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Interest Groups
Below you will find a list of all active interest groups to begin this year. New
groups are always welcome. If you are interested in starting a new group, please
let me know and I will be of any help I can to you.

Julie Bucher 238-3882
Afternoon Gourmet
Beverly Kenworthy 268-0185
AM Playgroup
Deanna Miller 238-1456
Book Discussion
Anna Margaret Broz 846-2575
Cindy Heilman 846-4749
Crafter's Night
MarySue Bartos 572-1190
Creative Computing
Beverly Kenworthy 268-0185
Ethnic Lunch
Alice Arnold 572-5455
Lunch Bunch
DeAnn Munks 878-9567
Ventures In Dining

Julie Bucher 238-3882

Sheryl Kincaid 846-8141

DeAnn Munks 878-9567
For general information
about any interest group,
click on the graphic.
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