Thirty-four year old “Ski,” as his brothers referred to him was appointed to the FDNY on February 4, 1996 and assigned to Engine 46 from proby school in May of that same year. He later rotated through Engine 47, Ladder 50 then back to Engine 46 in ’98. He had been detailed to Squad 41 since 2000.
Greg Sikorsky is survived by his wife Marie and son Steven (3).
Walsh recalled with a smile, “Ski was a hardcore Harley Davidson man and an awesome mechanic. He worked on all of our personal cars. My fondest memory comes from a picture I have of him where he’s looking under the hood of my car and using one of those stethoscopes to figure out the problem. He actually fixed the car that day using the ‘scope.”
Sikorsky was the type of guy to buy kit cars and build them from scratch. His most recent project vehicle was and old fire truck circa 1950. He was in the middle stages of the ground-up restoration project, having new parts made and expending lots of elbow grease doing something he loved. Currently the senior Sikorsky is trying to raise funds to have his son’s dream truck completed. When finished Ski’s 1950 masterpiece will be proudly displayed at his dad’s gas station in tribute to his brave angel.
Walsh ended on an upbeat note saying, “We’ve all got some really great memories of these guys. All of us here at Squad 41 will keep them all very close to our hearts.”