Twins part 3
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Twins part 3  Angela's past mischief: Don't give the plot away

by Ron J

My friend wasn't happy at all, when he heard that screech again of the chair on his new floor. His wife looked shocked and was just shaking her head. Well Angela didn't have a chance to plead her case. He took one look at me. Waiting for a nod, which he got, then trotted Angela right to the straight back chair. It looked like Angela had gotten self into more trouble. At this moment I wasn't sure whether she had made the scraping sound with the chair on the floor deliberately or accidentally. With Angela it was hard to tell sometimes.

Jerry held Angela, at his side as he sat on the chair then looked at me once again making sure it was okay to carry out the discipline himself. Well after that point was struck, I assumed that should Janet mess up I had an equal right to give her an appropriate spanking in the future.

Well time would tell in the future when I would have that opportunity but for now I wanted it made clear to all concerned. "Go ahead, I expect the same opportunity should Janet misbehave." Janet blushed at the thought

By this time Jerry had Angela's red bottom bared and across his knee ready to receive an additional hard spanking. As I sat down again, I couldn't help notice a sly wink from Angela that only I could see.

Hmmmm that little minx

Janet was now taking her twin sister's side, saying there was no need to spank Angela, but it ended abruptly when Jerry said "well if you want to take her place, you can, right now, if you feel that deeply about it."

Janet mumbled a few words but it was impossible to hear them.
But one look from Jerry and she clammed up and assumed the "safe" spectator role with myself. Janet just came and sat by me. She was just happy now that it wasn't her tail being tanned for a changed I guess.

Angela did get her bare fanny royally tanned from Jerry's strong right hand.
He had her legs kicking, and her hands reaching back before he was done.
It was hard to I imagine a bottom could get that red, but it appeared Jerry was a master of keeping the sting at its peak. Jerry didn't stop till both rosy red cheeks were well spanked and Angela was in tears once again, promising never to do it ever again.

When he finally allowed Angela to get up, it appeared that she had gotten it worse that she had planned for Jerry seemed quite upset but also always in control of his emotions.

I gathered Angela in my arms as she ran to me. Her eyes were bursting with tears, as I soothed her feelings for the next five minutes. Her tears were still flowing a little as we started our trip home. That was a most unusually quiet trip, as Angela just gently sobbed the whole time. Obviously her world didn't go much beyond the sting in her bottom at the moment.

When we finally got home, I finally asked Angela the question that had be burning in my mind since I first heard that fateful squeak of the chair.
"Why did you do it, Angela?"

Angela looked at me, "Something inside me, I don't know what. I saw the chair there. I just kept looking at it, as Janet and I spent time in the kitchen. I just had to do it. The temptation was just too great for me.

I gave Angela a hug, "I guess you got what you expected then after you did it." I know I did as soon as I heard the sound, I realized exactly what was going happen without even seeing Jerry face."

"Well that's where it was peculiar", Angela said, "The full impact of what I'd done didn't hit until I heard Jerry yell. Only then did I think of the current sting in my bottom, and though 'Oh No.' Somehow I thought I could just tease Jerry with it. But when I heard his voice reverberating in my ears, I knew that I wasn't going to get away with just teasing him. HE WAS DEAD SERIOUS."

I got out the large jar of cream and gently rubbed it in, as Angela laid her self across my lap on the couch. Soon she relaxed, and I applied a second dose for good measure. It was then that Angela passions reached their height, which didn't subside for the rest of the night, we spent together.

In the morning, I let Angela sleep as I got her a coffee.

We then sat and talked about the night before, the twin tannings I called it.

"I bet you two pulled quite a few switches when you were young too."

Angela laughed and said "Wouldn't you like to know", with a coy smile.

"Well I'm waiting."

"I not going to tell you, so there!"

I reached over and grabbed Angela and sat on the side of the bed with Angela soon across my lap. With some nice spanks and a red bottom to sport again, Angela stopped being a brat Well at least for the moment.

"Okay, I'll tell you" she said between my spanks. I spanked Angela about 10 more times after that and only then did I stop.

"Ok, I'm listening Angela, go ahead."

"Not like this, let me up."

"Oh yes like this, I want to insure that you DO tell me."

Angela grabbed the pillow and banged it. I spanked her bottom hard over both cheeks for that. I stopped and listened but rested my sore arm by putting my hand on one of Angela's hot cheeks again. Angela looked back at me, realized there was no way out and sagged seeing her bratiness wouldn't work her way out of this situation.

"Well I'll tell you about just one time then"
I spanked her bottom once


"OK for the moment carry on with your one tale Angela"

Angela finally started as I rested my hand back in a comfortable position.

