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Villain Profiles

Eve is quite possibly one of the most intriguing villains I have come across. She's not really evil just to be evil, she just wants to survive. Now, how does a species go about surviving when the human race dominates this world? Kill them all. Basically, this is what every villain does, but Eve adds a couple more layers to it all. She starts out inside of her host, Melissa Pierce, watching, waiting for that one moment when Melissa's body will be weak enough to succumb to its parasite. Once it does, Eve wastes no time in reducing the population and finding her way to Dr. Hans Klamp to obtain the one thing she needs to create a new world order, sperm (without the mitochondria, of course). Personality wise, what makes Eve stand out is her persona. She's sly, and not overly complicated, and she has a tenancy to torture Aya. At one point, Eve actually has Aya on the run, but doesn't kill her. Why? Well, Eve thinks that Aya's mitochondria will soon "awaken" and Aya's body will become another mutation such as herself, so Aya is valuable to her. However, Eve soon finds out that this is a big mistake; Aya's mitochondria has actually evolved to rebel against her, thus showing us that Eve was a bit overzealous in the whole "mitochondria will take over the world" theory. Eve also displays something shown all too much in the Animal Kingdom, children come first. Eve's major goal in the New York incident is to create an Ultimate Being, knowing that she will die sooner or later. This is common in all species except humans, heck, some species live just to reproduce; we on the other hand live to have sex, and the children are just byproducts.

No. 9, an ANMC, isn't a very threatening villain, but serves his purpose quite well. Blowing up the L. A. Acropolis Tower to "save" lives and then going to start a project that will put an end to humanity, he just can't seem to make up his screwy little mind. He's pure evil; he's an evil just to be evil. There really isn't an alternative motive for No. 9 other than to end man kind and for NMCs to rein supreme. However, it's rather odd that he himself will not benefit from his efforts, he tells us that he will die soon anyway, thus showing us that he is a determined fellow, determined to end man kind, determined to make the NMCs be the supreme rulers of this planet, determined to win.
In the end, he winds up being killed by the very same project in which he activates, kind of ironic, his life is ended by a creation that's supposed to end man kind. Maybe the NMC race isn't so great after all, No. 9.

The following has been reader submitted (unedited) by Mallory Haslage: In the shelter, If you read the journal of that lady, you'll see that F.Bowman (aka the Brain Stinger that attacks you from the pipe saying "Yue..Yuue weel die") wanted to be experimented on, so he created No.9 to finish his job just in case if he died. No.9 is a artifical Golem soilder, and they hunt NMCs. That's why No.9 keeps looking for Bowman, to see if he's still alive. No.9's status in the Golem group is: King Golem. And of course, he needs to kill Aya so she won't interfer with his plans on getting Chibi Eve (thats what me and my cousin call Maya) I think Kyle got into this mess by finding out MIST was helping out the shelter. So when it finnaly came down to it, No.9 just wanted to fulfill his Creator's dream in taking over the world, to end "the worthless lives, and shadows". He didn't care if he died, he just wanted Bowman to be happy.

Hans Klamp is an American scientist of German decent. Specializing in the field of the mitochondria, Klamp is crucial to the advancement of Eve's plans. One could pass him off as another mad scientist, and they wouldn't be too far off. Wanting to rule supreme with Eve, Klamp is tricked into creating the special sperm that ultimately will decide the fate of mankind. What he gets in return is something we assume wasn't in the contract, Eve kills him. A sad fate for such a brilliant man, even if he was crazy.

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Eric Baldwin is Aya's chief. There's animosity between him and the rest of MIST right from the beginning, which is typical for a chief of a top-secret government operation. In a word, he's suspicious, he doesn't send help to Aya when she needs it, ever and not once does he attempt to tell Aya to back off until some kind or help arrives, like a normal higher-up would do. All of this clues us into his correlation with the folk who run the shelter.

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