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Reader Reviews for Legend of Zelda: OoT

NESS's Review

Ok. Time to review a cr*ppy game that isn't really as good as it was expected to be. Some idiot may try to kill me for saying this but this game is probably one of the worst games I've seen yet! The graphics may be the best on the 64 so far but there are enough annoyances that I can't consider the graphics perfect.

The beginning starts out decently as most games do. It has the dream sequence and then the Deku tree yaks on ever so slowly (there is no way to skip or speed up text!!!) about the evil coming about.........blah blah blah.............boy without get the idea. Then Navi (the absolutely USELESS fairy) flies around crashing into fences and says "hello?!?" in it's annoying high-pitched voice! Sure this is a great beginning! *sarcasm* *sarcasm* *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* *knowwhatimean?* If you're five years old! Navi takes you to the Deku Tree. More slow talking..............yak yak yak.................dark man..........................................spiritual stone.............................need your go onside the Deku Tree who just HAPPENS to have a dungeon inside him..........fight boss........more slow talking..............stupid legend story.............................................Deku Tree already to Princess............................................................Fall asleep for a couple hours...........wake up and see the Deku tree is still talking..................finally he dies and stops the boredom and you're off on your journey to save Hyrule! You go across the field where the Sun and Moon rocket past and are constantly chasing each other in a annoying game of interstellar tag which just happens to affect when you're safe from enemies and when you aren't. You get to the castle and of course since the object is to get in the castle, the King (whom doesn't seem to exist at all!), decides to put all the rookie guards on duty, probably just a coincidence but not likely. It really makes a lot of sense that a little kid can sneak past "alert" guards to see the Princess. You find her...............more slow talking...................and what a SURPRISE..................another slow legend/story thing..................King doesn't believe her "prophecies".......................yak yak yak.........oh! spiritual stone...............evil man through window............fall asleep again.................. wake up and see princess asking for help................blah blah blah...........more hours of dull gameplay...........become adult................yak yak yak..........................Temples..........Sages..........ya get the idea. Ok now I'm getting drowzy after talking about the "exciting" plot and can't write much longer. I'll skip to the criticism. The sound sucks with sayings like "HOT! SKANK!" and the incessant beep of the low life meter. Graphics are good but you make impossible jumps where Link goes from point A to point Z after skipping point B-Y which makes it look like Link is either teleporing up after falling short or he has a double jump but the sequence of frames was lost during creation of the game but they still decided to keep the idea. OK that's enough of this pile of s**t! I'm

Graphics: 9% of 10%

Sound: 1% out of 10%

Gameplay: 12% out of 30%

Control: 14% out of 20%

Lasting appeal: 3% out of 10%

Fun Factor: 0% out of 20%

Overall: 39% out of 100%

Sephiroths's Review

Masterpieces have been made in many subjects: art, books, video games, speeches, etc. Well, Zelda: Ocarina of Time is one of them. You are once again Link, a blonde haired boy with a green tunic, searching the world with a blade and shield. I think this game is better than the other games, including Majora's Mask; it is fun and entertaining, all the while adventurous and exciting. You travel the world trying to stop Ganondorf, who you fought many years ago in one of the earlier games. The best part of this game is that you can take a break anytime you want and play games in towns, like bomb bowling, fishing, archery, hunts, and other interesting semi-quests. Don't let this game stay away from your library, or you may never be the same again...

Graphics: 10% out of 10%

Sound: 10% out of 10%

Gameplay: 30% out of 30%

Control: 17% out of 20%

Lasting appeal: 10% out of 10%

Fun Factor: 20% out of 20%

Overall: 97% out of 100%

Terror Drone's Review

Graphics. Some of the best Graphics I've seen, only beeaten by Majoras Mask. I got it I think a year after it came out, and beat it months later, I tried beating all the sub-quests, but damn theres just too many, you never know when you're done with them all
Sound, I'd give a seven out of ten, cuz i dont like the sub-titles, and it would be better if the AI talked, and it actually showed what Link said instead of "........ ........" every time hes speaking
The gameplay is great. Because of the fact theres more than one main objective , you go through it as a kid thinking you beat it after Jabu-Jabu, and then all the sudden you're seven years older. And the Sub-quests also make this games appeal last longer
Controls are very easy to use, Because you can actually make it so you can see straight ahead, unlike where most games if you walk over to a corner and the camera angle turns, you can't put it back without running around first. Very similar to Marios but better, because of Z targeting makes the game a lot easier, imagine trying to hit one of those stingers without Z-targeting, it would make it a lot harder though they're slow. And very rarely I'll find a game, that is pretty much PERFECT without a jump button, but with Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time, any other game id get pissed off at, such as 007, no jump but in that game it sucks.
Lasting appeal, like I said, I have beat it five times and still enjoy it, though I'm currently playing Majoras Mask, I like Ocarina of Time better, the storyline is easier to understand and I just like it more, and Apple boy , of course you're going to get broed with a game playing it five times and beating it each time, because you know everything to do, which takes the challenge out. But the sub-quests and mini dungeons make this games appeal last a lot longer than normal games.

Graphics: 9% out of 10%

Sound: 7% out of 10%

Gameplay: 25% out of 30%

Control: 20% out of 20%

Lasting appeal: 10% out of 10%

Fun Factor: 20% out of 20%

Overall: 91% out of 100%

Everdred's Review

Ok, first of all, I don't know what every webmaster on this site has against Zelda64. I mean come on, this was probably the only hard games for N64. Yoshis Story, Tony Hawk, Quest, all the others. Easy. This games graphics were astounding. The ONLY bad part was that it is only good the first time you play it. After 1 time, you know how to do everything, and its easy. So I do think this is the best n64 game SO FAR. (Until Earthbound64 comes out, hehe.) It's like Zelda for super nintendo but with worse sound. I like the horse, I like th fire, ice, and light arrows, and I like the biggorons sword. Realy great game

Graphics: 10% out of 10%

Sound: 9% out of 10%

Gameplay: 30% out of 30%

Control: 15% out of 20%
(Z targeting can drive you mad)

Lasting appeal: 6% out of 10%

Fun Factor: 20% out of 20%

Overall: 90% out of 100%

Apple Kid's Review

Well, First I should say the first time I beat I WAS amazed!! Second.....okay third......getting old......fourth........ old!! The reason I played this game so much was that when I first got my N64 console that and Pokemon Snap were my only games. Now I think of Zelda64 a videogame even cavemen had.

The graphics of this game, as the British would say: "By golly! Astounding. Ravishing!!" These were the best graphics I've ever seen. that's what I said when I first got the game. But then I looked at Packmen Stadium's graphics I thought I was playing Legend of Zelda: Adventures of Link (the first Zelda game ever created). Zelda' 64's graphics were done for.

The sound........i gotta think about that one. What I think they should have done is feature more music from Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past(snes Zelda). That was a game worth playing.

Gameplay gets boring very quickly. The most I can play without getting bored of the game is to the part where Impa shows you the way to Kakariko village. Thats how much I can pay in one day because of it's poor gameplay last.

Controls are not always satisfying except that you can move anywhere freely (like on Earthbound). Most of the time Link does not do what he's told too.

For the Lasting Appeal I just have to say one thing:YYYYYYYYUUUUCCCKKK!!!

Fun Factor can fade easily as described in the gameplay section of this review.

Graphics: 9% out of 10%

Sound: 3% out of 10%

Gameplay: 15% out of 30%

Control: 18% out of 20%

Lasting appeal: 1% out of 10%

Fun Factor: 2% out of 20%

Overall: 48% out of 100%

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