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  Winter 2003

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Sharing of Family Photos
I have found a website for photo sharing and I think it is going to be good for all of us. On this site, you can print out any photo that is posted and you can even order a cd of the photos. We can create different albums. Right now I have just created an album for the current family photos.

All that you have to do to view the photos is go to the website You will then see a box that says Album Search. Enter my email address - - in this box. You will then see the albums created. Click on the album to view.

This program is very user friendly and I like it already. This will help me so I don't have to store a lot of images on my system. Plus it is makes the images accessible to everyone in our family that has a computer.

I hope you find the site easy to use and fun to view the family photos.

Just one more thing, when you send me new photos to post, always send me the photo in jpeg form. Later, I am going to send instructions to everyone on how each of you can sign on and upload your own images without having to send them to me. If some of you want to tinker with this, just sign on to the site using my email and the password - cullen.

Let me know what you think of this process!

Family Photos!

Family Photos are now being uploaded to Be sure to check out this site periodically for the updates of current photos and creation of new albums!

Family Webpage
As you may have notice, I have not updated the family website for quite some time. Partially due to planning and organizing the festival, but also because I never receive any postings or news from any family members. I know that all of you get bored with just hearing about what is going on in my life and Harrisville, so please try to send some news that you can share with the family. You can send it to me directly in an email or as a word document and then I can copy and paste your news into my software program for creating the webpage.

I have decided to stop posting the dates to remember because we already have the calendar section for the site. I am going to leave it up to you to check the calendar for birthdays and anniversaries. However, I will post the gatherings and special event announcements on this page.

I will be very glad to post any news or announcements that are sent to me and I will always try to post them in a timely manner!

Submission of Family News 

If anyone has any news that you wish to share with the family please be sure to submit it to me so that I can post it here on the newsletter. Others always like to hear what is happening and to stay current with what is happening in your life!

Moving to Cottage
As of December the 1st, Jessie, Cinnamon and I are going to move to the Cottage to help save fuel in the main house for the winter. Everyone will still be able to reach me at the same phone number for I will have my calls forwarded.

My orginial plan was to move in November but I was fortunate to receive a few move rentals during the month which made it worth the wait.

Just because I am moving to the Cottage does not mean that family can't visit or spend the weekend for I will be glad to have you down anytime. I will open up the guest rooms at anytime for visitors!


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