Twins part 4
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Twins Part 4: Angela's trick gets Janet in trouble in the park

I had enjoyed Angela's tale with substituting for her twin Janet from before, and looked for an opportunity to do it again. Well that didn't come for a while, as Angela got busy at work. We had little opportunity to spend time together.

It was the following Saturday before we did get together. Angela, as she put it, was too "tuckered out" to go out somewhere. We spent a nice afternoon together, just enjoying each other's company. It was then that I decided when the mood was just right to ask Angela to tell me another story about her past exploits. Angela looked to me, but as I guided her to the couch into the story telling position, she perked up. I followed that up by lowering her jeans and panties. Her bare bottom now well poised to stimulate the telling of another tale.
Angela didn't need any motivation this time as my hand rested on her bottom just in case.
Well this event happened just after university, when our circle of friends had diverged somewhat as we found each jobs but at the opposite ends of the city. Janet's life must have been dull without me there to keep things lively. I missed getting her into trouble. She was such a goody-goody; I took great delight in seeing her get her bare bottom spanked. Nothing malicious you understand, it was just fun to me. I liked really did underneath it all like Janet a lot.

I asked her this particular time to come and meet me, wearing our field hockey jersey and dress. Janet never asked why. Through the years she had learned it was the lesser of the 2 evils to just go along with my suggestions. I had a matching outfit, so it would be perfect for my plan. So I arranged it that she could bring her boyfriend too. However I called her boy friend once I knew he was coming and meeting Janet there. I told him, pretending to be Janet, to come a half hour earlier now. I also told him to meet me in a slightly different spot in the park too now. Janet was always on time so it would work perfectly and it did.

I met her boyfriend Phil (short for Philistine) pretending to be Janet. Well that's how he acted Janet said, so I attached his name to be nicknamed after those biblical giants. He was a strongly built athletic guy.

Any way I chatted nicely to Phil at first on the park bench and kept my eye on the time. I'd never met him, but I knew it was Phil at first sight. As the time edged on, I started to get real bratty towards him.
Angela stopped her story and looked back at me.
"I know you wouldn't know anything about that, so I'm telling you just for the record."
I smacked her white bottom a few times.
"That's to keep the record straight."
"Back to the story, Angela.....

"Okay, Okay"



As I was saying, I got to the point of bratting, and getting him upset, then dashed off in the direction, to where I knew, Janet would be waiting. Through the trees and then I jumped into the bushes unseen by Janet. I crouched there where I had planned ahead of time to hide.

Once Phil saw Janet waiting there, and not knowing there were 2 of us, I would be very safe hiding where I was, but still close enough to see everything. I had already hidden a kit bag there too, for a change of clothes. I quickly changed, as the action hadn't quite unfolded yet. It appeared as he was going to drag her to a bench close by. Janet kept protesting about not knowing what he was talking about, and said she kept saying she didn't do anything wrong. Oh my Janet was going to turn this into a hard spanking, I thought to myself.

My view was perfect and I could even hear most of the dialog. But one didn't actually need to hear the words, as Phil's face was as red as a beet now and steam almost seemed to be rising from his head. I had guessed right that Phil would take immediate action and not wait till they got home. The park bench was so conveniently close, in this very out of the way spot, that I was positive Phil would choose that spot too to affect an attitude adjustment session for Janet.

I was patting myself on the back for a plan perfectly executed and crouched back to get comfortable for the show ahead. I should have brought a large bag of popcorn, this looked like a major attraction coming up. Things were working out perfectly, I giggled and rubbed my hands together. Phil, who had caught her completely off guard, descended upon a befuddled Janet.

"What are you doing Phil", she protested, as he escorted her towards the bench. "Don't play innocent now, young lady, I not that big of a fool you can wrap me around your finger at your whim. You have a hard lesson coming your way that will I demonstrate very clearly once and for all, that if you act up, your bottom is going to get a spanking. If you try to fight or defy the spanking you've got coming, you'll get an even the harder spanking."

Phil by now had the befuddled Janet at the park bench. He wasted no time in getting her ready for her spanking. Janet was now too scared to protest any longer and end up compounding the spanking she was already going to get. It seemed if Phil said she was getting a spanking, that's exactly what she got. No "ifs" no "ands", just a "bare butt".

