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Basic Tarot Info

Basic Tarot Info

Tarot cards are a method of divination. There are seventy eight cards in a tarot deck that consist of twenty two major arcana and fifty six minor. Each type of deck varies greatly, so it is best to do some research on deck types and then choose one. Each person bonds with a different deck, and in my experience, no one deck is better than another. I have personally used decks by Rider-Waite and Cannon-Reed, and I went with The Witches Tarot from Cannon-Reed. Also, the name doesn't always mean all that much; it's about what the cards symbolize to each of us, that's what is important.

In a reading, the cards are shuffled, drawn, and pulled from the deck, and then are put in a layout. Each seperate card has a different meaning, and even their position is of importance. Some people don't even use a certian layout, they just pull cards one at a time and read their meaning. Each tarot deck comes with a small booklet with the card meanings in it, don't feel bad if it takes time to memorize their meanings. I haven't :) I still use the booklet. Sometimes certain words jump out at you, make more sense than others. Use those. I strongly believe that the cards have something to tell you, and they will convey their message.

There are two popular types of layouts that I have come across, The Celtic Cross and the Four Seasons. In each layout, the card's placement has a meaning, either representing a part of the 'querent' (person you are reading) or a part of their life, pointing towards a certain event in their life or something that may happen. I feel that the 'future' the cards may tell you isn't written in stone; if the cards predict something for you, I think that's what will happen if the querent stays on the same path they are on. The more you read, the more comfortable you get with the different ideas and ways of reading cards. Check out books on the subject, try different decks, talk to other readers.

I have deomonstrated each layout below. Remeber, this is just basic info, the actual meanings are different depending on the deck and personal preferences.

The Celtic Cross
Card 1: Present influences
Card 2: Present events that will affect the person
Card 3: Past events that will affect the person
Card 4: Past or passing influences
Card 5: Future events
Card 6: Future influences
Card 7: Environment (home, friends, work, etc.)
Card 8: Stregnth of the person
Card 9: Hopes and fears of the person
Card 10: Final outcome (ties all cards together)

Four Seasons
Card 1: Spring: The beginning of a matter
Card 2: Influences card 3
Card 3: Summer: The matter continues in this manner
Card 4: Influences card 5
Card 5: Autumn: The matter comes to a conclusion
Card 6: Influences card 7
Card 7: Winter: What can be learned from the matter and the next step
Card 8: Influences card 1

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