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Lunch Bunch
Deann Munks
Lunch Bunch, like most of the interest groups,
involves food. Strangely enough, it also
involves tourism, education and seeing Ohio!
Each month, a different group member comes
up with a great idea, and makes the
arrangements to go see a place with a nearby
eatery. September and October find these ladies
going to the Pine Tree Barn, The Cat's Meow
and the newly rennovated Botanical
in Cleveland. Cost of the day will vary,
though most will always find it affordable.
Members generally carpool, and costs are split.
Each member is responsible for the cost of
lunch, and any admission charges that day.
You must sign up in advance!
Lunch bunch meets
monthly, though we
ask that you be
flexible as to the date.
Depending on the
destination, weekdays
may vary!
Sept 24
Cat's Meow Village & Pinetree Barn
Wooster, Ohio
Everone is welcome to this adventure! You will
find wonderful Christmas and other ideas on this
trip to the Cat's Meow Village. Off to lunch, then
more shopping at the Pinetree Barn. Leae Staple's
lot at 9:00 and return 3:30.
Costs: carpool, $5, Cat's Meow Tour, $2, Lunch,
$8-10. Carpool Drivers needed! To reserve your
spot, call trip planner Barb Bosworth at
Thanks Barb!
October 22
Botanical Gardens
Admission, $7
Leave Staple's lot at 9:30,
return at 3:00.
Lunch at Sergio's
University Cicle, 1:15
Special thanks to Pat Lincoln for
the trip arrangements!