Well Janet was dating a boy that I had a crush on. So unbeknown to Janet knowing she was busy on a particular night, I arranged a date ahead of time , pretending to be her. His name Greg, as I recall. Well Greg took me to the movies, but it was one I'd seen before. But I course I couldn't admit that, because he knew Janet hadn't seen that movie with him. So I try to persuade him to choose another, but had no valid reason for not seeing the one he picked, thus I was eventually stuck.

Well as the movie was playing, I leaned over close to him. I thought I'd show him how smart I was. I just couldn't resist the temptation. So as the movie went on, I kept whispering in his ear, what I thought would happen next. When he offered his opinion, I could resist lording it over him and rubbing it in, that mine was right and his was wrong. I could smugly smile and say, "See I was right again." Well I guess I rubbed it in a little too often for he whispered in my ear, "being a smart ass, is going to get you a smarting ass, when we get back to my van. So cease with the comments." I shuddered as he said it. I didn't dare look at him.

'Nahhhhhhh', I thought, after a couple of minutes, it was all talk, he was just kidding or I misunderstood him. Well, I couldn't resist, the next scene was about to start and I started to say, "Here's, what I think they'll do." He muttered into my ear. "This is what I'm going to do." He guided me by the elbow out of our seats and propelled me towards the aisle. When we got to the lobby and stopped, I said to myself 'whew' "Ohhhhh"; he's just getting some popcorn for me. What a relief, I really though he was serious.

But he wasn't getting popcorn; he was getting two passes to go outside. I looked, in panic, for the nearest lady's washroom, but he turned around just as I had located it and had just started to walk in that direction. Greg caught me quickly and took me right outside with him.

I said, "You can't be serious."

"Oh, but I am", Greg said, "I gave you a warning which you ignored. Now you'll see I'm a man of my word.

I then said something I shouldn't have, "Well this time you can make an exception, I won't tell."

That did nothing to dissuade him, as he pushed me into the back of the van.

 There was a couch there and one straight back chair. He chose the straight back chair, and put it into the center of the van. I decided I'd take the couch.
He seized my arm and twirled be back around and then right across his knee. I pleaded with him and let out a yell as he started to raise my skirt. But that was soon the least of my worries, because very soon his hand was grabbing at the waistband of my panties. I reached back with my hand but Greg worked my grip free and held my arm behind my back. Then my underpants not only came down, they came right off. He reached forward with my underpants now dangling from his hand.

'What a first date', I thought. I was so red in the face. Here my completely bare bottom was staring right up at him and he had my favorite panties in his hand. I was mortified. My whole body shuddered.

But Greg didn't let that bother him, as I opened my mouth to yell at him, he stuffed my panties right into my mouth. Well with my one hand balancing me on from the floor and the other behind his back I couldn't pull them out! He just continued to push them in further and chided me.

"Now leave those panties in your mouth. If they fall out, in any way, I'll stop and put them back in, but then I will spank you with a hairbrush and not just with my hand. I thought he was bluffing till he pointed to the little table. There sitting next to the wall was large wooded hairbrush on a small table.

Then suddenly there was a long pause. Angela had stopped up telling her story to me.

"Well that's it. There is no need to tell the rest, Angela proudly said"
She looked back at me and smiled with a playful smirk. I raised my hand from her bottom. It took only two spanks before she said "Okay, I'll tell the rest of the story", but I landed twelve more anyway after that just for good measure.

"owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, that hurt", she looked back once more

"Well, carry on then". I raised my hand as she watched my reactions intently.

"Okay... Okay... I'll continue..."

spank spank

"That's for that tone of voice, Angela
"Okay, I am ready to go on with the story. You've convinced me, it's in my own best interests to do so as well."

I rested my back on one cheek and began to listen.

Angela started to pick up the story where she left off.
Greg gave me one hard spank and let me get up off his lap.
There, now are you happy you heard that part too now."

"ANGELA!!!!" I landed 10 spanks

"OWWWWWWW, geeeeeeeee......... can't you take a joke"

"At this point NO". I landed a really hard spank over both cheeks.

I rested my hand back on one very red and warm cheek and listened.
Angela restarted the story

Greg started to spank me on my bare bottom. He spanked from cheek to cheek with very solid spanks that I felt from the start. I couldn't vocalize my pain with my panties in my mouth, but I sure did feel it. 'Wow did he spank hard.' All the while he was spanking me, he lectured me on my conduct in the theatre. I was soon promising him that I was going to be "oh so good, if he'd just stop. I'd learned my lesson."

But he obviously wasn't convinced, so he spanked me even more. I started to cry, but he just kept on spanking my bare bottom. Finally I just could not stand the sting in my bottom any longer, so I put my hand back. He stopped spanking me right away.

'Wow what a relief', I thought, 'my bottom was on fire'.

He pause for a few seconds and the started to scold me
"You promised to be a good girl, and yet you put your hand back. I can see that you really have not learned your lesson at all yet."

