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[Lt. Michael K. Healey]
Name:Lt. Michael K. Healey
Residence:East Patchogue, NY, United States
Occupation: firefighter, New York Fire Department
Location: World Trade Center
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Healey, a 42-year-old, accomplished veteran, had been on the job since May of 1983. Squad 41 firefighter Ed Walsh, has fond memories Healy. They grew up in the same neighborhood in Long Island, NY. Healey was Walsh’s lacrosse coach in high school when Healey gave Walsh his first insights about working as a team. Healy is survived by his wife Theresa, son Michael (17), daughter Kathryn (15), and youngest son Matthew (12). One of Healey’s favorite hobbies was running. Mike Healy was appointed on May 7, 1983 to Engine 318, was transferred to Ladder 176 in ’86, then to Rescue 3 in ’94 where he was promoted to Lieutenant in ’97. On February 7th of 2001 he was assigned to Squad 41.

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