Twins part 2
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The Twins:

Part 2:The Live Concert at home

by Ron J

The time we spent getting over to Janet's and her husband's place was filled with fun speculation about what would happen. Once I had made the phone call you were all over me as to what was said. I just smiled and said, "Wait till we get in the car and on our way. There is no time to lose." You pouted briefly at that news, but then thoughts I guess started to roll over in your head, that if we were going, then ............ a big smile broke out......... you grabbed my arm. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Well we weren't out of the driveway, before I felt a poke in the ribs.

"Okay, lets have the 'goods'. What are you waiting for?"

I looked over at Angela........ and just smiled. My mind thought, as I saw that
smile "too bad her parents didn't wait to name her. She is so full of devilment, it is hard to believe that 'angel' is any part of her first name."
I looked over at Angela, with a coy smile, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

I felt another poke to my shoulder this time.

"You want me to stop the car right now and give you a spanking in the back seat on the roadside."

"YOU WOU ..ld…. n't….. d..a..r...e", her voice quickly trailed off, as she realized her reflex response in mid sentence, was a kin to an order to me to do just that……..(that is, to spank her there and then.)

"Okayyyy!", with a coy playful pouting look, directed at me with her tongue stuck out, "I'll be patient................ for a bit" ........ then Angela smiles.

With a few blocks under our belt, I look over at you. You look at me.
"Okay, okay............ I'm dying here ............tell me…….c'mon"

"Well", I laugh "He didn't say anything......... I smiled....... it was just the answering machine. Don't you feel like getting a coffee and a donut while were out?, Angela", I could hold my laughter back.

The look on your face was priceless........Till I finally added "just kidding Angela ...... relax…..we'll be there soon."

Your big sweet smile returned larger than ever.

I decide the waiting was too much. Angela was ready to explode.

So as I turned onto their street, I filled Angela in a little.
"Jerry, Janet's husband, had listen intently to what I said. Yes, he said come on over for sure, I'll tell Janet, only as much as you are coming over to see me."

"Oh! You mean she won't find out till after, we are there, that I've been going out with you. Ohhh, cool". I look over to see Angela squirming in her seat with delight.

When we finally arrive at there door, it seems that Angela has decided to have some fun. Upon being introduced to Jerry, she says to Jerry, "it seems like we have already met somewhere before." Janet gives her a quick look, but Angela was enjoying every minute of it. She kept dropping double meaning phrases that had Janet very looking nervous.

It seemed that conversation was going along with an undercurrent of excitement. Everyone was waiting for Jerry to work his way into the real meaning of our visit. Except of course Janet, who was still unaware but did seem more nervous once the conversation swung over to music.

Jerry was pulling out of his pocket, a ticket stub. Looking straight at Janet who was froze in her seat, it seems someone here was very keen on going to a certain concert a while back. I found this today on the dresser under the lamp.

I think to myself………hmmmmmmmm…… It appears, after my call Jerry did a little searching on his own for some irrefutable evidence.

"Damn", Janet said, her mind racing. I could see the wheels turning rapidly as she shook thinking 'I know I shouldn't have kept that stub but I just couldn't throw it out, even though I knew it could turn out to be my very undoing.'

Janet was looking down at the floor. Janet then looked furtively over at me.

Jerry broke the eerie silence. "Since everyone here was affected by your little stunt, it only fair that they see that things are straightened out."

Jerry was crooking his finger as he got up and walked right to the straight back chair. It seemed that Janet knew the routine well enough to immediately accompany him there whether company was present or not. I detected a look of 'Can't we do this later', which progressed to words as Janet neared his side. After Janet raised her skirt, she didn't lower herself over his knees. Her words had no effect at all, for Janet was quickly transported from the vertical to the horizontal and checking out the state of the carpet closely.

I looked over at Angela, whose face was absolutely glowing, as the scene across the room was unfolding. I excused myself for a minute and disappeared. The look, however, on Angela's face was priceless when I walked back into the room. For in my hands, I was toting another straight back chair into the room!

"Oh No", Angela couldn't help vocalize.

"Well I think the one who hatched the idea deserves a spanking too." I transported Angela and the chair to the spot I had already planned in my mind. As she was walking over Angela whispered in my ear, pouting, "I thought I was coming here to get to see Janet get a spanking."

I stopped and whispered back. "You still are my dear. Only from maybe a different position than you probably expected, my dear."

I placed the chair at 90 degrees to Janet's so Angela could see Janet's spanking perfectly. However, Angela's own bare bottom was going to be royally tanned at the same time.