'Ohh. NO' I thought, 'what have I done now.' I pulled back my hand real quick and started to apologize and plead, but he was still reaching over to the table for that awful brush.

I broke down and cried. But my tears had absolutely no effect on his determination. Not only that, He started to spank my thighs with that terrible brush.
It my panties weren't in my mouth at the time, I would have yelled loudly. But after seeing the effect of putting my hand back, there was no way I was chancing my panties coming out of my mouth. He didn't spank my thighs too long with the nasty brush, but he made sure I knew my thighs getting whacked was the direct result of my own foolishness. That wicked brush stung something awful.

He finally did stop. Although at the time I thought he was never going to. When he stopped just said open up your mouth. Which I did. He then released my other hand and told me not to take my panties out of my mouth, I didn't and kept my mouth open as he stood me on my feet.

"Now behave or else"
I reached back to rub my spanked bottom in spite of the embarrassment. But that was short lived for he pulled my panties out of my mouth and said "Put them on. We're going back to see the rest of the movie. You have caused me to miss enough all ready young lady."
I groaned not getting a proper chance to rub some of the sting out of my spanked bottom. I resisted the temptation to tell him the part I thought he missed for fear of landing over Greg's knee for even more spanking.

Greg seeing my stalling to get just a few more rubs in said, "Well we can stay here then if you like and I can spank you some more if that's your wish, Angela

I was real fast, I can tell you, in putting my panties back on, then straightening my dress. 'My face', I thought. I had forgotten all about how I looked till we were already outside the van and he was ushering me quickly back to the theatre. I wanted to see if any one was around and overheard but at the same time I didn't want to look up either, so they would see who it was getting there bottom spanked so soundly.
The theatre was dark. That at least hid my tear-stained face. But even thought the seats were soft, I let out an involuntary yelp, when my spanked bottom hit the chair. Then I slumped down to hide myself from others seeing who I was.

Greg sensing my desire for anonymity, and kept quiet for a time. But then he
decided to rub my discomfort in a little bit. He seized his advantage now and turned the tables on me.
"What happens next", he whispered in my ear

"Nothing or you'll spank my bare bottom again", I whispered back.

I really wanted to say something else to his taking advantage of my discomfort, but visions of my bare bottom being over his knee again and me embarrassing pleading and promising the moon if he would just stop, kept my sarcasm well under wraps right then.

I watched the movie in silence trying to be invisible and not squirm too much, to attract any unnecessary attention.

When the movie was mercifully over it felt strange to be walking out with Greg and back to the van. I had tried so hard to impress him with how smart I was. All I had managed to do however was get my bare bottom spanked. He drove me back home, still lecturing me on my conduct and the stability of our future relationship.

"I don't know what got into you tonight, Janet. I really don't know", he kept repeating. "But if it ever happens again, no matter where or when, I will give you an even harder spanking and I may not go back to the van to do it either, young lady."

When I got home, I slipped in but then I remembered Janet wouldn't be home for another half hour anyway. I debated what to tell her. Then my brat mode started to kick in again as my hot bottom started to ease. I gave it few more good rubs.

I then decide I'd say nothing!!! I really didn't want her knowing I went out with her boyfriend, Greg. It would be her own tough luck if she got a spanking from Greg in public. I even smiled at the thought. It would serve Miss Goody Goody Two Shoes right
My evil grin stretched wider. Ah if I could only hide somehow and be there at that time!!! I drifted off in my daydream, laying the couch, till my twin sis came bounding in.

"Well what did you do to get in trouble tonight", she smiled
I laughed inwardly. 'Wouldn't you like to know' I thought
But I resisted getting drawn into any conversation. I just said, "Time for bed. I guess I must have fallen asleep on the couch, while you were gone.
But I had a peculiar dream." I smiled. The fire in my bottom told me it was no dream however. Sis seemed satisfied and that was that.

I did see her walking rather stiffly after her next date with Greg, but maybe it was just my imagination. But when she said she had slipped on the ice, when skating, my imagination did go into overdrive. I tried my best to see her red bottom, and she conveniently seemed just as determined the other way, keeping the condition of her backside out of my sight.
So to this day I don't know if Janet got her bottom spanked, but I have my suspicions. Don't you.

"Okay that's it. Let me up! I am done. You've heard my story."

" I've only heard only one story. So I'll need to hear another one soon right
Before I decided to let you up, promise me you will tell me more another time."

Angela gave me a big hug and smiled " I promise"

You tell a good story, Angela. I think we'll do it in this position again next time too. The stimulation seems to help you. We hugged again, then you snuck a look at your red bottom and pouted.

I stopped the hug and said another story now you promised. Maybe when I get home from work.

All day long my mind drifted into day dreams of Angela getting her sister in more trouble. I couldn't wait to hear Angela tell me a few more of her adventures.