal spell writing methods, which are strictly personal preference. This is NOT the only way to write spells :)

First, I decide what the purpose of the spell is. Just for arguements sake, let's say I have a job interview tomorrow and I want a spell to help me. I would first choose a God or Goddess to honor and ask of. In this case, for a 'luck' spell, I might choose to honor Cerunnos, the Celtic Irish Horned God, for he symbolizes luck, or Amaethon, a Welsh Goddess of husbandry and luck. I am a pretty decent writer, and I love to write poetry, so just about all of my spells ryhme, but it isn't a necessity. Also, I would choose a color that would benefit my purpose, for luck in a job interview I would choose orange. Then I would light an orange candle, or find something orange to symbolize it. Alot of the times, I like to find herbs that kind of coincide with my spell, for luck I might use clover and mint. I arrange these on my altar and prepare to cast my spell.

The actual spell casting can be very simple. Some people just think up a spell on the spot, and offer it to the God and Goddess, others (like me) make up more intricate and elaborate spells. I find it best to work within a circle and in a quiet room. I also have this obsession with cleansing my circles... I have a ritual to cast it and then one to cleanse it :) I would then light my candles, meditate breifly on the purpose of my spell, and then speak my spell. After I'm done, I'd release the circle and clean up! That's about all there is to it.

Many people see nothing wrong with sharing spells. I think that it is wrong and dangerous. I think it can harm everyone involved if not done exactly right. If you wrote a spell yourself you would be able to do it right and not have to worry about that crap.

I have heard people say that those spells you get in books (not mentioning any specific authors....$) never work! I have never tried one, but I will admit I have used other people's published spells as a 'jumping off point' as it were. You know, seeing how their spell was written and then using that style to create my own. If anyone is seriously having problems writing a spell, just think of it as a need to fill out certain parts. Use candles and things to promote your intent or setting, and I think you should honor the God and Goddess with each spell you cast. You need to state your purpose, and state it clearly (remember that old adage 'be careful what you wish for'? I have heard of people 'wishing' for money... and suddenly someone close to them dies.), Make sure there is no mistaking your intent. If you are true to your Craft and true to yourself, the results will be wonderful!

Casting circles is a very important part of spellcasting. It is protection for us and our purposes. There are simple circles and more complex ones. The simplest one I have done is just pouring salt in a circle! I have heard many different things about circle casting... they should be six feet wide... you should put the elemental quarters in it... all types of things. Usually when I cast a circle, I cast it very simply, and use something to mark on of the Directions. I also have more complex ones, with signs, runes, crystals and stuff in them. Those I would use for more important, intricate spells, or for Magick during Sabbat celebrations.

Casting the circle takes only a few minutes. First, the area is cleansed of negative enrgy. Some people just say a few words with a sweeping hand motion, others actually sweep the area with a broom or besom. Don't just use your kitchen broom. If you are going to literally sweep the area to cleanse it, you should have a small broom specifically for this purpose. Use it and consecrate it just as you would any of your tools. I like to cleanse the area with salt and water first, then with fire and incense. I have a short poem I wrote to the God and Goddess for this.

Next you actually make the circle. It isn't just a circle, it like an actual sphere that surrounds you, protecting you from any outside energies. I use either my wand or my athame to 'draw' the circle on the floor, visualizing the sphere of energy all around me. Sometimes I use candles or chalk to outline the circle where it meets the floor, or to draw symbols in the circle. I also have some words offered to the God and Goddess for this time. Then I do my actual magickal workings.

Opening or closing a circle isn't that big a thing, but it is a big deal. It disrupts the 'energy sheild' and it is imperative that you are careful here. If you need to leave the circle before you are done working, 'draw' a small door in the sphere surrounding you to walk out. Visualize the door in the circle, and when you come back in the circle, make sure to 'close' the door. And when you are done working, offer some words to the God and Goddess and 'un-draw' the circle. Remember, though, to ground your energy and offer to the God and Goddess after any magickal workings. If you feel any residual energy, around you or in you, meditate and earth the energy until you feel the area is back to normal.

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