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These men gave thier lives to save others

Click on the images to read info about these men.

Our Brothers

Squad 41 won’t be the same.
When a call comes in today.

All their brothers will not heed,
Because six were called away:

They worked so hard to save the lives,
Of strangers on that day:

They gave the greatest sacrifice:
When the towers gave a way:

They didn’t think a moment:
Of their own lives in the least:

They gave the very best they had:
Not knowing of their fate.

Their brothers and their comrades:
Heard the last call of their names:

Now station 41,
Will never be the same,

Their laughter and their memories:
Will never fade away:

They live within the hearts and minds:
Of their comrades they’re to stay.

Written in Memory of our comrades:

Michael Healey

Thomas Cullen 3rd

Robert Hamilton

Michael Lyons

Gregory Sikorsky

Bruce Vanhine

Written by Diane Huggins

Michael Healey

Thomas Cullen 3rd

Robert Hamilton

Michael Lyons

Gregory Sikorsky

Bruce Vanhine

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