As I got Angela prepared and over my knee, at a signal between Jerry and myself, the panties lowering ceremony was commenced. Two white bottoms now, were the focus of the room. As we both exchanged glances again. This duet indeed was going to be an interesting event. We were to going to spank in rhythm with each other. Soon the room would be filled with the sound spanks in harmonious duet. But I not sure that the girl's focus was going to be as considerate as ours, in keeping their "ows" in sync. I think the sting in their bottom would dictate their "owwwwws". But if we spanked in pace, it would be close enough.

I figured it would be a fun event, as each girl I'm sure wanted to outdo the other, in taking their own spanking without showing their reactions too strongly.

I gave the lead with my hand, like an orchestra leader, ready to conduct a symphony of spanks for a bongo drum duet.

Once I gave the final signal to start, it was as the Jerry Lee Lewis song misquoted would have said, "There was a whole lot of spanking going on" Well the two twins were definitely trying to not let on their spankings were hurting and minimize their "ows" to a few they just couldn't help.

Even though two very red bottoms were on display when I signaled a stop, no crying was heard form either of the twins. My friend then reached over behind the couch and pulled out two paddles. This did seem to bring both girls voices back instantly. The reality of seeing the paddles, wiped clean the pretence of stoicism, completely. Both girls shameless pleaded with us to not be spanked with the paddle. Not surprisingly their childhood feelings returned too, as each tried to blame the other for the incident.

However, my friend started a blistering lecture about honesty to Janet and if she wanted to attend that concert so badly, we can do something appropriate now too. Some piece of music that we all know of course.

……. The piece "Row, row, row, your boat"………… Only the words are going to change though to a more appropriate version for this occasion."

bent right over your knee
paddle me, paddle me, paddle me HARD
I've been bad and mean."

Our new lyrics meet with a chorus of "oh no, please no", from both girls.

"OH YES", we reply in unison.

"You will sing as a duet for the whole song. We will apply the appropriate rhythm section with hand spanks for the 'spank' lyrics and the paddle for the 'paddle me' lyric section."

"Please No, we've learned our lesson already."

Ignoring the girl's response, I carry on with the instructions "You might say we are all going to do this 'in concert.'"

"So shall we get started", I said

Muffled groans are heard……….. but a quick volley of spanks to two red bottoms lead to a 'yes' from both ladies, very quickly.

"Ohhh just one more thing ladies, if neither of you carry on with the song or stop. Then you'll both get 5 with the paddle to stimulate your voices."

After we completed the song…….. from the start again of course. The girls appeared to be really into this song spanking, for they even improvised and added some extra words like "OW" and "OUCH". Well who were we to dampen their enthusiasm, so I started even more rounds of the song, till Janet stumbled over the words and Angela hearing her lone voice stopped.

The silence was broken, with five extra swats with the paddles to the accompaniment of loud "yeowwsssss". And" owwwws". Angela's and Janet's voices came back fine again and we were able to complete the round and the next one too with out further incidents.

My friend announced………. "I guess that's the end ladies…… But……..wait……….. just as they were about to get up, I said "Hold on".
"In a concert, it is always customary to do encores. So if we want this to be our concert. We at least better do a few encores."

Well for some odd reason the ladies didn't agree with our literal re- enactment of a concert. Loud pleading was heard until the sound of the paddle bouncing twice more off of two very red sore bottoms silenced the protests in short order.

"Good, very good ladies, now that we are all in agreement that a few encores are needed, we can proceed. Let's begin the encores shall well."

The encore (all 3) was rather poorly done. Angela got 10 extra and Janet got 15 for their lack of enthusiasm.

After we released both of them, both ladies were sent to face the same wall without being allowed to rub their bottoms. While Jerry and I got a our drinks and relaxed on the couch, the twins were to keep their red bottoms on display.

Once the baseball game came on the TV, we decided to allow rubbing.
Then since they were behaving, after the first inning, we decided to allow the girl's to join us and sit down. But the girls decided to stand up and then asked to retreat to the kitchen by the second inning.

Once they had gone, Jerry and I talked about the fact they seemed indistinguishable even when together. That is if you ignored the huge differences in dress, hairstyles and personalities. Jerry laughed now about the night of the switch and how he was so perplexed at how suddenly bratty Janet had unexpectedly become.

Laughingly I said "Well that certainly fit Angela, a brat and a tease to the bone."

We were relaxed and enjoying the night, as the ball game was a close game right to the last out. But just as Jerry had got up and shut the TV off, a loud scraping sound was heard from the kitchen. Well I think time froze for many seconds as we didn't move or speak. Then in the next split second my friend was up in a flash again and the next site I saw was him dragging Angela by the ear back into the living room with Janet not far behind.

I did seem that the evening was far from over yet…………
Continued in part 3