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6/29 - This isn't an update, but I have a new email address: Send your email to me here. Email sent to my previous address will be ignored. That is all. Chrono Cross and FF9 are gonna be added to the site!

6/28 - Well, I finally finished my EB walkthrough w/game genie. All I have to do now is beat the game following the walkthrough to confirm everything. Hopefully by this weekend it will be completely done, with a logo and everything. I also hope to submit it to and hopefully this site's traffic will be boosted. I rented Vagrant's cool!

6/26 - Whoa.. I haven't updated in almost 10 days... Well, to break this streak I drew another pic of Crono. Also, I remembered Paula's pic of herself that I had a while ago, so I scanned and uploaded that one too. The Tables have been delayed!

6/25 - Ahhhh!!! No updates for four days! Well, I worked on the site's new layout with Poo, and also worked on my original Earthbound Walkthrough W/Game Genie, and I will sit down and finish it soon when I get the chance. I'll finish the EB walkthrough soon!

6/20 - I haven't really done much today, but you should know that my Earthbound walkthrough with the new game genie code where you can walk through walls will take a longer time to be completed than I expected. Turns out I just finished Magicant in the game, and it screwed up so bad that it deleted ALL my EB files on the game! If you use this code, be careful. OK, with that over, I updated my Personal Page by adding a pretty decent banner to it. Don't worry, I reduced it's size through html on my actual page. The game genie code for Earthbound is dangerous!

6/17 - I changed all the banner exchanges on the main game pages to the RPG Host banner exchanges. Also, Jeff and I are hard at work on a new layout for this site, hopefully making it a lot less cluttered than the frames we have now. Check up on it here. Our new layout will be ready soon!

6/14 - I shouldn't have even updated today due to the finals, but I had just enough time to post up a new section, Super Mario RPG Images. This section boasts about 45 different images, so you should definitely check it out. Go check out Jeff's Jeff.....

6/14 - Well, I finished the picture of Poo, and I decided to do it freehand instead of looking off of another pic, even though it turned out kinda loppy. Watch out though, if you've seen the other EB pics, this one is a lot smaller. Go check out Poo's Poo

6/14 - I uploaded Jeff's picture of himself to the site. Its pretty good, you should check it out here or look at it here. My Poo drawing is coming soon!

6/13 - Since I don't have finals like the rest of the EB Crew does, I decided to draw some pictures. 3 of them are for FF7, and 1 is for FF8. Hope you like them! I guess I interrupted the Fluke-Mania

6/10 - First off, I finally got Perfect Dark! Yay! It's a really cool game...but oddly enough I spent quite awhile today doing other stuff, like making another fluke, which will soon be added to the EB Flukes page. It's hard to stop making flukes.....they're too much frickin' fun. Anyway, I'm gonna be working on new sections for the site that might be up soon. They are the Super Mario RPG Game Images Page, and My own EB Walkthrough (using the Game Genie Code: "Walk-Thru Walls"). I have finals in school this week, so don't expect an update for a little while. I started the Fluke-Mania back up again!

6/9 - Ahhh.... finally a break from all these flukes. That fluke page filled up fast. Anyway, I fixed the script on the Super Mario RPG main page, and will probably doing FF6 and Chrono Trigger next. I might even add Geno to the script. I stopped the Fluke-Mania!

6/9 - Made another fluke. Its not bashing anyone except me. Yes me.NEED PERFECT DARK!

6/6 - Well, Ness is right about one thing, flukes are sweeping this crew. Oh well, I made another one, no its not a big file or is it bashing anyone. If you haven't seen the flukes page yet, check it out, cuz its filling up fast. Say fuzzy pickles!

6/6 - It seems that fluke are sweeping the crew, so I made just one fluke. I made sure that I didn't make fun of Jeff, for his sake, so I bashed the good ol' camera man. If flukes shouldn't be taken seriously, why seek revenge?

6/6 - I made a couple more flukes and an animated comic, the comic is mostly getting back at Ness for his flukes that make Jeff look, well....stupid. No, I'm not mad at all, but I just had to get back at him, heh. Flukes shouldn't be taken seriously.

6/5 - Well, I only did one fluke for EB, but it's a start I guess. Not that much I know, but I've been playing Perfect Dark alot. My fluke isnt too good.

6/5 - I uploaded flukes that I made, which are a heck of a lot better than the crap flukes that are there now....with white backgrounds....Fortunately, I have finally figured out how to make flukes that look like exact screenshots of the game, except the font size of the text is a little of. Anyway, find the five flukes I made in the Flukes Section. This guy are sick. - Aeris from FF7

6/5 - I made some "flukes." They're more like comics, but oh well. I made two. I posted them on the EB Fluke Page.You can see the first one I made directly here. You wanna minimize this and let it load for a minute. Then, this is the hard part, without looking at the images, find the reload button and watch it this time for maximum enjoyment. Not thats its good though. The second one is easier to watch. No weird button pushing. Just click on the link here. Well I hope I get better at these comics and such soon..These are fun to make!!

6/4 - I haven't done much lately due to laziness and Perfect Dark. Perfect Dark mesmerized me for the time I rented it. I NEED to buy it. Anyways, has anyone noticed that I heven't made a single banner yet? Well I've had quite a problem with my computer. It seems I can't open GIFs when I should be able to. Same goes for JPEGs. Well I think I found a loophole I can use. So I actually made a banner!!! YES!! Now that I figured out what to do I might just make some more banners. I'm not sure what I'll make 'em for, but I'll figure it out. I make a decent banner for my Personal Page. You can also see it directly here. I know it's not great but it's a start.I CAN MAKE BANNERS NOW!!

6/3 - I got Poo to scan and upload my new picture of Edea from FF8. It's now on the Original Artwork page.Send in your own pictures!

6/3 - I made the script on the Earthbound page work out good, but I still can't get the other pages to work because I can't look at the individual frames of animation. Visit the polls page!

6/2 - I added a script for the main game pages which has small pictures of characters following the mouse. I still need to fix it so the characters don't overlap, maybe I will do that tomorrow. The only page that doesn't have this script is FF7, because I dont have any pics for it that are transparent on the sides. It's a pretty good script, still some bugs in it, but check it out if u can see the script on the main page. E-mail me good scripts if you have them!

6/1 - Alright, I made the June Updates section, which will be added to the Updates Index in about two minutes. But the cooler update is that of a new Polls section, which can be found in the left frame if in the frames page. I'm sorry if your browser cannot support frames because that section is a heck of a lot better than the No Frames page. Maybe I will make it better someday. Oh yeah, VOTE ON THE NEW POLL!!! Your vote determines if a game will be added or not. Go now! Vote on the new poll!


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