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Righteousness in Redneck terms. Have you ever heard the term "self righteous". It carries the notion that someone thinks they can do no wrong. Romans 5:17 says righteousness is a gift from God. Have you ever had someone (a mother, wife, or child) that thought you could do no wrong. This is not a license to sin and ignore God's commands, but it is how God views the repentant believer. A good mother will seldom criticize her children, because she doesn't see them as criminals even though she may be in the midst of correcting their every move. Don't get the idea that God views you as a criminal. Righteousness is seeing something as being right. You can not earn righteousness it is a gift. You may sin and get corrected by God, but that does not separate you from His love. Just as a child even though he may be in prison is not separated a mothers love, so is our relationship with God. Never forget how much He loves you.

Righteousness is nothing someone earns. It is a very special gift that God uses to express His love. Put very simply righteousness is the eyeglasses that God puts on when He needs to take a closer look at us.

There are some things expected from the believer as we grow closer to Him. It is a matter of yeilding to His will. It isn't painful and it is a wonderful experience. You can learn more about sanctification and justification here.

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