Andrea's odes to all things Nicholicious and Krycekcellent!

One Week
Yay, she's back! Even if she doesn't like Buffy *L*  I had long thought about filking this amazing Barenaked Ladies song, but Andrea has done it better than I could have imagined! Enjoy!

My Darling Rat-Boy
X-Files filk from Andrea, who did a pretty good job, I think, since she didn't even have a copy of the song she was filking Plus it's about Krycek, so it's kind of a memoriam of sorts...

I think we've created a monster *L* More filk from Andrea, this one a little more slashy, but still Krycek-centric

One more outing from the new queen of X-Files filk. I think this one is my favorite!

Little Mulder
We thought we had lost this one, but Andrea had a back up copy-yay! Enjoy her take on Annie Lennox's "Little Bird."

Everybody (Backstreet's Back)
The mad filker strikes again...this one is all about the anal probe folks--don't be afraid, be very afraid!

You'll Be In My Hell
Andrea gives this tired old Phil Collins number new life as X-Files filk!

Look out, folks, Andrea,Empress of Ratfilk, is at it again, in this re-worked Billy Joel ballad

He Killed Me For You
Hey, more Filk from the queen of Ratlove, Andrea. Big apologies to Bryan Adams on this one!

Andrea is determined to get us all singing about her favorite Rat, and this Rasputin filk is no doubt going to help immensely!

The image is Andrea's. If you like it, let her know at