I watched as Phil raised her field hockey dress slowly to her waist. Well Janet's seductive silk panties were not the ones we normally wore with our outfit, but it had no effect on Phil, As he watched her cute bottom squirm at its exposure, he reached for those cute panties. Very soon Janet's completely bare bottom was fully on display in all its glory for all of nature to see.

The moment of truth hovered in slow motion as Phil raised his hand. Janet was protesting the fact that her bare bottom was on display to any one who should perchance happen by. But once Phil landed the first spank that problem was instantly far from her mind. Janet's whole world became the sting in her bottom and Phil's spanking hand.

'WOW', the sound that Phil's hand was making gave me shivers, as I watched poor Janet's bottom redden very quickly. Phil spanked HARD. Each spank was a real stinger that had Janet yelling loud "OWWWWWs" from the very first spank. I couldn't blame her either she was getting a very hard spanking from Phil, that would have her eating standing up for many days to come. Phil spanked one cheek at a time. Always waiting till Janet's gyrating bottom and leg kicking subsided before landing the next scorching spank. I looked over at Phil's eyes glaring at Janet's bottom without interruption. Phil was very intent of giving Janet's bottom one hell of a spanking today. Janet's bottom was soon a brilliant red and tears were running down her face but Phil was a tireless spanking machine. He just kept spanking till Janet was now pleading with him to stop. She was promising never to let it happen again. I giggled, as she had seemed to forgotten, that she actually hadn't done anything wrong at all in the first place.

Angela stopped for a second. Then looked back at me. You know I would never do that. My promises are real to you. Besides Janet sometimes was such a wimp. She always wanted to be oh so good. It was always exquisitely delightful for me to see her taken down a peg or two at times.

I relaxed my hold on her waist and gently straightened Angela hair along her back. "Sure", I said with a smile. Now please go on Angela, unless you need a little incentive." I patted her bottom gently. The signal was effective Angela relaxed and resumed her recollections.
When Janet's spanking finally came to an end, I shoved my field hockey dress into the bottom of my kit back. Now I looked the part I wanted to be. I wanted to like I had come from work. I had fidgeted with my hair, pulling it back to my own style now and not Janet's, while the spanking was going on, so I would be ready when the time for me to make my grand entrance.

I popped up and approached them from behind so they wouldn't see me coming.

"Sorry I'm late guys", I said, "I got hung up at work didn't even time to go home and change my clothes. So I just came straight here. How is everybody?" Then I looked directly at Janet. "Did I miss something," I said, doing my best acting job possible under the circumstances to play the 'Miss little innocent sister routine'.

Janet was trying to keep from rubbing her bottom but the tears in her eyes were a dead give away. That she couldn't hide. "Oh my, what's happened Janet", I said. Janet looked away trying to hide her swollen and tear stained eyes. I purposely avoided letting Phil's eyes catch mine looking at his one red hand. I introduced myself to Phil, as Janet seemed very preoccupied at the moment. When we shook hands I felt the heat emanating from that red hand. It felt as if it was almost going to burn my hand unless he released it quick.

It looked liked I had pulled the trick off. It looked as if neither Phil nor Janet had any inkling that I had any part in the prior events. Under other circumstances I might have confessed right there, but seeing the hard spanking Janet had just gotten from Phil there was no way if I could help it of confessing this time. Not that I wouldn't gleefully tell Janet alone sometime, but certainly not now. My bottom twitched at the thought of being over Phil's knee right now. My eyes avoided Phil's as these thoughts pass through my mind.

Things were silent at the moment. I didn't know whether to blurt out my guess or just stay silent and let things play out. I decided on the latter. Suspecting it might be more fun that way, if both were trying to hide the spanking from me. The wheels started rolling in my mind. I smile inwardly. In fact this could be delightful fun to tease them. The more they wanted to hide it the more I would be able to tease until someone came out and admitted it. I rubbed my hands together. This was turning out even better than I planned. And we had the whole afternoon together.
Angela looked back over her shoulder to me, her face delighting in the reliving of the story she was relating.
"It's a wonder Janet doesn't stay away from you full time. Is she only knew I bet the number of times she got her bare bottom spanked because of you." You are such a naughty brat, Angela.
I landed a nice hard spank to each of Angela's cheeks

"What was that for?"

