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Congrats Yankees on your 39th American League Championship - Coming next month: World Series Special Edition

Since 1884, Louisville Slugger has put lumber in the hands of the greatest players of the game. Visit the Louisville Slugger Museum.

Slugger Edition
The Front Page

Glory Days
Matt Fulling

"Pride" Of The Yanks
Michael Aubrecht

The Called Shot
Harvey Frommer

Munson Over Fisk
Joseph Schatzle

Who Needs Rest?
Harold Friend

NEW! Yankee Doodles
Marvin Terry

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Marvin Terry is an award
winning cartoonist and
New York Yankees fan.
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Ballpark Blueprints LLC. is a talented graphic arts company specializing in the presentation of ballpark architecture.
BPBP Website

Pinstripe Press Update!
Coming Soon: The Collector
Whether you're a serious collector, or just getting started, this viewable online catalog will help identify over 1000 Yankees trading cards that are available.
Sneek Peek

August Trivia:
What Yankee hit seven more homeruns at Yankee Stadium than Babe Ruth?

Mickey Mantle - who finished up with 266 when his career ended in 1968.

Glory Days
Digitally enhanced and colorized player photos - back to 1889.
by Matt Fulling (Portrait Matt)
Website: Portrait Matt's Home Page

I'm an I.S. project leader for a major corporation. I've been a baseball fan for as long as I can remember, but for the past 15 years, my interest has been focused on baseball history.

I've been intrigued with the ballplayers from the turn of the 20th century, and how life as a ballplayer must have been. I wish I was able to experience a ball game played back then...from the announcements being made via megaphone, to selling hard boiled eggs and pie from the vendors, to the all-wooden ballparks.

I've read about Charles M. Conlon, and his life of photographing ballplayers from 1905 - 1941. I also read and listened to the interviews in "The Glory of Their Times" - by Larry Ritter. Charles Conlon and Larry Ritter had the biggest influence in my interest in collecting pictures of the ballplayers.

I learned how to colorize black and white images only about a year ago, and found the results to be amazing. I spent the extra time to research uniform colors for each year, using the book, "Baseball Uniforms of the 20th Century", by Mark Okkonen. My goal is to make each player look as though he would appear if you stepped back in time and saw him live.

My web site contains over 700 player images, and will keep growing indefinitely. Each zipped file contains 20 pictures, and there is an index with all player names and which file they are contained in. There is also a what's new section to make it easy to keep an eye for the latest updates.

Here are some examples. From left to right: Fred Snodgrass, Tris Speaker, George Stovall and Amos Strunk. More samples here.

The Pinstripe Press:
The Highlander:

Copyright © 2002-2003 Pinstripe Press. All Rights Reserved.
This online newsletter is not affiliated with the New York Yankees.
The opinions expressed solely represent the contributor's.


The Highlander
Vol.9 October 2003
Questions or comments in regards to a specific article should be sent directly to that writer's email.

All questions, comments, advertising inquiries etc. should be sent to the Pinstripe Press at

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Harvey Frommer

Fast Facts:
Jim Abbott
In the heat of the 1992 pennant race, this one armed pitcher tossed a 4-0 no-hitter against the Cleveland Indians!
"I wish I'd never see them again. I wish they'd disappear from the league. Then we'd be winners."
Red Sox ace
Pedro Martinez on the Yanks
Whitey Ford (236 wins) is one of three Yankees to win more than 175 games while pitching for the Bronx Bombers. Name the other two.

Answer In Next Issue. Have a trivia question? Email it to us and maybe we'll use it.