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Kids on the Block
Kids on the Block is an educational package for young people aged 8 to 11 years old. It takes the form of workshops and a puppet show that features puppets with disabilities. The aim is to increase awareness of disability issues, and give young people the chance to challenge their own knowledge and prejudices about disabled people.
The package also includes team games and a question and answer forum where young people can ask any questions they might have about the issues they have seen in the puppet show. The emphasis is on breaking down barriers so that young people feel comfortable asking questions, and so will feel more comfortable with disabled people. The workshops aim to show young people how much disabled people can actually do. Within play workshops the young people are asked what activities they think young disabled people can do, and group leaders help young people to understand that with assistance disabled people can take part in activities such as rock climbing, sailing and competitive sports and have a wide range of abilities they may have been previously unaware of.

The Kids on the Block scheme was started in America and features disabled puppets. The puppets are specially made, and are not only of different 'abilities', but multi-racial as well. The show can also tackle other issues such as sibling rivalry. The workshop is conducted in groups of about class size, mostly 
through primary schools. However the activity can also take place in youth groups of a suitable age. 

If you would like more information on Kids on the Block or would like to book a workshop, please contact the Phab office.

Or you can e-mail the puppets!


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