That Angela was for in general being a brat. No don't argue you know you are. I want to hear the rest of the story.

"Well there really isn't a lot to tell.
But ok she reaches back and rubs her bottom a little."

"Okay, that's enough Angela"
I decided to press on, encouraged by both of their sudden silence.

Oh this is a nice spot I said looking at the bench, let's sit here for the moment and enjoy the view, I had a long day."
I sit on the bench

"How's your day been Janet? Why don't you two sit down beside me , there's lots of room." I pat the bench. They both looked at each other. Janet looked pleadingly to Phil to say something quick. When Phil didn't Janet said "No lets get going we've been here for a while already."

Well we did get walking but I kept finding places to sit down. Janet did her best to avoid sitting each time by just standing close to the bench next to me. So Phil ended up standing with her too. Then I had a brilliant idea. I stopped at the booth and bought 3 tickets for the park tour bus. It was open but had 2 long rows of unpadded chairs facing each other. I stopped at the stop seeing the bus approach and sprung my treat.

I just bought us tickets for the bus tour ride. Janet could not get out of this one
She got on and stood. But I politely pointed out the sign to Janet that read NO STANDING WHEN BUS IS MOVING. The bus pulled away and Janet did sit down very gingerly. Phil sat down as well then but had to sit several seats over along the bus. Janet was soon squirming in her seat, as the route was a bit bumpy. I whispered in her ear. Looks like your having trouble sitting, anything I should know about. She looked desperately over to where Phil was sitting, but she didn't budge. So I kept up my teasing. I think Phil gave you a spanking. She blushed but tried to say 'No' while looking down avoiding my eyes.

"Now Janet, it's not nice to lie to your twin sister. We seemed to attract the attention of other. Janet's face was all shades of red.

You must have been a bad girl to get a spanking. You use to be a good girl.

Janet looked desperately over to Phil, one more time but he was admiring the view and listening to the tour guide.

He must have spanked you pretty hard and recently the way your eyes looked when we met today. And by the way you can't sit still.
We hit a big bump. Janet let out a loud "OWWWW", as her seat landed back on the hard chair.

I think I'm right, so why don't you just tell me about it. Janet then turned and looked into my eyes. She could hold out no longer.

Tears burst forth, and she reached for me.

At that point I did feel bad, not enough to confess mind you.

Others around us got off but Phil didn't notice.
Finally Janet confessed. "He spanked me but I didn't do anything wrong. I was just waiting but as soon as he arrived, he said I needed a good spanking. I argued a teensy bit. Which only made matters worse as he guided me over to the nearest bench. Before I new it he had my dress up, but as soon as I made a comment, he was taking my panties down too. I felt so embarrassed case anyone happened to come by. I know this is a very sheltered and quiet spot, but still!!!!
Then he started to spank my bare bottom. She looked into my eyes. He spanked very hard and very long. I didn't want to yell out but I couldn't help it. Soon he had me bawling like a baby but I couldn't stop. And he DIDN'T stop he just kept lecturing me and spanking.

Then Janet looked very worried
"Don't tell Phil I said anything, you got to promise me Angela.

I felt at that moment like a real heel, so I promised Janet I wouldn't tell Phil. I just gave her a hug. Our stop soon came up and we girls headed for the washroom. Boy was Janet's bottom still ever red. I got out some cream and since we were alone rubbed it in

Phil was upset when we came out.
"What took you girls so long?" He seemed suspicious and Janet looked worried.

I covered and said Janet wasn't feeling well and I'm taking her home.
I was real careful not say anything bratty but Phil was getting a bit too close for comfort. I whispered to Janet " Is he always this way?

Janet didn't hesitate a fraction "yes"

"Oh my", I said, "He wouldn't spank me would he?"

Just then the phone rang. Angela asked permission and was granted it to get off my knee to answer the phone. She hung up very quickly though.

"It's Janet she is on her way over. She will be here in 5 minutes!"

No time to finish the story now, I better get dressed.
"But there wasn't really much more to tell", she smiled coyly.
But you'll just have to wait and see!"

I gave Angela a look that told her I would be making the decisions about whether I waited.

Angela said "Oh no I didn't mean it that way. Please Janet will be here any minute. I was kidding. You believe me don't you?

their exploits continue in part 5