
So many of my friends have asked where I found my backgrounds, fonts, etc., that I decided to put together this place where everyone can come to find answers. I have included some of my favorites sites as well as sites that I have book marked on my own computer for when I need just the "right" accent for a page. I really do love working on my own pages and helping others make their sites work for them. Following is a list of graphic sites that I adore. If you still can't find what you are looking for, e-mail me and I will try to help. Better yet, if you have a site that offers anything mentioned above, send me the URL and I'll include it. Love, Blue

Web Supplies

Free Home Pages
AngelFire Communications
Fortune City
Note: Many times your ISP provider also offers free space on their server. Check with them.

HTML Editors
5 Minute Basic HTML Quick Start
HTML Quick Reference
HTML Guidelines
NCSA--A Simple Beginner's Guide
NCSA--tips for what you should and shouldn't do
Free Fonts
Fonts for the Addict
Fontage 2

Guest Books
Guestworld Guestbooks
Dreambook - Free Guestbook Server

Clip Art Searcher--The best graphics search engine on the web
The Animation Gallery...
The Groan Zone
Image Addict's Attic
Windy's Designs
Victorian Elegance
Designs By Rick
Clip Art Connection
Twilight Designs
Kitty Roach Animations
Designs by Silver
 Quick Checks
After I make changes to a page or before I unveil a new page, I always check the page with one of these utilities...they both will give you the size of any graphics (if you include size in your html coding the graphics load faster). And best of all, they're free!!!
Web Site Garage
Net Mechanic

If you do not have a java enabled browser, please click on the room you'd like to see next Splash page* Site Map* Twin Flames* Peace Pages* More Peace* Guest Room* Rings* Angel Art 1* Angel Art 2* Angel Art 3* Angel Art 4* Awards* The Ladies Room* Six Again* Wyzdm* HTML Help* Nursery*Work Laffs*

If you would like to display my banner, please link it to www.angelfire.com/oh/blueangelsanctuary
All graphics and content © Blue Angel 1998-2005 unless otherwise noted.