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 Family Photos

Send me your photos to share!
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I am starting to post current pictures that family members are sharing with me and want posted on our website. The photopoint website is no longer in existence so I am doing this to try to help keep things a little more current for the family. These will change frequently. If you have any photos that you wish to share you can send them to me through the mail for scanning or you can email your image. If you send them to me by mail and you want them returned please send a self-addressed stamped envelope for the return or let me know that you will pick them up when you are at the homestead. If you don't include self-addressed stamped envelope or notify me that you want them returned then I will add them to the family photo albums. Enjoy! 

I am so sorry for the long delay in posting the following pictures for the website. I know that everyone has been waiting to see the latest addition to the family and I just couldn't get around soon enough to post them until now. My apologies to everyone! I hope you enjoy them.

 Latest Family Pictures



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