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Deann Munks
Sheryl Kincaid
Julie Bucher
Ventures in Dining
Oct. 25
meet & greet, 5:15
dinner, 6:00
reservation deadline 10/20
reply to Julie Bucher
Lemon Grass (thai Cuisine)
2179 Lee Rd.
(near Cedar-Lee Theater)
Cleveland Hts

Sept. 27
Meet & Greet 5:15 at
restaurant, dinner at 6:00.
Casual dress
reservation deadline, 9/22
reply to Julie Bucher
Pickle Bill's Lobster
101 River St.
Grand River

This group meets the third or fourth
Saturday of the month. A different
restaurant is chosen from throughout
the Cleveland area. Reservations are
a must, so it is necessary to sign up at
the meeting, or notify one of the
contacts a week ahead. You are
invited to join this group as a couple,
or a single. Each couple is
responsible for paying for their own
dinner and bar tab. Generally, we
meet for cocktails at the restaurant at
5:30pm, seating for dinner is around
6:oopm. You provide your own
transportation, carpooling is set up on
your own if you prefer. In the past, a
variety of establishments have been
chosen, no "chains" and no kids are
the only rules. A non-smoking
activity. This activity gives the
spouse a chance to meet other guys!