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Second Floor


Back Door

The Front Desk

What'd you do?

*an older woman, in her late fifties-early sixties, looks up from the desk. She's pleasantly plump, and very motherly looking- but stern*
Oh, hello. I'm Molly Corcoran. Most of the kids call me Mrs. Corcoran, or just plain Molly.

So, I hear you want to be staying with us? Well, just fill out the application below, and I'll take a look-see, okay?

(note: these will go to all three of us, Cats, Ali, and Rhaps, and we'll discuss it. If we like you we'll let you know--PLEASE do NOT join the mailing list until we ask you to. On that note, if we accept you you MUST be on the mailing list within a week or we'll recant your acceptance. Thank you.)

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