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[Robert Hamilton]
Name:Robert Hamilton
Residence:Washingtonville, NY, United States
Occupation: firefighter, New York Fire Department
Location: World Trade Center
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FF Bob Hamilton

Forty-three-year-old Bob Hamilton became a firefighter in 1987. He was assigned to Engine 41 from proby school, then assigned to Ladder 29 in May of ’89 due to the closing of Engine 41. He made it back to what is now known as Squad 41 in the summer of ’90. He was the chauffeur of the Squad 41 rig on 9/11. Besides being a man who knew his way through the city streets, Hamilton had a passion for helping people, children especially. He was an active Boyscout leader as well as a baseball coach. He is survived by his wife Elizabeth and two children Robert (12) and Christine (7).

Squad 41 firefighter Kevin Murphy had this to say: “We’d been talking all summer about his family trip. Bob, on October 5th was supposed to go to Disney with his wife and kids.” Firefighter Walsh added this about Hamilton: “Bob was also making plans to move to a town near me. For months we laughed and joked about whose house we’d keep his fishing boat at.” Walsh somberly added, “And now he’s gone.”

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